Mike Adams Sermon 50: The dangers of CORRUPTION creeping into Christian churches
12/04/2024 // Kevin Hughes // Views

For his 50th sermon as part of the 100 Sermons series for the Church of Natural Abundance, the Health Ranger Mike Adams talked about the dangers of corruption creeping into Christian churches.

The 50th sermon was based on the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation, which served as St. John of Patmos' letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor – Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. According to the Bible nutrition educator, the first three chapters contain important messages about surviving the tribulation that they have endured so far – including persecution under the Roman Empire and from non-Christians. But such tribulations are minor compared to the coming persecution from the globalists, he added.

Almost 2,000 years ago, the church was the third power center other than government and merchants in the local communities. While it was a very powerful cultural institution during its heyday, it today competes with other cultural institutions such as the government and the education system.

It was very easy for people to be overcome by their celebrity status and arrogance within the church, as they were admired by the people in their city as a church leader. Many men with weak morals and some women who were like Jezebel in the Old Testament found it easy to take advantage of their church positions. They made use of their positions to acquire riches in an immoral manner, wield power over others and engage in sexual adventures within the church.

"Back in the day, it was very easy to be corrupt. The church was a very easy place for corruption to creep in because the church was so incredibly powerful," said Adams.

"It's hard to be corrupt in a church in the modern world if you have no money, no following and nobody's listening to you. It's very hard to be corrupt in that kind of scenario."

The church has failed God repeatedly

The Bible nutrition educator pointed out that the church has kept failing God repeatedly. This continues until today with churches bowing down to Big Government.

Even worse, the church today has become corrupt – with some churches becoming wealthy not by doing good deeds, but by collecting money from their congregation and using it to live in luxury. Because of this, Jesus Christ and His disciples such as St. John were correcting the churches.

"That's exactly what Christ spoke against. Beware of the megachurch that asks so much from its people and yet delivers so little to the people. That's an abomination, and God sees it all," Adams warned.

"Every letter says here that God sees you. God is watching, God knows your mind and your heart. If you're a church leader, you can't trick Him."

The Health Ranger ultimately warned that several churches today are making the exact same mistake as the seven churches in Asia Minor, with some becoming a "compromising church" like the one in Pergamos. When churches compromise, they become temples to Satan – and they need to be called out and corrected for turning against God. According to him, it's not wrong for people to point out where the church has fallen and to call out church leaders whenever they turn away from Christ's teachings. (Related: Sermon 23: Correcting the WICKEDNESS inside the church.)

Head over to Corruption.news for more stories about corruption inside the church.

Listen to the 50th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams for the Church of Natural Abundance about the corruption in the churches that turns them into synagogues of Satan.

This video is from the Abundance Church channel on Brighteon.com.

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