Planned Parenthood news, articles and information:
 | 7/12/2016 - A politically-motivated indictment that sought to punish the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) for going undercover and exposing abortion provider Planned Parenthood's illegal organ-trafficking activities, has officially been ruled invalid by a Texas judge, reports The Washington Free Beacon.
 | 6/8/2016 - Planned Parenthood, or Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), was started by a group of women standing for women's rights of fertility choices, which seems mostly fair. But either it has had a depopulation agenda since its inception or it has been co-opted by geneticists who wish to weed out...
 | 5/31/2016 - Nearly 60 million babies have been aborted in the United States since the Supreme Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade. The large majority of those lives were taken inside Planned Parenthood clinics around the nation – a taxpayer organization allowed to operate with impunity.
Though entangled in one...
 | 5/30/2016 - It looks as though the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is taking a page out of the Planned Parenthood playbook when it comes to violating the sanctity of life.
As reported by Israel National News, documents seized from ISIS in eastern Syria by U.S. forces last year, include fatwa Islamic religious...
 | 1/26/2016 - In a different time in our history, this kind of insanity would not only have been shunned and ignored, but ridiculed and excised from society.
In a stunning – and ironic – turnabout, Planned Parenthood, the nation's biggest danger to unborn children, is suing groups who exposed it for...
 | 12/22/2015 - In the wake of the recent Planned Parenthood clinic shooting in Colorado Springs, leftist rhetoric has reached a fever pitch. Liberal media outlets, pundits and activists want to criminalize free speech regarding abortion, and are now labeling those who speak out against Planned Parenthood as "violent"...
 | 12/14/2015 - There's no more trying to cover up the truth about Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider. Despite what you may have heard, Planned Parenthood does not offer women mammograms, nor does it really do anything noteworthy in the "women's health" department other than murder unwanted babies...
 | 12/1/2015 - The abortion industry is rapidly going down in flames thanks to the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and its undercover investigation into the dirty workings of Planned Parenthood, America's largest, taxpayer-funded abortion provider. A total of four undercover videos (with more on the way) have already...
 | 11/30/2015 - Now that the eye-opening, undercover Center for Medical Progress (CMP) videos exposing Planned Parenthood for illegally selling aborted baby body parts have had a chance to circulate throughout the world to millions of people, the abortion industry is attempting a new tactic in defense of its baby-murdering...
 | 11/29/2015 - In the aftermath of the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting, the mainstream media is -- predictably -- functioning as nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Obama administration. In addition to twisting the reporting on the story in an attempt to blame all gun owners for the actions of...
 | 11/21/2015 - Presidential hopeful Ben Carson is finally pointing out what members of #BlackLivesMatter should have been focusing on all along: The number of African American babies that are aborted every day at Planned Parenthood clinics.
On the August 12 episode of Fox's Your World, the 2016 Republican nomination...
 | 11/13/2015 - Eleven heart-wrenching, eye-opening videos, all filmed by undercover investigators for The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), are waking Americans up to the organ harvesting industry that is taking place behind closed doors at Planned Parenthood facilities.
Video number eleven in particular shows...
 | 11/5/2015 - A Camino Public Relations document, speaking on behalf of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, defends the organization's recently exposed practice of harvesting and selling fetal body parts. As revealed in this video, Planned Parenthood is engaged in meticulously removing and preserving fetal...
 | 11/2/2015 - In recent days, investigators in Texas served subpoenas at three Planned Parenthood facilities in the state to ascertain whether employees there are guilty of defrauding the Medicaid program, Lifesite News reported, citing various sources.
Officials with the Texas Office of Inspector General delivered...
 | 10/19/2015 6:31:00 PM - In a decision that undoubtedly has the state's liberals in an uproar, Texas officials have informed Planned Parenthood (PP) clinics that it would be cutting off Medicaid funding, following the release of a series of undercover videos showing officials at some of the organization's facilities selling...
 | 10/13/2015 2:44:47 PM - First, Planned Parenthood top dogs said that their organization never did this. Now, suddenly, its CEO says the practice will cease. What gives?
As reported by Breitbart News, a letter by Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards asserts that "patently false claims" have been leveled against her...
 | 10/10/2015 - Without a doubt, American culture has marched steadfastly to the political Left since the 1960s, and it seems that following the election of the most liberal president in history, Barack Obama, our cultural trek leftward has only quickened.
