(Natural News) Controversial Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar, the Minnesota Democrat who has been accused of being anti-Semitic, is also a major hypocrite when it comes to her description of pro-life Christians.
Back in May, according to Lifesite News, Omar gave a speech on the House floor in which she slammed pro-life Christians for attempting to ‘impose their views’ on all of America.
Last year, Omar took to the House floor to denounce legislation aimed at protecting the unborn, claiming that such laws are “horrifying attacks” against the “reproductive rights” of women.
“Religious fundamentalists are currently trying to manipulate the State laws in order to impose their beliefs on an entire society, all with complete disregard for voices and the rights of American women,” she said May 22.
This, from a pro-abortion advocate who, through her position as a legislator, is pushing her views on the rest of the country.
“The recent efforts like those in Alabama and Georgia are only the latest in a long history of efforts to criminalize women for simply existing and to punish us when we don’t conform to their attempts to control us,” Omar said.
“This isn’t about religious morality or conviction, because we have seen time and time again those who talk about their faith and want to push policies because of their faith are the ones who simply are caught with the hypocrisy of not living it out in their personal lives,” she added.
As Lifesite News notes, it’s not just ‘religious’ people and Christians who advocate for the unborn, number one. Over the years, support for abortion — especially far Left Democrats’ demands for abortion up to and even shortly after birth — has dramatically declined (though there are still far too much).
And how come it’s always pro-abortion Democrats who fail to see the irony of their political position on this issue? Criticizing anyone who supports pro-life legislation is, in every sense, ‘advocating’ for the opposition position.
Women have had ‘reproductive rights’ but what about the rights of the unborn children?
In her speech, Omar couldn’t even be honest. She claimed pro-life laws are “dangerous because history has proven that when abortion is criminalized, the number of abortions do not simply go down. The number of deaths and injuries to women increase.”
Not true, Lifesite News reports, citing evidence:
Even abortion activists and liberal news outlets acknowledge that pro-life laws do save lives from abortion, and few women died from illegal abortions leading up to Roe v. Wade. The Washington Post fact checker recently confirmed what pro-life advocates have been saying for years about “back alley” abortions: Few women died from abortions in the decade prior to Roe, and a rise in the use of antibiotics appears to be the biggest factor in the drop in maternal deaths, not legalized abortions.
Omar concluded her speech by appealing to all American women, saying they should support ‘reproductive rights’ — the most misleading phrase Democrats have ever used. (Related: Planned Parenthood could face federal charges for trafficking baby body parts.)
Abortion isn’t “reproduction,” it’s ending life. Men and women ‘reproduce’ when they actually have babies.
And in fact, women already have ‘reproductive rights’ — they can choose to have children or they don’t have to. But getting pregnant then killing that baby via abortion is not a “reproductive right,” it’s an abortion right — big difference.
But of course, the Left changed the language when it came to this issue because the word ‘abortion’ struck such passionate chords with people, especially women.
“Women are strongly pro-life, including those who have had abortions. Many now lead the pro-life movement in the hopes of sparing other women and unborn babies from the pain and loss that they experienced,” Lifesite News added.
When a society legalizes the targeted killing of its own offspring, then that society has lost all of its moral footing and, in fact, is in decline.
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