In the video below, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) hit hard at Fauci, telling him that he "belongs in prison." Greene wants Fauci "prosecuted for crimes against humanity" based on his response to the faux "pandemic." She also called him "evil" and "disgusting," which generated an uproar from the gallery.
BREAKING - EXPLOSIVE: Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) tells Dr. Fauci to his face he 'belongs in prison' and should be 'prosecuted' 'for crimes against humanity' over his response to COVID-19, says he should not be called a doctor, calls him 'evil' and…
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) June 3, 2024
Related: Remember way back when Fauci admitted that the best "vaccine" is natural immunity developed without the use of chemical injections? Check out the video below of Sen. Rand Paul [R-Ky.] playing old video footage of Fauci saying this:
Republican Senator Rand Paul, in front of Congress, presents an old video of Fauci talking about the power of Natural immunity..
Fauci said in 2004 re the flu: “if she really had the flu, she DEFINITELY doesn’t need a flu vaccine.”
Rand Paul says, 2022, “that no one in the…
— Suzanne ???? (@snoopsmom123) June 3, 2024
The corporate media is calling this newfound probe of Fauci a "witch hunt," arguing that he is an honest public servant who has been working on behalf of We the People for several decades. Republicans, meanwhile, want Fauci to pay a much-deserved price for his actions.
Fauci was asked numerous questions about David Morens, a former senior adviser at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) who worked for him for more than 20 years.
During his tenure, Morens used his personal email account to communicate with outside entities like EcoHealth Alliance head Peter Daszak, we now know. This allowed Morens to dodge having to respond to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
"I can either send stuff to Tony on his private gmail, or hand it to him at work or at his house. He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble," reads an email Morens once wrote to Daszak.
Morens also admitted to Daszak that Fauci worked behind the scenes to protect EcoHealth from losing a promised grant, which Fauci denies.
"With respect to his recent testimony before this subcommittee, I knew nothing of Dr. Morens' actions regarding Dr. Daszak, EcoHealth or his emails," Fauci testified.
"It is important to point out for the record that despite his title, and even though he was helpful to me in writing scientific papers, Dr. Morens was not an advisor to me on [NIAID] policy, or other substantive issues."
Fauci also downplayed exerting any personal influence on the "pandemic" guidance that was issued by the Trump administration early in 2020. The six-foot social distancing rule "sort of just appeared," according to Fauci, who then proceeded to blame the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for allegedly coming up with it.
"It had little to do with me since I didn't make the recommendation," Fauci said. "And my saying there was no science behind it means there was no clinical trial that proved that. That's just one of the things that got a little distorted."
"Two participants have testified before this subcommittee that I did not try to steer the discussion in any direction."
The latest news about the quest to punish Fauci for crimes against humanity can be found at
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