Not everyone agrees with this assessment, of course, but...
 | 10/8/2015 5:19:40 PM - Planned Parenthood has evoked controversy once again, but this time it's completely unrelated to trafficking aborted baby parts across state lines.
A whistleblower who worked as a clinic manager for Planned Parenthood in Iowa told lawmakers Thursday that she had "firsthand knowledge" that the "nonprofit"...
 | 9/30/2015 12:26:17 PM - As you've likely already read, Planned Parenthood (PP) has come under serious scrutiny after shocking undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress emerged, shedding light on the organization's involvement in selling baby body parts for profit.
In one video, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who oversees...
 | 9/23/2015 - An impressed Planned Parenthood medical assistant can be heard on camera saying, "Five stars!" looking at a high-quality, newly-harvested fetal heart lying in a Petri dish. This heart is one of several organs and limbs that had just been meticulously extracted from a living fetus. The sight of the extracted...
 | 9/18/2015 10:54:33 AM - It is always smart to question political candidates when they make their claims, but it's even wiser to question the "facts" advertised and perpetuated by the mainstream media. Those who work for the consciousness of the mainstream media are bound to please the industries that keep them in business....
 | 9/17/2015 - The latest video released by the Center for Medical Progress as part of it's Human Capital investigative journalism series features a one-time employee of a firm that purchases fetal organs harvested by Planned Parenthood describing how baby's faces are sliced through so as to extract their brains intact.
 | 9/16/2015 - Several top Republican presidential candidates are blasting Democrat contender Hillary Clinton for accepting campaign donations from Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider. Senators Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas are demanding an investigation into Planned Parenthood's...
 | 9/16/2015 - A recent race-related mass shooting in Charleston, S.C., by a deranged, drug-addled young white man who was subsequently discovered on a racist website posing alternately with a Confederate army battle flag and a U.S. flag led to the popular denunciation of just one of those symbols, the former.
 | 9/15/2015 11:20:45 AM - U.S. abortion provider Planned Parenthood offers only the freshest baby body parts to its biotech clients in exchange for top-dollar payouts, reveals a top-level official from the controversial women's group in the latest video expose to be released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).
Dr. Carolyn...
 | 9/13/2015 - Planned Parenthood's leaders and defenders are up in arms over the use of undercover operatives and video by a pro-life organization to expose grotesque and likely illegal practices of harvesting body parts from aborted babies and then selling them for profit. However, the outrage is ringing hollow...
 | 9/12/2015 - More than 13,000 pro-life advocates gathered at dozens of locations across the country at the end of July to protest continued government funding for Planned Parenthood, though you wouldn't know it from the way the mainstream media covered (or didn't) the multi-site rally.
Two pro-life groups, Students...
 | 9/11/2015 - The word "terrorist" is a strong adjective used to describe someone or some group that uses violence and fear to pursue a political goal. It is not, however, normally used to describe someone who merely disagrees with a political position.
Nevertheless, Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton...
 | 9/10/2015 - While the debate continues to heat up over a series of videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress purportedly showing Planned Parenthood clinic workers discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts, concern has also been expressed over the ethical issues of organ harvesting being used as a...
 | 9/9/2015 - As if Planned Parenthood's disturbing involvement in selling aborted baby parts in the name of science isn't shocking enough, yet another situation has surfaced that is perhaps equally as bothersome.
United Way, long known for their do-good efforts to create better communities and showcase the positive...
 | 9/8/2015 - Playing the part of the benevolent nonprofit, Planned Parenthood seems to get a kick of out pretending as though it exists to help women stay healthy and make the best reproductive decisions for their lives. However, a closer look into the group's financials reveals that it's a nearly $1 billion-a-year...
 | 9/8/2015 - As of this writing, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has released a total of four undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood as a baby chop-shop operation that's illegally selling organs from aborted human babies – and in some cases, fully intact aborted babies – for profit. And...
 | 9/4/2015 - A former clinic director at Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast, where the fifth video in an ongoing undercover series released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) was captured, has come forward with further shocking details about this criminal baby chop-shop operation.
Abby Johnson, who worked...
 | 9/3/2015 - The most recently released undercover video by a pro-life organization highlighting the barbarity of Planned Parenthood in harvesting baby organs for profit shows the CEO of a tissue-buying firm discussing sales of "intact specimens," meaning whole aborted babies that were likely to be born-alive infants.
 | 9/2/2015 - An anti-abortion organization that has released a slew of undercover videos showing a seedy side of Planned Parenthood, including officials who were caught allegedly negotiating the for-profit sale of aborted baby body parts, continues to make headlines with new revelations and allegations against the...
 | 9/2/2015 - One way the progressive Left in America has managed to change our culture in such dramatic ways, even though they are in the minority among the electorate, is by changing the language and controlling narratives.
For example, dissent against any of President Obama's policies is no longer simple political...
 | 9/1/2015 - A who's-who grouping of the world's most prominent minds has signed onto a letter urging robotics researchers to be extremely cautious in developing artificial intelligence (AI) technology, warning that an inevitable military AI arms race could (and likely will) unfold, leading to "a third revolution...
 | 9/1/2015 - The White House has been caught in yet another lie, and one that it's repeated enough times now that there's no excusing it as just another careless faux pas. Desperate to defend its continued funding of abortion mill Planned Parenthood, the Obama regime is now claiming that this illicit baby chop-shop...
 | 8/30/2015 - Human life is special and must be treated with dignity and respect, Barack Obama recently told a fixated crowd at the recent Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) 2015 Summit in Africa. Humans murdering other humans is "craziness," he stated, adding that the "cruel" tradition of harvesting organs...
 | 8/24/2015 - There has been much outrage expressed in recent years over incidents of mass murder in the United States. In addition, politicians, foreign policy and national security experts have warned of the dangers of the ISIS terrorist movement, and have decried the group's murderous brutality directed at unarmed...
 | 8/22/2015 - Isn't it all supposed to be about LOVE? The corporations who profess to care about love and equality don't extend that kindness towards unborn children. Why do these companies support people's right to love whomever they want while denying infants the right to live?
One of these corporations is Starbucks,...
 | 8/19/2015 12:54:33 PM - In the latest video release from a pro-life organization exposing hideous, grotesque practices by Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, a doctor for a tissue-harvesting partner of the taxpayer-funded organization appears to admit that a baby's "heart actually is still beating"...
 | 8/19/2015 - The second undercover video released by pro-life group Center for Medical Progress shows Planned Parenthood officials ghoulishly negotiating prices for the body parts of aborted babies.
In the undercover video, as reported by, Mary Gatter, the medical director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena...
 | 8/17/2015 - An undercover, three-year investigation led by The Center for Medical Progress has unveiled a sinister agenda hiding within Planned Parenthood. The investigation has recorded more than one Planned Parenthood top level executive arranging for the illegal trafficking of aborted fetal body parts.
 | 8/16/2015 - It's been several weeks now since news broke that Planned Parenthood officials have allegedly been selling body parts and organs of aborted babies and the Obama Justice Department has yet to announce it would launch an investigation. Federal law, you see, prohibits the sale of human parts, so if true...
 | 8/14/2015 - In the days following revelations that Planned Parenthood officials were caught on video making deals to traffic body parts of aborted babies for profit, alleged anti-abortion hackers launched a DDOS - Direct Denial of Service - attack on the organization's website.
As reported by
 | 8/14/2015 - Now that the truth has finally come out about what Planned Parenthood does with the remains of all those babies it murders in the womb every year, many people are beginning to ask a question that abortion proponents will never be able to answer honestly: If aborted fetuses aren't actually people as...
 | 8/13/2015 - In the aftermath of the ongoing Planned Parenthood saga, in which this pro-abortion eugenics group was exposed for illegally harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for profit (which is a felony crime), the political left is now drum-beating the message that Planned Parenthood's gross violence...
 | 8/12/2015 - Since videos surfaced showing Planned Parenthood officials obviously negotiating the sale of body parts harvested from aborted babies - for profit - an echo chamber of left-wing media have launched broadsides against the organization that produced them.
