(NaturalNews) This is a continuation from
Part One of a comprehensive investigative report revealing the untold story behind Jon Entine, biotech shill, character assassination operative, Forbes.com writer, American Enterprise Institute fellow and George Mason University research fellow. Entine also has ties to Monsanto and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Part One of this Jon Entine investigative series revealed the verified court documents where Jon Entine's wife pleaded with the Ohio courts to issue a restraining order against Entine to protect herself and her daughter from physical injury. She also recorded, under oath, that Jon Entine violently attacked her, gouged her eye, choked her and shoved her. In additional court documents, Entine's wife described him as "irrational and unpredictable" ... "exceedingly hostile and belligerent" ... and explained that Jon Entine's "mental health has deteriorated..."
For continuity, the opening section here is repeated from Part One. To protect the identity of Entine's daughter, the name of the daughter has been changed in this report to "Jenny." (Natural News asks members of the media to refrain from publishing the daughter's real name in plain text, as she is an innocent victim in these events.)
Wife pleads with court to protect herself and her daughter from violence
Following the violent attacks described under oath by Jon Entine's wife, she pleaded with the courts to protect herself and her daughter from any further violence, court documents show.
Filed with Hamilton County Clerk Gergory Hartmann, Case # DR0500131, Ellen Turner asserted: (bold added)
I have filed at 3109.27 Affidavit and have specifically addressed therein the child abuse / neglect / domestic violence physical harm provisions of O.R.C. 3109.04, 3109.051 and 3109.052 as those statutes pertain to both parents and this case.
Jon Entine public divorce document #23"Purchased listening devices so that he could record my conversations"
According to Case No. DR0500131 filed in the
Court of Common Pleas, Hamilton County, Ohio,
Jon Entine "purchased listening devices" to record his wife's conversations, causing her to fear that she was "under surveillance in my own home."
Entine then disrupted his wife's professional employment opportunities by selling her computer and fax machine without her knowledge, she told the courts in a statement under oath.
Furthermore, Entine began "pursuing romantic relationships from our home," says the Hamilton County court document shown below. Here's what wife Ellen Turner submitted to the courts: (bolding added)
My husband's actions have created an intolerable atmosphere in our home which continue to escalate. For example, he purchased listening devices so that he could record my conversations. Knowing that I was under surveillance in my own home I could not relax. Jenny could sense my discomfort and tension. Our daughter's nanny quit working for us because she could not tolerate the stressful environment created by my husband.
Rather than allow the nanny to care for Jenny. he acted inappropriately toward her by involving her in our marital troubles. He sold her my computer and a fax machine without my knowledge or consent. This interfered with my employment. Further, my husband has begun pursuing romantic relationships from our home. I do not feel it would be in Jenny's best interest to witness any actions related to her father's dating while her parents are living together. For all of these reasons, it is in Jenny's best interest that we establish a residence separate from my husband. I will provide continuity for Jenny by continuing to send her to the same school. I have obtained professional advice from our daughter's psychologist to prepare her emotionally for this move.
Jon Entine public divorce document #23Jon Entine begins dating via EHarmony.com while still living with wife - court documents
In the same court document cited above, Jon Entine's wife tells the courts that Entine is making disparaging comments about her to her coworkers. Even more shockingly, he begins dating via EHarmony.com
while still living in the same house as his wife, she told the courts:
My husband is also making very disparaging comments about me to executive business partners (recruiters) my co-workers and in Jenny's presence.
My husband is dating via an internet service, Eharmony.com. While I don't object to this, I do not feel that it was in Jenny's best interests to do so while her parents were still living in the same home. I also believe this is another example of my husband placing his own needs above those of our child...
Jon Entine public divorce document #23"Irrational and unpredictable and appears to be escalating..."
Stated under sworn oath, Jon Entine's wife Ellen Turner stated "my husband's behavior has been irrational and unpredictable and appears to be escalating."
This description is wholly consistent with the kind of behavior Jon Entine displays in his professional work, disparaging innocent victims and authoring hate-filled hit pieces intended to destroy the reputations of his intended targets:

Jon Entine public divorce document #23Fired by ABC news, characterized as "out of control"
Jon Entine's court-recorded descriptions of violent and aggressive behavior towards his own wife appears to reflect a similar pattern of behavior he exhibits in his character assassination journalism efforts, often published by Forbes.com. As explained on
LornaSalzman.com [2]:
In a letter from London's The Sunday Times, the Deputy Editor explains how his paper was misled by Entine and how he misrepresented himself. "We now know what we did not know then: ABC discovered Entine had made a number of mistakes in his methodology so serious that they had in effect fired him some ten days before. Entine, probably unknown to ABC, was however still picking up his messages from a phone on his old desk in the ABC building. We now understand from ABC sources that Entine is regarded as out of control and has been running around saying some wild things" (Ivan Fallon, letter from Deputy Editor of The Sunday Times, October 8, 1993).
