(NaturalNews) The immense influence that corporations and special interests hold over government policy-making was on full display recently after billionaire oil tycoon Harold Hamm, CEO of Continental Resources, arrogantly demanded that certain researchers from the University of Oklahoma (UO) be fired simply because he doesn't like the truths they're uncovering about natural gas hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking."
The researchers Hamm wants to see axed didn't engage in any misconduct or wrongdoing that would justify their dismissal; they merely conducted research showing that natural gas fracking is contributing to the recent rise in earthquakes in Oklahoma and other typically seismically inactive areas. Revealing this truth threatens Hamm's ill-gotten fortune, thus his pathetic hissy fit petitioning for their removal from the university.
An email obtained by Bloomberg reveals that the overweight Hamm, who is a major donor to UO, believes himself to be a "very approachable" person who's not "intimidating." "I don't try to push anybody around," he stated, obviously oblivious to his own gushing self-importance in demanding that credible scientists be fired simply for conducing, well, credible science.
"Mr. Hamm is very upset at some of the earthquake reporting to the point that he would like to see select [Oklahoma Geological Survey] staff dismissed," wrote Larry Grillot, dean of the university's Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, in a July 16, 2014, email to his colleagues. Hamm apparently wants to "rectify" the situation by self-appointing himself as head of a search committee to find a new director for the geological survey.
In other words, Hamm, whose demeanor and demands are hilariously similar to those embodied by Jabba the Hutt in George Lucas'
Star Wars film series, is now on the hunt for a ministry of propaganda who will pretend as though
fracking is completely safe and effective. It's the exact same thing the vaccine, drug, cancer, factory food, prison and many other major industries all do to defend their own products against public scrutiny.
Corporate oligarchy controls narrative on every important issue using intimidation and threats
Dr. Mehmet Oz, as you may recall, recently had his own spat with the medical cartel after
blowing the lid on the fact that Monsanto's Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide causes cancer. A few disgruntled conventional doctors banded together to demand that Dr. Oz be removed from Columbia University's Department of Surgery for sharing the truth with his viewers.
A panel discussion on vaccines that was supposed to take place in Canada
was also canceled recently after barbarous vaccine fanatics demanded that the venue cancel the event. The Johnson GEO Centre shamelessly caved to these demands, and the event has yet to be rescheduled
A similar situation happened when Dr. Sherri Tennpenny agreed to participate in a vaccine panel discussion that was set to take place in Australia. The vaccine herd
literally threatened to bomb the place, so this event was canceled as well.
Nearly every major industry, it seems, is now dominated by a few loud voices pushing the establishment narrative. And they maintain high-level control over the conversation through intimidation and threats, embodying the type of corporate fascism that our founding fathers warned us to guard against.
"Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence," reads a recently published
study entitled "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens.""As to empirical evidence concerning interest groups, it is well established that organized groups regularly lobby and fraternize with public officials; move through revolving doors between public and private employment; provide self-serving information to officials; draft legislation; and spend a great deal of money on election campaigns."
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