#8) From cars and computers to cell phones and prosthetics, plastics are heralded as a scientific breakthrough, but what happens when you eat plastic's chemical by-products?
by S.D. Wells
Just in case you haven't heard, most plastics release bisphenol-A, known as BPA, which is a powerful hormone disruptor that's caused a wave of birth defects in children and other malformations of male body parts.

Chemicals released from common plastics that hold food, soda and water can cause a reduction in sperm count/viability and even "man boobs." Do you "nuke" (microwave) your hormone-laden food in plastic? If you've ever nuked hot dogs, ham, turkey, bologna, or the like, you've flirted with health disaster.

If you heat your food in plastic, the odds are that BPA is leaching into it, and then into your body, resulting in a different hormone expression, most likely one you DO NOT want or can sustain.

Levels of BPA in blood can rise over 1000% after eating canned soup, reports the Harvard School of Public Health. Even the latest "replacement chemicals" are MORE toxic than BPA.

Get the list of safe plastics for storing food, or just be super-safe and use glass. 


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