(NaturalNews) A show called "Extreme Breastfeeding" is airing on TLC soon, and as part of the show promotions, the network has released pictures of women who breastfeed living beings other than their children.
A woman from Buenos Aires saved a Rottweiler puppy by breastfeeding it alongside her own infant child. "I put the puppy to my breast and it started taking milk," she told TLC. "We made the decision to save a life. And thank god, we have [our dog] Gauchita here today."
The photos below, courtesy of TLC, show the woman breastfeeding Gauchita, her happy, healthy Rottweiler who is now fully grown.
Let's get over the discomfort zone with breastfeeding already
I've always found that Americans get really weird about breastfeeding, almost as if they think the world's most natural source of infant nutrition is somehow unnatural. (Leave it up to the FDA and it will be banned, probably... or they'll require breast milk to be pasteurized for "safety reasons.")
When I lived in South America, women openly breastfed their babies in public without giving it a second thought. It's not uncommon to see a South American woman breastfeeding an infant on an airplane, a bus, or even a park bench outside a corporate office building.
Nobody freaks out about it. There's nothing weird about breastfeeding in public in most of the world. But breastfeeding a Rottweiler is certain to raise question marks in the minds of many people, so let's break it down here.
Here's the mother, Cris, feeding Gauchita:

First, to anyone who thinks cross-species breastfeeding is somehow "weird," I ask you to open your refrigerator and tell me what species of milk you're drinking. For nearly all humans, that's
bovine milk, which means most humans are drinking milk that was sourced from the teats of cows. How is that any less weird than a Rottweiler drinking human breast milk?
It's also not uncommon at all for young women who have trouble breastfeeding to use
goat milk for their infants. Goat milk is a nutritional powerhouse, and it's far more closely aligned to human breast milk than bovine milk.
As an example of the inverse, here's a woman from the TLC show
breastfeeding a goat, right alongside her own child. Looks like she has three "kids!"

Men: Don't confuse breastfeeding with sexual arousal
I hear you saying, however, that breastfeeding a puppy dog seems really bizarre. Mostly, it's men who get hung up on the totally inappropriate
sexual overtones of the act, thinking in their own minds something really bizarre like, "Oh man! That dog is licking her breast!" or whatever.
Here's another image of this happy woman breastfeeding the Rottweiler. This is NOT porn, it's nourishment of an infant canine:

What men (especially) need to understand is that
breastfeeding is not a sexual act. It's an act of nourishment. It just happens to come from the same female body parts that men automatically associate with sexual arousal, and so
men tend to conflate what's really happening and get really weird about it.
On the issue of a puppy dog or a goat seeking nourishment from a woman's breast, some men mistakenly think, "That's bestiality!" Nope, it isn't. Fornicating with a sheep is bestiality, which is why your grandpa told you to stop doing it. (That's a joke.) But breastfeeding a puppy dog who lost its mother isn't bestiality at all. It's an act of love just as much as emergency CPR is also a lifesaving act of love.
"The people who did not agree were worried about the health and cleanliness for my child. But I would explain I would sanitize myself. I'm sad about criticisms, it's my body," explained Cris, as published in
this Metro story from the UK:
She is now pregnant with her second baby and she says if she needed to breastfeed another puppy, she'd do it, the paper reports. "If the same situation came up I would breastfeed an animal. I'd do it again out of love."
I can already hear some people screaming, "This isn't clean!" Yet these are many of the same people who will let their pet dog lick their face right after it licks its own balls. So I'm not sure where this argument is coming from... seriously.
Here's the fully-grown Gauchita Rottweiler who was nourished from human breast milk:

Women will nourish their own babies first, obviously
Now, obviously, a woman should
feed her own infant first, and I'm sure that's exactly what this woman did. She wasn't feeding the dog
in place of the breast milk for her child. Many women produce far more breast milk than they really need, and when there's extra, why not feed it to a puppy dog?

To really think critically about this, ask yourself whether the act would be any less weird if she used a breast milk pump and fed the puppy the same milk in a dish placed on the floor. Is this less weird now, in your mind?
The photo on the right is a REAL PRODUCT sold at Amazon.com. It's called the "Simple Wishes Hands Free Breastpump Bra" and you can
see it here on Amazon.com. Women use it to collect breast milk that they may use to feed their own infants later in the day. Some women even share this breast milk with other women who have difficulty producing their own breast milk.
For most people who are shocked by all this, the weird part usually comes down to seeing a puppy's mouth have contact with a female breast. Yes, the visual imagery of it may be shocking at first -- hence the TV show on "extreme breastfeeding" -- but if you really examine what's physically happening here, it's not as strange as your first reaction might indicate. After all, lots of people kiss their dogs, some even on the noses or lips. (I kiss my dogs on the top of their heads, as I have no desire to share in dog slobber.)
Extreme Breastfeeding: What kind of show is it?
I don't watch cable television and don't get TLC, but I'm curious how this show plans to portray breastfeeding.
For ratings purposes, it obviously hopes to exploit the shock value of what it will portray as some of the more bizarre breastfeeding practices around the world. But I hope the network treats this topic -- and women in particular -- with dignity. Breastfeeding is a sacred act of nurturing, and without it, we wouldn't have a human civilization today. Although evil global corporations like Nestle have long tried to convince women that breastfeeding was a barbaric, outmoded act (in order to sell more infant formula loaded with high fructose corn syrup), the far more powerful truth is that
breastfeeding should be encouraged and even celebrated.
Like Nestle, the FDA is an enemy of breastfeeding and has tried to punish women who pump their own breast milk to share it with other new moms who need it for their infants. The FDA, for the record, believes the only "safe" food is DEAD food. Because breast milk is definitely not dead -- it's teeming with microorganisms -- the FDA is highly suspicious of it, just as they are fresh cow's milk (raw milk).
But as far as I'm concerned, breast milk is
the perfect infant food; especially when the mother isn't taking antidepressant drugs, eating pesticide-contaminated foods or receiving toxic flu shots made with mercury and aluminum.
As far as I'm concerned, any mom who has the breast milk to spare should be congratulated for using it to save the life of another living being that needs to be saved... even if it's not human.
What do you think? Sound off below. Breast-bashing trolls and perverts will be gleefully bitten in the ass by Gauchita the Rottweiler.
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