An athletic person whose lifestyle centers around wellness, Tarque is finally speaking out about the health horrors she endured after Operation Warp Speed came for her, just as it did for millions of others just like her who were given an ultimatum: get shot or lose your job.
Tarque's heart attack, which came out of nowhere, occurred on April 16. Doctors were "baffled," after initial testing "showed signs of a heart attack" – how could this happen in a 20-something young lady who works out and keeps her body moving?
After being rushed in for an angiogram, it was initially determined that Tarque suffered "no blockage or heart attack." However, a follow-up MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan on April 23 confirmed that Tarque did, in fact, suffer cardiac failure in the form of a heart attack.
(Related: Are you aware of the "brain dead" scam that allows corrupt physicians to conduct lab rat-like experiment on their patients?)
Tarque says she "has played sports her entire life," a fact that confused doctors even further. Pre-Operation Warp Speed, heart attacks in someone like Tarque were rare, but post-Operation Warp Speed, they seem to be happening more and more.
Confused by the whole situation, doctors initially told Tarque that she must have had a heart attack that was "caused by a virus." This makes no sense, though, and was later updated with a confirmation from cardiologists that Tarque's heart attack was "the result of the COVID vaccine."
Doctors officially diagnosed Tarque with COVID injection-induced myopericarditis, a type of inflammation that affects two different parts of the heart, primarily in the pericardium, also known as the protecting sac around the heart.
Just like myocarditis and pericarditis, myopericarditis is a disturbingly common adverse effect of COVID injections. In Tarque's case, she is blessed to have survived, but many others like her are now dead from their COVID jab-induced heart failure events.
According to a Facebook post she shared, Tarque is "feeling better" but is really "angry" about the whole thing and what the forced shots did to her heart.
"I am angry because I had to get the JAB in order to travel to keep my JOB," Tarque wrote. "I'm angry because tons of 20-something-year-old athletes now have heart problems."
There is growing consensus all around the world now accepting the reality that COVID jabs are destroying people's cardiovascular systems. Many of the world's leading cardiologists have begun "warning others" that the mRNA injections especially are "dangerous" and "not safe for human use," despite being pushed by the FDA, President Trump, the Biden regime and many others.
World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough is among those who are leading the charge right now to save as many people as possible from having to endure the horrors of post-COVID injection heart problems.
"The COVID-19 vaccines: none of them are safe or effective," McCullough says. "They're so dangerous that in Texas we had to ban any mandates ... the vaccines are not safe for human use."
Many are now calling for the jabs to be banned altogether, including the World Council for Health, the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, and Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo.
"The COVID vaccines have at least three mechanisms by which they could start a cancer, or they could promote an existing cancer, and it may occur more rapidly because tumor defense systems are taken down," McCullough further stated.
"That's what we call turbo cancer."
The COVID injection genocide is still ongoing, sadly. Find out more at
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