A UK counterterrorism program called "Prevent," which aims to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism through education, includes mentions of "single-issue ideologies" that the government says could radicalize people into becoming terrorists, one of those issues being abortion.
Right to Life UK is warning the public that the UK government sees certain "extreme right-wing ideologies" as dangerous, one of them being pro-life advocates who oppose murdering babies in the womb through abortion.
"Narratives are likely to come from those who seek?to change a specific policy or practice, as opposed to replacing the whole economic, political or social system," the Prevent training program states.
"Examples include, animal rights, anti-abortion or anti-fascism. Single-issue narratives can be politically agnostic, meaning they may be?neither right nor left aligned."
In a statement of response to the Prevent program's disturbing language against pro-lifers, Right to Life UK spokesperson Catherine Robinson said the UK government is making it undeniably clear that it opposes people who support life.
"The government are explicit that they believe that being pro-life is a potential ideology leading to terrorism," Robinson said. "There has not been a single instance of anti-abortion terrorism in British history."
"It is a grave insult and sign of deep intolerance that the government, via Prevent training, implies that being pro-life is potentially the beginning of the road towards terrorism."
(Related: Remember when pro-abortion Donald Trump criticized Florida for passing a "heartbeat" law to protect unborn children, calling it a "terrible mistake?")
America's federal government is not much different than the UK government – they are close allies after all. The Department of Justice (DOJ) infamous labeled pro-lifers as dangerous terrorists as well, paving the way for the eventual criminalization of pro-life thoughts and actions.
Remember when the FBI terrorized and arrested pro-life activist Mark Houck, a Catholic father of seven, for his views? FBI agents in full tactical gear showed up armed in September 2022 at Houck's home and dragged him away in front of his wife and children for supposedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a bill that punishes pro-lifers for trying to deter pregnant mothers before they murder their unborn children.
"[It was] an act of terror designed to humiliate, intimidate and instill fear in us," Houck told Live Action president and founder Lila Rose about the experience.
"And they've effectively done that with our children to this day, but [to] instill fear in pro-life America, right? Because this is now becoming an overreach of government."
In the end, Houck was acquitted of all charges, but he is just one of many pro-lifers who are being targeted right here in the United States for taking a stand for the lives of the unborn.
The DOJ continues to target pro-life groups for their "extremely dangerous behavior," which includes non-violent actions such as sitting in front of or within close vicinity of an abortion facility.
Under the FACE Act, the DOJ has brought 20 criminal prosecutions and one civil case against a total of 46 defendants, reports indicate. All but one of the cases involved charges for disrupting abortion clinics in some way.
Right now, several pro-lifers across America face a potential of 11 years in prison for obstructing the entrance to an abortion clinic. Pro-abortionists who deface crisis pregnancy centers, meanwhile, are free to continue committing their crimes without punishment.
The pro-death lobby considers it terrorism to protect the unborn. Find out more at Abortions.news.
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