(Natural News) Project Veritas strikes again. Today, James O’Keefe’s organization has released another bombshell undercover video featuring a Bernie Sanders campaign field organizer revealing plans to carry out mass executions of both liberals and conservatives if Sanders wins the 2020 election, thrusting actual communists into power in America.
Communists revolutions throughout world history have always resulted in bloodshed, and in many revolutions, the very people who initially supported it found their own heads on the chopping blocks.
This undercover video, released by Project Veritas Action, carries the words of Kyle Jurek, a Bernie Sanders operative who apparently has gone all-in with the “communist purge” philosophy that seems to characterize every communist revolution. (See video below.)
Words of Kyle Jurek:
“If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC Convention, f*cking Milwaukee will burn. It’ll start in Milwaukee and when police push back on that, then other cities will just f*cking (hand explosion).”
“The cops are gonna be the ones that are getting f*cking beaten in Milwaukee. They’re gonna call up the National Guard for that sh*t. I promise you that.”
“I’m ready to throw down now. I don’t want to wait and have to wait for f*cking DNC…The billionaire class. The f*cking media, pundits. Walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf*ckers out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets.”
“Well, I’ll tell you what in Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries? You want to fight against the revolution, you’re going to die for it, motherf*cker.”
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“Like, yeah, you know, I like Bernie, but I really want a woman to be -, it’s like, wait, so like you’re okay with a woman if she has worse policies. Like just because she’s a woman, because she has a vagina, that’s why you’re going to vote for her? They don’t like it when you say that because it makes them look like f*cking stupid because they are stupid. They’re like, ‘oh yeah, I’m going to go for…because she’s a woman.’ It’s like, okay, like…”
“Like, f*ck if we can beat Donald Trump, as long as we nominated a woman. Like f*cking idiot. Like what the f*ck? Like the world is on fire, this is an emergency situation, and you’re (Warren supporters) hung up on vaginas.”
“Yeah, like we’re not on the same team guys. Like you know, like I know you guys like to say like, ‘Hey, Warren’s just like Bernie but a woman.’ But guess what? We’re not on the same team.”
“Bernie’s a bad judge of character, so like he has like, uh, (Jeff) Weaver who is his like, one of his like campaign, like, like senior advisors, uh, is a sh*tty f*cking human. But he likes him. You know, Bernie likes him. Bernie’s, you know, he’s 78 years old, he’s like set in his ways. You know, if that’s one weakness that Bernie has it’s he’s a bad judge of character with some people. Like he loves Elizabeth, like he’s friends with Elizabeth Warren. He’s friends with f*cking (unintelligible) some f*cking, you know. What can you do? Uh, I mean Bernie has started opening up lines of attack against Warren. But he keeps it policy based.”
PVA journalists asked Jurek about his views on Donald Trump’s re-election bid and free speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. Here are a few responses from Jurek regarding those subjects:
JOURNALIST: “So if Trump gets re-elected, what—”
KYLE JUREK: “F*cking cities burn.”
KYLE JUREK: “Whatever it takes. And that’s why they’re like “oh, Anti-Fascists are violent” it’s because we’re willing to go above and beyond what the law says is acceptable. Like oh free speech, yeah, they try to be like “oh you’re against free speech” and no, we’re not against free speech, we’re against hate speech. And if your free speech is something that these people shouldn’t exist, then I don’t give a f*ck if it’s free speech or not, you don’t need… free speech has repercussions.”
KYLE JUREK: “Yeah there are consequences to your f*cking actions, right? And if your speech is calling for people to be eliminated on the base of race, gender, religious… like for whatever reason, things that people can’t change, then you should expect a f*ckin’ violent reaction. And you deserve a violent reaction. Because that’s just an unacceptable thing. It’s not acceptable.”
KYLE JUREK: “The only thing that fascists understand is violence. So, the only way you can confront them is with violence.”
Watch it at: Brighteon.com/e2fc1641-b0ad-46be-8a62-9e8d5ab0156b
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