There has never been a worse time in history for Americans to try to live their lives in peace, serenity, safety and good health as the past four years under the Biden tyranny. Led by Obama and his communist cohorts, the U.S. government engaged in more corruption, embezzling, Ponzi schemes, drug running, human trafficking, wars, staged mass tragedies, and censorship than ever before in history. It’s been a 4-year horror story, and anyone who has survived is to be congratulated.
Are you fully unvaccinated? Congratulations for surviving the terror era of the Vaccine Industrial Complex and the Scamdemic of the century. Are you living your life outside of a prison cell? Congratulations for surviving the most absurd persecution of liberty and warping of the justice system the world has ever seen.
Do you still have a home? Congratulations for surviving the Biden Regimes weather weapons, that destroyed millions of people’s livelihood, homes, land, and businesses across North Carolina and Los Angeles.
Do you own your own small business and still have it up and running? Congratulations on surviving the Covid PLANDEMIC with all the insane mandates where everyone was threatened with forced-vaccination of the deadly clot shots, businesses shuttered during the lockdowns, limitation of the number of patrons, social distancing, defunding of conservative non-profits, mass-inflation, and supply chain crippling.
#1. The Communist Biden Regime brought us the closest to WWIII that the USA has ever been, by attacking Russia through the Proxy of Ukraine and funding terrorists and their jihad regimes around the globe
#2. By helping launch, propagate and perpetuate the entire Plandemic of Covid-19, that murdered millions of Americans by dirty mRNA vaccines, organ-decimating pharma drugs, and deadly hospital “protocols”
#3. By opening up the southern border for human trafficking, hard drug imports (cocaine, heroin and fentanyl), and the mass-illegal immigration of criminals and mental patients
#4. By wrecking the U.S. education system with perverted curriculum, DEI, CRT (reverse-discriminatory critical race theory), gender-fluid identity madness, Drag Queen Story Hour, and gender-queer pronoun insanity
#5. By devastating the infrastructure, supply chain, agriculture, environment, and power grid with the scamdemic, weather weapons, fake climate change narratives, “green” deal mandates, factory fires and explosions, and mass-casualty staged events
#6. By attempting to destroy American’s religious faith, ethics, morals, human rights, and the Constitution itself
#7. By building and utilizing the biggest ELECTION FRAUD system the nation has ever seen, including falsified ballots, vote-flipping machines, illegal immigrants voting, fake polls, fake candidates that were never voted for, and fake news about it all
#8. By censoring Conservative voices like never before in history, using media and the banking system as a weapon, to police and prosecute any person or organization that defied the false narratives and the communist takeover of the nation
#9. With the help of George Soros and Barrack Obama, installing the most crooked judges at all levels, district attorneys, prosecutors, and officials at the 3-letter agencies, including the FDA, CDC, CIA, FBI, DHS, EPA, USDA and HHS
#10. Weaponizing the Department of Justice to falsely accuse, arrest, prosecute and jail thousands of patriots, peaceful protestors, and whistleblowers who were trying to reveal the absolute fraud and corruption of the Biden Regime
Keep your truth news in check by adding to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on real news about the surviving and thriving in the near future, and news that's being censored from MSM and social media as you read this. #CongratulationsSurvivingBiden
Sources for this article include: