Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Real US federal budget deficit is in the trillions; Congress still playing numbers games

By Mike Adams, August 4 2006
(NewsTarget) The federal government declared a $318 billion budget deficit last year, but in reality it was over $3 trillion, according to government accountants. "We've been hiding the bottom line from the American people," says Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Tenn., "It's not fair to them, and it's delusional on our part." Congress uses "cash accounting" -- an accounting practice that would be illegal for any U.S. corporation -- in order to report a lower deficit publicly. This method is comparable...

The coming financial collapse of the U.S. government: Fed papers reveal what's in store for Americans

By Mike Adams, July 17 2006
The bankruptcy of the United States government has been talked about for years by independent observers. If you've read the book, "Empire of Debt," then you know where the U.S. is headed financially. But most people have no idea about the ultimate financial consequences of decades of borrowing and spending by Washington, and they remain irrationally convinced that the status quo will remain intact for eternity. No one in any position of authority, you see, has yet admitted that the U.S. government...

Pentagon hit by flying grilled cheese sandwich, video frames show

By Mike Adams, May 18 2006
The Pentagon wasn't hit by a Boeing 757 jetliner. It was hit by a flying grilled cheese sandwich. How do I know? I clearly saw it in the video frames released by the FBI, there on the right. Not everybody sees the grilled cheese sandwich, I admit. Some people see a Boeing 757 jet out of the same blur that I'm pretty sure is a grilled cheese sandwich. It's astonishing, really. According to almost every reporter in the mainstream media, a Boeing 757 jet, when photographed, looks exactly like an...

Uncontrolled federal spending, encouraged by voters, to drive U.S. government into bankruptcy

By Mike Adams, May 17 2006
If you have children, you may have wondered what would happen if all children were given voting rights to control the spending decisions of the household. What if that were true across the board? What if all children in all households were given the right to vote on what kinds of things their parents spent money on? I'm sure you can imagine some of the obvious results. Children would vote themselves an endless supply of candy, sugary breakfast cereal, video games, fashionable clothing, swimming...

The Wal-Mart Freedom Action Plan: How to escape from Wal-Mart, even when you haven't stolen anything

By Mike Adams, May 11 2006
Have you ever wondered if you're a mind slave of the police-state society we have in the United States these days? There's a very simple test you can do to find out. Here's the test: Go shopping at Wal-Mart repeatedly until you eventually end up walking out with an object that has an embedded RFID anti-theft chip that hasn't been deactivated. Wal-Mart's inventory control system will sound a tone and some retired, elderly person will get after you, or even tap you on the shoulder, in an effort to...

Rebates and warranty cards: Marketing gimmicks galore

By Mike Adams, April 18 2006
Did you ever wonder why so many products are sold with rebates? Whether you're buying computer equipment, monitors (LCD or otherwise), hard drives or just regular office equipment, it seems like everybody has this lower price advertised, but you have to apply for this rebate. You might wonder, "Well, why is this going on? Why is everything sold with a rebate? If the manufacturer is going to give me this $10 back or $20 back, why don't they just lower the price?" Here's the answer, and this tells...

Discount warehouse retailers: Costco vs. Sam's Club

By Mike Adams, March 28 2006
This is a review of members-only discount warehouse retailers. In particular, I'm going to compare Sam's Club with Costco, because I've been a member of both. I've been checking them both out, so I can bring you this unbiased, unsolicited review. So, what's the bottom line on these two discount retailers? Let me tell you first what I'm looking for in retailers. A lot of people only care about the price, but I'm not really that interested in the price of products, as both warehouses are very competitive...

Eye-opening documentary "The Corporation" reveals the true evils behind some Big Business companies

By Mike Adams, March 22 2006
One of the most important videos you will ever see is The Corporation, a documentary by Zeitgeist Video. The film includes interviews with people like Milton Friedman and Noam Chomsky -- two individuals you wouldn't normally see in the same film -- and there are also interviews with many other CEOs, whistleblowers, business brokers and even a corporate spy. This video will open your eyes -- even if you think your eyes are already open -- to the evils that are being caused by corporations around the...

The truth about Enron that most Americans don't want to hear

By Mike Adams, February 2 2006
Mainstream America loves to dream. But those dreams turned to financial nightmares when the massive house of fraud known as Enron collapsed a few years ago. Later, nightmares turned to anger as Americans harmed by the collapse (investors, employees and energy customers) pointed their collective fingers at Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling, proclaiming, "THEY are to blame for all this!" Are they really? Anyone familiar with the details of the Enron story knows that Ken Lay was the cheerleader of the fraud...

Warning signs of the housing bubble crash (part two)

By Mike Adams, January 1 2006
This is Mike Adams talking about the looming housing bubble burst in the U.S. real estate market. It's coming. As I said before, I predicted the dot-com bust, but I was three years early. It's impossible to predict the exact timing on these things, but when the signs are there, you know it's coming. Eventually, it will go so far and people will get sane, and then things will start to unwind. It will accelerate towards a price collapse because there is a cascading effect. Once the housing prices collapse...

Don't get caught in the housing bubble crash (part one)

By Mike Adams, December 29 2005
Hello everyone, this is Mike Adams with a commentary on personal finance. This is being written in December 2005, and I'm seeing some major warning signs out there about the housing bubble. I'd like to share these with you and give you a brief history of my financial predictions. In 1998, I began loudly warning people about the approaching dot-com bust. I had analyzed the situation and knew the bubble was going to burst. There was no doubt in my mind, because I looked at the fundamentals of these...

Website offers up to $500 for school teachers caught on tape

By Mike Adams, May 29 2005
All over the country, public schoolteachers are becoming increasingly concerned about students' use of recording devices in classrooms. We've recently seen some interesting cases where outraged teachers were recorded on cell phone video cameras and audio recording devices, and then those videos or audio files were posted on the internet for the whole world to see. And what the world is seeing is rather ugly: School teachers engaging in bizarre and certainly unacceptable behavior to try and get...

Why corporate America should drop its dress code and exchange business suits for comfortable clothing

By Mike Adams, May 28 2005
Did you ever wonder about the business suit? It is the uniform of the business community, and if you're wearing one, it's supposed to imply that you know what you're talking about. I've worn business suits in the past, but I despise doing so, for a number of reasons. Business suits take away the humanity of real people: the suit covers up everything except the head and hands. The hands are used for shaking hands with others, making contact or establishing trust. And the head and face are designed...

Home loan tips to avoid being conned by home mortgage companies

By Mike Adams, March 15 2005
When you get a home loan, you're number one goal should be to pay off that loan as quickly as possible. Obviously, you don't have any real equity in the house as long as you're just paying interest. And the way these loans are set up, you're paying little more than interest for the first several years. In other words, if you get a 30-year loan, you can make three or four years of payments and end up only having a few hundred dollars worth of equity in your house. That's the way the loans are designed...

Don't be a sucker: how to get the most value for your dollar on car insurance

By Mike Adams, February 23 2005
Most consumers don't understand how to intelligently shop for car insurance. And this is well demonstrated by the fact that there are still low deductibles available in the industry. Some people buy car insurance with a $50 deductible or a $100 deductible; and this is a terrible financial decision on the part of the consumer. If I had a choice, I would buy car insurance with a $5,000 deductible or higher, but unfortunately no such deductible amounts are even offered by the insurance industry. What's...

Seeds of life on Earth may have come from Mars or other planets

By Mike Adams, February 15 2005
Some interesting new warnings are surfacing about the possibility of life on Earth contaminating the study of life on Mars and, simultaneously, the possibility that life on Mars could contaminate life on Earth when probes someday bring samples of material back from Mars. When we talk about life here we're referring to microbial life, not large organisms like animals or flying creatures. Is this threat of cross-contamination of microbial life a legitimate one? Are these scientists right to be concerned...

