(NaturalNews) One of my goals this year is to teach you how to grow your own turmeric using the Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box system.
It's easier than you think, and I have a special adapter part being designed right now that will convert the grow box into something called a "wicking bed" which allows you to grow ginger, turmeric, garlic, onions, potatoes, beets and other root vegetables. (You'll be able to download the part file for free and print it on any 3D printer, or purchase it already printed.)
Check out
this YouTube video which features a woman showing you how to grow your own turmeric in containers. This is essentially what I'm going to replicate with a special adaptation of the grow box.
As you know, our Natural News Store sells an
organic turmeric tincture in both alcohol and glycerin formulations. In a way you might find surprising, I'm hoping to vastly reduce our own turmeric sales by teaching our readers to grow their own turmeric at home, for mere pennies.
Once you grow your own, you can slice off a very small piece of turmeric and
blend it into any smoothie to achieve a daily "turmeric intake" that provides extraordinary health benefits from consuming fresh, living turmeric.
Growing your own turmeric is FAR better than buying it
As I've always said,
growing your own medicine is the best way to get it. Tinctures, supplements and superfood powders are only a second best option. The true natural health enthusiast has a living garden from which she harvests and consumes living medicinal plants each day.
So stay tuned to
www.FoodRising.org for upcoming instructions on how to build your own "wicking bed" grow box that's
automatically self-watering. You'll be able to use this to grow your own turmeric, ginger and other medicinal roots.
In the mean time, we have a special on our turmeric tinctures. These tinctures are a convenient way to consume this "miracle spice" that offers extraordinary health support. Right now, the Natural News Store is giving away a free bottle of Clean Chlorella when you purchase any three turmeric tincture bottles.
See details at this page. The offer is good through April 10, no discount code necessary.
Turmeric prices set to rise as demand steadily grows
This article from FinancialExpress.com explains that
turmeric prices are expected to rise (like everything else, right?). Apparently, very high demand is causing turmeric to be in relatively short supply.
What's happening is that countries like China are waking up to natural health and medicinal nutrition. Last year, China raided the world supply of maca, buying up virtually all the maca in South America as word about the miracle of maca spread across mainland China.
If the Chinese population goes crazy over turmeric, you can expect there to be sustained shortages. Even we might not be able to source it, and prices will be much higher either way.
This is why I urge you to seriously consider either building or buying a Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box. You can buy them pre-made right now at
www.SupplySource.com or you can make your own using the instructional DIY videos I posted at
www.FoodRising.orgUsing this system, you'll be able to grow
hundreds of dollars' worth of turmeric nutrients in just one grow box. Seriously: If you bought those same turmeric nutrients at retail in the form of tinctures, it would cost you a pretty penny. But growing them yourself is surprisingly cheap, and you can keep growing as much as you want for almost no money at all.
My goal is to stop selling turmeric as YOU start growing it yourself!
I've been questioned by some people who keep wondering why I insist on teaching people to grow their own products and thereby put our own store out of business. They just don't get it: I'm far more interested in empowering YOU with the ability to grow your own medicine than selling supplements. There is no vitamin, no superfood and no supplement in the world that's more powerful than something you grow in your own back yard.
So yes, buy it for now if you don't have it growing, but
learn to grow your own! That's how the Food Rising Revolution really takes shape: from people learning how to grow their own food and medicine while
not needing to purchase such things at retail. There's absolutely no reason why you can't be growing your own food, medicine and mineral supplements right now. It's easier than you think, thanks to the Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box.
Besides, how are you going to get your turmeric when the financial crash hits hard? At that point, you might not even be able to afford food or medicine. You'd be smart to have them already growing and ready to harvest when that day comes...
www.FoodRising.orgBUY ONE ALREADY MADE:
http://store.naturalnews.com/Turmeric-Specia...GROW TURMERIC IN CONTAINERS:
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