(Natural News) With the treasonous deep state planning to pull off a false flag event in Virginia today — and the lying left-wing media ready to depict the entire event as a “white nationalist” riot — it’s important to follow the day’s events from a pro-America, pro-liberty point of view.
We know of at least two live coverage broadcasts covering the day’s events (see below). In addition, videos from many users will be posted throughout the day on Brighteon.com (which is currently building live broadcast features, see below…).
Remember: Antifa is sending provocateurs dressed as Trump supporters to commit violence for CNN’s cameras. It’s all staged for the false narrative that will be pushed by the treasonous Washington Post, NYT, MSNBC and other lying, utterly dishonest and criminally-run fake news networks that hate America and despise the Second Amendment.
We pray for all attendees and encourage everyone to keep your cameras rolling at all times, then post your videos to Brighteon.com.
Pete Santilli’s live coverage begins at 7am Eastern
Pete Santilli will be broadcasting live on YouTube via his “Pete Santilli1” channel, beginning at 7am Eastern, Jan. 20th.
Here’s the link to his scheduled live stream broadcast on YouTube.
Pete has 6-7 people on the ground and will be carrying their POV streams, in addition to bringing in InfoWars reporters when they have breaking reports. This promises to be one of the best broadcasts covering the rally.
InfoWars will have live coverage throughout the day, beginning at 8am Central
InfoWars coverage of the day’s events begins at 8am at InfoWars.com, with live streaming throughout the day. It’s also carried at Banned.video.
Alex Jones, Owen Shroyer and many other InfoWars reporters are on site, ready to bring you the truth that CNN will be trying to bury. With several InfoWars reporters now being specifically named on an Antifa “hit list” targeting journalists, we pray for the safety of these passionate patriots who are literally putting their lives on the line to defend America against left-wing terrorists and deep state mass murderers (such as the FBI itself).
Users will be posting videos to Brighteon.com throughout the day
Brighteon.com, the free speech alternative to YouTube, will be hosting a large number of videos that will be uploaded throughout the day, straight from users on the ground in Virginia.
Check Brighteon every hour for new videos, and if you’re in Virginia, be sure to create a free account and upload everything you capture on video, even if you don’t think it’s important. We need patriots to track and record the movement of left-wing Antifa terrorists who are impersonating patriots, so that we can forensically piece together the actual events that take place.
Brighteon reviewers will be standing by all day to approve new channels and new videos. Join now at Brighteon.com.
Check Censored.news for real-time news headline updates from 47 different censored news sites
Throughout the day, be sure to check Censored.news, the 100% ad-free, real-time news aggregator from 47 different news sites.
Censored.news is the alternative to the fake news offered by Google News, which bans all truthful news organizations while featuring fake news outlets like CNN, NBC News, MSNBC, etc.
Brighteon.com is building live streaming capabilities… currently six weeks out for beta testing
While I wish we had live streaming capabilities already in place with Brighteon.com, we are in the process of building those features and need approximately another six weeks to roll them out in beta mode.
Until then, you can post video files on the network for free. Thank you for your patience while we continue to build the features of this critical free speech video platform.
Pray for America and pray for peace in Virginia. (Also pray that the treasonous Democrats are indicted, arrested and prosecuted for their premeditated crimes against the civil rights of all Virginians.)