Book review: Rome Wasn't Burnt In A Day by Joe Scarborough

By Mike Adams, December 29 2004
Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough is one of those people who likes to tell the truth. That's probably why he's no longer a Congressman. Telling the truth doesn't get you very far in Washington, but playing ball with the big boys does, and playing ball means spending away America's future in order to bring home pork barrel victories to voters in your state. In his book "Rome Wasn't Burnt In A Day," Joe Scarborough reveals the dirty inside politics of out-of-control deficit spending...

Orwellian new Copyright Bill HR2391 would criminalize skipping commercials, destroy Fair Use

By Mike Adams, November 16 2004
The United States Senate is about to pass a new copyright bill that would turn everyday Americans into criminals. This report is not a joke: it's about HR2391, the intellectual property protection act. Keep reading to learn how your consumer rights are under intense attack, and then forward this to your friends to help spread the word. Because if this bill isn't stopped, you could technically be thrown in prison for burning an audio CD and copying the files to your favorite MP3 player. This...

National Retail Sales Tax proposal gains momentum for real tax reform

By Mike Adams, November 11 2004
If there's one thing to like about the Republicans, it's the fact that they support tax reform. In theory, at least. The party hasn't produced any meaningful tax reform in decades, but now there's talk of a revolutionary overhaul that could end taxes on the poor, eliminate the IRS, and greatly simplify taxes for all Americans. It would free up billions of dollars in productivity that are now wasted on filling out tax paperwork, crunching numbers, and arguing with the IRS over how much you already...

U.S. Army tests battlefield robot armed with pump action shotgun; bring on the Terminators!

By Mike Adams, August 19 2004
The same company that makes those cute little household vacuuming robots now has a military robot that is equipped with a pump action shotgun capable of firing shotgun rounds and presumably killing enemy combatants (or anyone who happens to be standing in front of the 'bot). The robot is called the Pacbot, and it has already seen action in Iraq. The Pacbot weighs about 40 pounds, and is propelled by heavy-duty tracks. It also has chemical sensors that detect nuclear, biological, and chemical contaminants...

Bush Administration Censors Scientists In Order to Promote A Distorted, Politically Motivated Scientific View

By Mike Adams, August 7 2004
The Bush administration has gone to great lengths to influence the voice of the scientific community. In a clear case of politics attempting to direct science, the U.S. government has now imposed limits on which scientists can speak to the World Health Organization. The new rules require scientists to get permission from the Health and Human Services Department before they can speak to the WHO. Of this scientific censorship effort, Congressman Henry Waxman has said, "This is a raw attempt to exert...

More Researchers See Evidence of Plant Life on Mars

By Mike Adams, August 6 2004
When it comes to examining the possibility of life on Mars, opinions vary widely and emotions run high. For many years, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, who is one of the best-known writers in the world as well as being the inventor of the modern satellite, has insisted that photographs from NASA show seasonal changes in vegetation on Mars. The pictures look like massive forests of banyan trees, says Clarke. I've seen the pictures myself, and certainly agree with this characterization. Although...

Top SETI astronomer says we'll detect alien civilizations within 20 years thanks to advances in computing

By Mike Adams, July 25 2004
The only reason we haven't yet detected communication signals from alien civilizations is because we don't have the computing power required to scan the universe for weak radio transmission signals that would indicate intelligent life. But within twenty years, advances in computing power -- if Moore's Law holds -- should give human civilization the computing muscle it needs to scan every star in our galaxy in a search for intelligent signals. This is the news from a top SETI astronomer who says...

Automobile black boxes nail speeders and dangerous drivers by recording speeds and driving habits

By Mike Adams, July 22 2004
Although I remain a strong supporter of personal privacy, I believe that black box technology in automobiles is an excellent idea that should be used in the United States, too. Why? Because there are far too many dangerous drivers who know they can get away with unsafe driving habits simply because no one's watching. Furthermore, public roadways are not a "private" venue in my book. Public awareness of automobile black boxes surged recently when a Canadian teenager driver who collided with another...

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