Any American with a brain would know that the terms "immigration" and "illegal immigration" do NOT mean the same thing, but the Left would have everyone believe that they do. Why? That is one of the major ways Trump was painted as a xenophobe and a racist, even though he certainly is not. In fact, Trump shows more respect and care for people from foreign countries than Biden and his cohorts ever do.
Because the Biden Regime is a communist regime, they want open borders, so every time Trump talks about illegal immigration, they pretend that he means legal immigration, so that he sounds like he hates all foreigners. This is fake news and it is disinformation, which qualifies as the purposeful misleading of American thinking and opinions on important topics.
Google and YouTube "search engines" aren't really search engines at all. They find what the police-state and nanny-state want you to find, and that's all you find. Like a huge library where the elevator simply doesn't reach the floors where the books containing the truth are catalogued, just try to find anything opposing the "narratives" of Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Government and Big Tech, and you come up empty. There are even counter-pieces written by themselves to further "prove" their own lies.
From lies about Russia influencing the 2016 election, to lies about the 2020 election being the "most secure in American history," no longer are there posts and sources from all sides, only one side. The rest is blacklisted, shadow-banned, censored against "community guidelines" and simply memory-holed, like in the ole' book burning days.
That's why when anyone who knows truth news tries to share it with the brainwashed "sheeple," the diaper-faced Leftists just say, what source do you have? Then they go look that up on their fake search engine, and some fake fact checker calls it fake news. Then the mRNA-injected peon regurgitates the narrative, and the demented, warped, mutated merry-go-round keeps spinning.
#1. Immigration (legal versus illegal)
#2. Vaccine mantra "Safe and Effective" that really means experimental and dangerous
#3. Fake news isn't independent news or alternative news, it's mainstream (TV, newspapers, corporate websites, social media), and they spread the disinformation and misinformation, while censoring truth media
#4. Rescuing the world from "Russian" aggression
#5. Science of vaccines, climate change and gender identification
#6. What exactly is paid for with American taxes that actually helps Americans?
#7. What "gun control" really means (gun confiscation and communist rule)
Once the Communist Biden Regime (CBR) reveals itself fully to the Leftists who voted for it, they may experience a mass rebellion in Washington DC, that includes millions of armed Democrats (with their face diapers on), not to mention Republicans and Independents who aren't afraid of the DC gulag threat. That, my fellow Americans, is WHY the CBR always hits the TV press conferences IMMEDIATELY following a staged "long-gun" shooting at a public venue.
Their ONE goal is to convince most Americans that guns are dangerous in the public's hands, and everyone must surrender all their automatic weapons now. Just think if the British soldiers during our colonial days were lined up now, against a few patriots in the hills with automatic weapons. Now you know exactly why the CBR wants your guns, and they want them right now, before the big cheat election this November!
So don't you go gettin' confused when, right after the next big (staged) mass shooting, the CBR floods the networks with "gun control" demands. Bookmark to your favorite websites for truth news about war, survival and journalism that are all being censored from mass media while you read this.
Sources for this article include: