Zio-Anglo-American Axis hegemonic scheme explodes worldwide
12/06/2024 // News Editors // Views

Editor’s Note: Every once in a while we come across a comment posted at one of our go-to Alt Media websites that really nails it like the one posted below.

(Article republished from StateOfTheNation.info)

It ought to be clear to every global geopolitical and geomilitary analyst that the entire planetary chessboard is blowing up in real-time.  Actually, out of sheer desperation, it’s being blown up by the Western hegemons in their fierce determination to maintain their domination over the Global Economic & Financial System.

You name the continent or country, major city or power province, and there are “major moves and maneuvers” being made by the US-UK-IL-UA-EU-NATO Terror Group and Warmongering Gang of Bullies.

For example, the French Government just collapsed as the South Korean president declared illicitly declared martial law.  The CIA is coordinating yet another color revolution in Georgia as the new and improved ISIS (aka Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) is attacking Syria again with direct military assistance from Turkey, as well as from British-American Military Industrial Complex (Where else does their endless supply of the latest and greatest weapons come from?!).

Of course, there is always the highly organized genocide of Christian Slavic men in Ukraine by Neo-Nazi Zelenskyy as there is the very sly proxy war against Russia being waged by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis that wants to conquer that largest nation on Earth.  How else can the London banksters and their Yankee bully accomplices stave off their impending bankruptcies?

Let’s face it: no one does coups and color revolutions like the Bloody Brits and their American henchmen.  That’s right, all of the planning of these violent takeovers takes place in London in very the same offices of the now defunct but very much alive British East India Company that began cobbling together their tyrannical British Empire at their founding in 1600.

What’s the critical point?

Empires never die quickly or easily.  And, in the case of the rapidly imploding US-UK Empire, they will fight tooth and nail — everywhere and anywhere — not to be consigned to the ash heap of history, which is exactly where they are going.  For the Almighty Dollar has been forever dethroned regardless of their multifarious and futile countermeasures.

Just take a close look at the current status of the never-ending and absurdly daffy Greater Israel project.  Gaza and the West Bank, Syria and Iraq, Iran and Lebanon are all being targeted with either total destruction and/or regime change as never before so that the Zionist State of Israel will someday look like this:

However, there is much more to this crazy story than a bunch of wild-eye Zionists (who are not even Semitic) wanting take over the whole place regardless of how many nuclear world wars are necessary.  Because at the end of the day, it’s always about land and natural resources, strategic territories and energy, etc.

To be continued —

Read more at: StateOfTheNation.info

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