The Center for Medical Progress and its director,...
 | 8/10/2015 - Following the release of two undercover videos showing high-level Planned Parenthood executives negotiating prices with potential clients for aborted baby body parts -- a felonious, criminal operation -- including the illegal sale of vital organs and other tissue, a more thorough listing of private...
 | 8/7/2015 - The barbarous legacy that Planned Parenthood will surely leave behind in the wake of its recent unveiling as a chop-shop for aborted baby profiteering has a match in the vaccine industry, which likewise profits from sacrificing children on the altar of medical quackery founded in eugenics.
 | 8/6/2015 - The controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood's alleged for-profit fetal organ harvesting scheme continues to mount, as new videos have been released containing further evidence that the program indeed exists and is being carried out on a widespread basis.
The Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life...
 | 8/4/2015 - Planned Parenthood is a noble organization and is the only organization capable of providing professional, quality health services to women, and anything else the organization is accused of doing is mean-spirited, false and political in nature.
At least, that is the message of the latest #abortiondenier...
 | 8/4/2015 - Planned Parenthood's corporate sponsors are dropping like flies after the women's healthcare nonprofit made national headlines for its involvement in an illicit organ trade scheme involving aborted fetal tissue. Coca-Cola, Xerox and Ford have all told Planned Parenthood to remove their names from its...
 | 8/3/2015 - In a new bombshell allegation, the head of the undercover organization currently exposing Planned Parenthood's ghoulish practice of harvesting aborted baby body parts and selling them for profit through a series of videos says a tissue firm trying to block new video releases is only trying to cover...
 | 7/31/2015 1:32:19 PM - The international community was in an uproar over the recent killing of "Cecil the Lion" in Zimbabwe. But very little attention, at least from the mainstream media, is being given to the Planned Parenthood scandal as brought to light by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which is continuing to release...
 | 7/30/2015 2:06:02 PM - In a piece that was pure propaganda, Planned Parenthood head Cecile Richards signed her name to an op-ed published July 30 by the Washington Post claiming reports that officials with her organization were caught on video trafficking aborted baby body parts for profit are just attacks by "anti-abortion...
 | 7/28/2015 - Two major media outlets have been caught scrubbing the details of the recent Planned Parenthood scandal involving aborted human babies being "harvested" for their vital organs. Undercover video footage exposes Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical research, sipping wine and...
 | 7/24/2015 - The baby-murdering group Planned Parenthood is mired in even deeper controversy after a second video has emerged showing a top-level abortion executive negotiating prices for organs and fetal tissue harvested from unborn babies murdered in the womb.
Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood's...
 | 7/22/2015 - A gut-wrenching new video (viewer discretion advised) reveals the sinister shadow industry and the evil intent that is hiding behind Planned Parenthood and their temple of abortion dogma. This sinister, shadow industry has nothing to gain by educating women about the precious life developing inside...
 | 7/14/2015 6:17:56 PM - Even pro-choice advocates were shocked at the news of Planned Parenthood's alleged collusion with a for-profit biotech firm called StemExpress to sell body parts harvested from aborted fetuses.
Although the practice is technically illegal, loopholes in the law appear to have been exploited by Planned...
 | 2/6/2015 - There are good ideas, and then there are bad ideas. Really bad ones.
In a decision that marries ill timing and a tactless approach in an effort to highlight both Black History Month and Planned Parenthood's 99th year, the organization has announced its "99 Dream Keepers" initiative. According to...
 | 8/19/2013 - Abortion may be offensive to you, against your religious beliefs or just plain wrong in your mind, but it doesn't matter what you think, because you're subsidizing it anyway, and you can thank your federal masters for that.
Already, taxpayers providing funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization...
 | 7/27/2013 - Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has announced that women's health group Planned Parenthood, which provides early and late-term abortions at many of its clinics nationwide, has signed an agreement to pay the state $1.4 million in to settle fraud allegations surrounding billing to a health program...
 | 4/2/2013 - The subject of abortion stirs passionate debate among Americans, but regardless of your individual position on the issue, there does come a time during the pregnancy cycle when it becomes unlawful to end an unborn baby's life, according to laws in many states.
That is certainly true when babies survive...
 | 2/5/2012 - The media is abuzz with chatter about Susan G. Komen for the Cure's flip-flopping on the issue of whether or not to fund Planned Parenthood, the controversial reproductive health services group that provides abortions for women, in order for it to offer breast exams and promote mammograms. But the real...
| See all 89 Planned Parenthood feature articles.
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