Being "out of control," however, seems to be routine for Entine. As
TruthWiki explains:
Entine knowingly and repeatedly publishes false and fictitious information in mainstream publications including Forbes.com, and his posts are often retracted after being challenged on their lack of factual basis. His actions against targeted individuals or companies are systematically abusive and resemble "revenge journalism." Entine takes a "hit man" approach to single out individuals - especially critics of GMOs - for accusations and abuse, often calling them names or implying they are sociopaths or a danger to society.Jon Entine stages manufacturing violation then calls the FDA, then cites his own contrived staging as evidence against the company - report
Entine has achieved some success in destroying his intended targets, reportedly having bankrupted a company called The Body Shop through an elaborate scheme to defame and destroy the company (this reflects the same tactics he uses against GMO skeptics) by staging a shampoo spill on the factory floor, then calling the FDA to report the very manufacturing violation that he caused. He then reportedly cited this FDA safety violation in a disparaging hit piece that caused the company's stock price to implode.
As published on LornaSalzman.com: [2]
Jay Harris of Mother Jones magazine reports that Entine called him and that "he began our conversation with a 20-minute rant about The Body Shop being the most evil company (he had) ever encountered in 20 years of investigative reporting". Harris goes on: "...This guy is talking about a company that spilled a few gallons of Fuzzy Peach Shampoo. He clearly had an axe to grind and was willing to let that take precedence over the facts."
In Entine's TBS attack, he referred to a Food & Drug Administration (FDA) investigation of a small shampoo spill from TBS' New Jersey operations. But he failed to say that it was HE who called in the complaint (later whiting out his name, a fact he concealed), that FDA found the TBS facility to actually be well-run, and that FDA, upon completing all inspections, is bound by law to make recommendations regardless of how clean the facility may be. (FDA Report Summary of Findings, 1123).
In other words, Jon Entine appears to use extremely deceptive tactics to even
cause violations that he then cites to attack the business targets he is trying to destroy. He appears to operate as a
corporate saboteur and character assassination operative, and there seem to be no limits to the level of deception, dishonesty and ethical violations he will apparently pursue in order to attempt to disparage his intended targets while publicly positioning himself as a responsible journalist through outlets such as Forbes.com.
According to an article in
The Independent [3], Entine invoked his customary defamation accusations by calling Anita Roddick, the founder of The Body Shop, a "schizophrenic and a sociopath." The article goes on to say, "Yesterday's statement also accused him of pestering Anita Roddick at home, a claim Mr. Entine denies."
This claim that Entine would pursue Anita Roddick at home is consistent with the kind of vengeance-oriented mindset and pattern of threats and violence described in Jon Entine's divorce documents, covered in
Part One of this article and linked in Part Five. Whether his intended enemy is his wife, a GMO skeptic or a woman-owned corporation, Entine seems to invoke a pattern of some of the most reprehensible and unethical tactics imaginable to disparage and defame his intended targets.
His corporate destruction "achievements" are even bragged about in another document from his divorce, which explains that one of Entine's articles which resulted in him being threatened with defamation lawsuits "sent the stock price of the subject company plummeting by more than $500 million." That company was, of course, The Body Shop, founded by Anita Roddick, yet another women who fell victim to Jon Entine's apparent pattern of targeting women with abusive accusations and defamation hit pieces.

Keep all this in mind when you remember that Jon Entine is a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and has similar ties to George Mason University. Does the AEI share Jon Entine's lack of ethics and devious tactics? Or was the AEI somehow not aware of the real character of this person who, according to court documents, physically and violently attacks his own wife and traumatizes his own daughter?
Does George Mason University condone the kind of violence against women described in Entine's divorce documents? If not, will GMU strip Entine of his fellowship, or will the university stand behind this man and sanction his erratic behavior as a shining example of GMU's core principles? It will be interesting to see what George Mason University does in response to the real history of Jon Entine now going public.
This investigative report on Jon Entine continues in Part Three
Click here to read Part Three of this comprehensive investigative report on Jon Entine.
Anyone posting comments to this article threatening Jon Entine with violence or harm will be banned and their comment will be deleted. We do not condone nor will we tolerate any calls for violence appearing on this forum. Any threats made against Natural News or the Health Ranger for publishing this story will be captured and turned over to the FBI for investigation.Sources and resources
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/besiege...Jon Entine page on Natural News:
https://www.naturalnews.com/Jon_Entine.htmlJon Entine page on The Propagandists:
http://www.propagandists.org/propagandists/j...Spinwatch article on Jon Entine:
http://www.spinwatch.org/index.php/issues/sc...GM Watch article on Jon Entine:
http://gmwatch.org/index.php/news/archive/20...The Refusers page on Jon Entine:
http://therefusers.com/refusers-newsroom/mee...Lorna Salzman page on Jon Entine:
http://www.lornasalzman.com/collectedwriting...GMO Evidence:
http://www.gmoevidence.comGMO Seralini:
http://www.gmoseralini.org/en/Judy Carman website on GMOs:
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