#10) Humans are terrified of nuclear power for good reason - when radiation leaks people near it die of cancer fast. So why do we use it for cancer treatment?
by S.D. Wells
Evidence-based science sounds great, if you actually publish the results of studies that will benefit the health of mankind. Too bad that's not what is being done by the CDC or FDA.

Maybe the CDC stands for "Center for Disease Continuance."

Maybe the FDA stands for "Food as Drugs Abomination."

Americans put so much faith in Western Medicine because surgeons are great at fixing broken bones, and plastic surgeons can heal horrible cuts, but how does anything that kills healthy cells heralded as a good thing?

America believes in invasive surgery and aggressive chemical treatment to stave off cancer, not prevent it or even cure it. Most people who get cancer and then take chemo and radiation treatments don't die of cancer, they die from the treatment.

In the name of "science," our world has built-in BLIND FAITH in doctors and oncologists, who use an archaic method of treating a chemically-driven disease. It's as if we are still bloodletting to treat a fever!

Did you know cancer patients who receive radiation of their thyroid glands are being turned into walking dirty bombs after drinking radioactive poison as cancer therapy?



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