The World Economic Forum (WEF), an independent international organization of elitists and globalists committed to taking over the world tyranny style, has created C40, a code name for smart cities.
Smart cities are a dystopian nightmare that the WEF is trying to implement right now, where everything is electric and can be turned off with the flick of a switch by the ruling elites, including digital currency, electric AI-controlled vehicles, smart-metered tiny homes, all public transportation, the internet, and all food will be rationed daily by the dictators, through a calorie-limited maximum amount allotted via text messaging. You can’t make this stuff up.
The candidate for Mayor of London, Shyam Batra, is blowing the whistle on how evil this plan really is, stating that all food, power, electricity, and banking can be turned off with the flick of one switch if the populace violates any rules. Did you just post some criticism of the government on social media? Read your incoming text message from the C40 dictator: “No food credit rations for you today; you violated community standards.”
Did someone say someone somewhere in the city has the flu? It must be the next pandemic. Read your incoming text message from the C40 Dictator: “Emergency notice: The entire city is on lockdown due to a novel flu virus outbreak. No power for electric vehicles will be available until further notice. Do not leave your home for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted and no food rations will be delivered to you.”
A C-40 is basically an “open prison,” says Shyam Batra, like an infinite COVID-19 pandemic situation. There will be no jobs for anyone in the city that are outside of the 15-minute city, and there will be no vehicles, machines, tractors, or manufacturing plants that function on gas or diesel fuel at all. It’s a diabolical plan to control every facet of every person’s life, so don’t be fooled into thinking it’s just some cool, modern, green-friendly way to save the world from climate change. It’s undercover depopulation, and forced-vaccination at gunpoint will shortly follow in all C-40s.
More likely than not, Los Angeles is being burned to the ground right now to prepare to rebuild it as a C-40 city in preparation for the 2028 Olympics being held there. Expect more metropolitan cities to suddenly burst into flames in the next couple years to force everyone into compliance. George Orwell was right about everything. He somehow knew the future, or the W.E.F. is just following his fictional “playbook.”
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