For decades, the medical community insisted the vaccines are the most thoroughly studied pharmaceutical product in the history of medicine. However, there are no federally funded studies comparing vaccinated populations against unvaccinated populations because scientists believe it is unethical to withhold these “lifesaving” vaccines from children. The proper double blind, saline, placebo-controlled studies do not take place because of a longstanding bias that the vaccines are necessary for human life and should not be withheld from children. This supposition disregards historical evidence of populations that were never subjected to these products but did however develop natural immunity to various infectious diseases.
The scientific and medical community must take a more critical look at the safety and necessity of today’s vaccine schedule. The father of modern vaccinology himself, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, recently admitted that vaccines are not properly studied — neither pre-licensure nor post-licensure. Plotkin admitted that “prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes [and] follow-up durations” and that “there are not resources earmarked for post authorization safety studies.”
For over three decades, Merck scientists have been aware that their measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) combination vaccine is less effective than the company proposes on its original product license and product insert. Over the years, researchers have demonstrated that Merck’s MMR vaccine loses efficacy over time. Instead of suspending sales and rendering the vaccine defective, Merck has pushed state legislatures to mandate the vaccine for schoolchildren, going as far as to lobby state reps to abolish philosophical, religious and medical exemptions to their vaccine.
Merck’s own test results for the MMR vaccine did not meet the FDA’s specifications and acceptance criteria for drug applications. Instead of withdrawing the product and issuing a product recall, the FDA allowed the vaccine on the market. The CDC continued to purchase the defective vaccine while the public was unaware and misinformed of its failing efficacy and growing risk profile.
By April 2012, two Merck virologists – Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski – became whistleblowers against Merck. They filed two lawsuits against their employers, alleging the company falsified research data, enabling the formation of a monopoly on the MMR vaccine. An expert witness from the FDA, ex-commissioner Dr. David A. Kessler, provided Merck’s own internal documents to show that the vaccine was “misbranded” “out of compliance” and “non-marketable.” Witnesses to the case allege that Merck scientists began “falsifying data and destroying unfavorable data” to make the MMR vaccine appear safe and effective.
The whistleblowers allege that Merck defrauded the U.S. government regulatory agencies, misleading them to purchase 4 million doses of misbranded and mislabeled MMR vaccine every year for at least a decade.
Over the years, the vaccine’s lack of efficacy has given vaccinated populations a false sense of security and has led to mumps and measles outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations. Merck has known this for many years, but they have continued to deceive the public, the FDA and the CDC, destroying any shred of informed consent on the matter, and maintaining a monopoly on a product that doctors and parents have blindly trusted for decades.
So far, Merck has received favorable rulings because their defense contends that the CDC continued to purchase the vaccine and the FDA did not require any changes throughout the years. However, not providing the latest data and science on the MMR vaccine constitutes a willful act of fraud on behalf of Merck. This level of fraud has deeply affected many generations of people. Some have lost loved ones to the vaccine’s adverse events and others have received little to no immunity to measles, mumps and rubella – putting them at greater risk to the target infectious diseases over time. The loss of passively acquired maternal antibodies for infants can also be traced back to the failures of the MMR vaccine. Decades of Merck's MMR vaccine fraud will have vast and potentially drastic consequences for future generations of children.
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