#4) Aspartame and MSG are GMO, in case you didn't know -- chemically designed to make you fat! Are your taste buds, brain and stomach addicted to junk science?
by S.D. Wells
Just what are "food drugs"? What the heck is going on in those food plants where they mix in super spices and super sugars with hydrogenated oils saturated in all the bad fats that clog arteries and veins, leading to strokes, obesity and diabetes?

By tricking your body with something sweet or salty that's barely even food, you crave MORE sweets and MORE salty junk food to quell what your body NEVER really received. When you crave foods, you're really craving nutrients and minerals, but you won't find any of that in GMO.

Biotech is junk science, and Big Pharma is making you fat! Get the "skinny" on organic snacks and never "go back" to junk fat.



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