(NaturalNews) It was just a few days ago that I
coined the term "journo-terrorism" to describe the psychological violence being waged by the left-wing media in America. Today, we all witnessed another glaring example of journo-terrorism on display as a POLITICO editor
called for readers to attack the private home of an alt-right personality with baseball bats.
POLITICO's national editor Michael Hirsh used his position of influence to post the private home address of "alt-right" Michael Spencer. When a reader asked Hirsh what they should do with the address, he responded with a call for mass violence using baseball bats, reports
The Daily Caller:
I wasn't thinking of a f#cking letter, Doug. He lives part of the time next door to me in Arlington. Our grandfathers brought baseball bats to Bund meetings. Want to join me?![](https://www.naturalnews.com/gallery/articles/politico-Michael-Hirsh-baseball-bats-600.jpg)
As the Daily Caller explains:
Hirsh's mention of Bund meetings is a reference to the German-American Bund, a Nazi organization in the United States active in the mid-to-late 1930s, which promoted National Socialist ideology and was often subject to violent attacks by Jewish mobsters in New York City and Newark, New Jersey, using baseball bats.Politico editor Michael Hirsh resigns in disgrace
Hours after deleting his Facebook post calling for mass violence against Michael Spencer, Micheal Hirsh
resigned from POLITICO. As the Daily Caller explains:
"These posts were clearly outside the bounds of acceptable discourse, and POLITICO editors regard them as a serious lapse of newsroom standards," Politico Editor-In-Chief John Harris and Editor Carrie Budoff Brown told TheDCNF. "They crossed a line in ways that the publication will not defend, and editors are taking steps to ensure that such a lapse does not occur again."The upshot of all this is that
the journo-terrorism of the radical left is starting to accelerate. Soon, they'll be calling for the mass murder of all Trump supporters. I think they have already, come to think of it. Perhaps POLITICO will soon be renamed
POLITICULL and launch the great "cultural revolution" modeled after Red China. (But oops, they forget about the Second Amendment, America's immune system against left-wing cultists and runaway tyranny.)
Who the heck is Michael Spencer, anyway?
By the way, none of this should be construed to imply any endorsement or defense of Michael Spencer and his organization.
I never even heard of this guy until yesterday, when the left-wing media started attacking him. (Yep, they made him famous.)
I have no idea what Spencer stands for, but I do know he's being called someone from the "alt-right." But the "alt-right" has never really been well defined. From context, some people seem to indicate it means Nazi sympathizers, yet Nazi-ism is, by definition,
national socialism which is really the radical left, not the radical right. It's the leftists in America who are the violent fascists, shooting cops, committing mass arson and protesting democracy with runaway lawlessness and threats of violence (just look at how many leftists threatened to kill Donald Trump on social media).
Whoever Richard Spencer is, he sure seems to tick people off on the left, though. He seems to run something called the "National Policy Institute" which appears to promote "identity politics."
That's something I hope we can all get away from, frankly. We need voters thinking critically about policies and issues, not voting as a mindless bloc just to go along with people of the same skin color, gender or religion. "Identity politics" is the downfall of a free society, if you ask me.
Left-wing media is committing credibility suicide by the day
Nevertheless, it sure is entertaining to see the left-wing "journo-terrorism" media strangling itself by the day in a mass
credibility suicide finale. Earlier today, by the way, CNN
ran a news banner implying Jews were not people as a piece of HATE journalism, hoping to anger everybody. After being widely condemned for ginning up the fake headline, CNN later apologized (but they're still on the air, sadly).
It makes me wonder:
Will there be any journalists remaining on the left by the end of the year? One by one, they are committing professional suicide by openly fabricating accusations or calling for violence against their political enemies. Even if some survive,
will anyone believe them anymore?I doubt it. Or maybe we're all wrong and POLITICO was actually trying to assemble a friendly company softball sporting event in the front yard of Richard Spencer.
For the record, I've also mocked the violent left by calling for cartoon violence against anarcho-leftists who are plotting an uprising and coup on Inauguration Day. I'm openly encouraging patriots to bring
socks filled with bars of soap to "knock some heads" once the leftists try to take over the Capitol building. Frankly, I'd like to see a nationwide "Red vs. Blue" sock-knocking contest so we can all just get this civil war over with and go home with a few bruised noggins.
Sadly, the leftists will probably win that contest because
they hardly ever WASH their socks, transforming them into chemical weapons with extra destructive power. What's that smell? It's the stench of communism!
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