Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Obamacare failure now evident as health care costs rise nationwide

By J. D. Heyes, May 18 2011
(NaturalNews) President Barack Obama's signature health care law was supposed to accomplish a couple of things. First, it was supposed to ensure that all Americans had access to quality healthcare; and second, it was supposed to reduce overall healthcare expenditures. In a word, the law - while admittedly not yet fully implemented - has not led to either goal, and in fact, costs overall are skyrocketing. These claims were substantiated in a recent subcommittee hearing of the House Education...

Wildcrafting: Seeing the world as a garden

By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D., May 18 2011
(NaturalNews) In the words of T.S. Elliot, "so how should I presume" to draw a line in the sand? Just how do I say, loud and clear, "enough!" There are, actually, as many ways as there are grains of sand, but the way that seems most accessible to me is to begin Unplugging from The Man. Scott Nearing put it succinctly when he wrote that he "must reduce wants and even needs to a minimum; wherever possible, serve myself, raise and prepare my own food, wash my own clothing, do my own building and repairing...

TSA backscatter radiation safety tests were rigged

By Mike Adams, May 17 2011
(NaturalNews) It can now be revealed by NaturalNews that the TSA faked its safety data on its X-ray airport scanners in order to deceive the public about the safety of such devices. As evidenced by recent events in Washington, we now live in an age where the federal government simply fakes whatever documents, news or evidence it wants people to believe, then releases that information as if it were fact. This is the modus operandi of the Department of Homeland Security, which must fabricate false...

Rep. Ron Paul introduces HR 1830 to allow shipment, distribution of raw milk across state lines

By Ethan A. Huff, May 17 2011
(NaturalNews) No matter what one's personal position is on the issue of consuming dairy products, the freedom to buy and sell raw milk is a fundamental right afforded to every American under the US Constitution. On May 11, 2011, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) introduced House Resolution (HR) 1830, the Unpasteurized Milk Bill, which will eliminate the unlawful federal restrictions on the interstate sale and distribution of raw milk and raw milk products. For far too long, the US Food and Drug Administration...

Government vaccine compensation payouts prove autism link

By Neev M. Arnell, May 12 2011
(NaturalNews) The federal government has been publicly denying any link between autism and vaccines for over two decades, while it has quietly been paying out damages for vaccine injury to children with autism, a study released May 10th shows. The study underscores the need for Congressional hearings and independent scientific research into the connection between autism and vaccines (

Indian farmers commit suicide due to devastation caused by GM crops

By Ethan A. Huff, May 17 2011
(NaturalNews) Foundational changes that have taken place in the agriculture sector of India have led to a epidemic of farmer suicides over the past 16 years, according to a new report. Released by the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University's (NYU) Law School, the report explains that, on average, one Indian farmer commits suicide every 30 minutes in response to the devastation caused by the effects of globalization on agriculture, and genetically-modified organisms (GMO...

Mother gives botox injections to eight-year-old daughter for beauty pageants

By Neev M. Arnell, May 17 2011
(NaturalNews) Britney Campbell has been taken away from her mother, Kerry, who defended giving Botox to the eight-year-old girl last week on "Good Morning America." ( On the show, which aired May 12, Kerry said that she has been injecting Britney's face with Botox to lessen the appearance of wrinkles and make her more competitive in beauty pageants. She claimed she got the idea from the many mothers in the...

EU agriculture chief slams GMOs, expresses strong support for natural agriculture

By Jonathan Benson, May 17 2011
(NaturalNews) In a bold move that goes against the mainstream flow, European Union (EU) Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Ciolos recently denounced genetically-modified (GM) food crops, citing the fact that they fail to meet various "quality and diversity criteria" that consumers have come to expect, and their inherent lack of benefit for both farmers and consumers. Ciolos also expressed support for individual EU member nations having the freedom to ban GM crops if they so choose, emphasizing the notion...

California farmer proves you can grow organic strawberries without using chemicals

By Reuben Claxton, May 17 2011
(NaturalNews) When is the last time you ate a truly delicious sweet strawberry that had been grown using only natural methods of agriculture? California's first organic strawberry grower has been producing such crimson delights for 25 years, and his success shows that in spite of claims to the contrary, it is possible to make a living with organic farming. Jim Cochran, 63, farms just north of Santa Cruz at the Swanton Berry Farm. His early days of farming followed the common techniques of using...

Should you use sunscreen?

By Randall Neustaedter OMD, May 17 2011
(NaturalNews) The debate about sunscreens rages on. Dermatologists advise slathering up every day. Nutritionists and holistic doctors advise sun exposure to get vitamin D. Some even say sunscreens cause cancer, and a disturbing study showed that people who used more commercial sunscreen had more melanoma. Where is the truth? We might never know. Sunscreen manufacturers need to sell their product and natural sunscreen companies have little money for research. The FDA is mute and has never said...

Cell phone towers may be ultimate cause of honeybee population collapse

By Mike Adams, May 16 2011
(NaturalNews) It's one of the signs of the approaching food collapse our world will soon be facing: Honeybees are disappearing at a truly alarming rate all around the world. Up to 30 percent of the honeybee population is collapsing in North America every year, and there's no end in sight to "the silence of the bees." Honeybees, of course, pollinate about a third of all the food consumed by first-world nations. Without them, the global food supply crashes and food prices skyrocket. The human population...

Physicist Stephen Hawking denounced for believing human beings are biological robots with no consciousness or free will

By Mike Adams, May 16 2011
(NaturalNews) Behind every madman, there is a distorted philosophy that denies people their humanity, says Mike Adams, creator of the new mini-documentary "The God Within," available now on NaturalNews.TV. This documentary deconstructs the core philosophies underpinning modern scientific thinking, unveiling the frightening fact that most modern scientists do not believe human beings have free will, a soul, or even anything resembling consciousness. The first 22 minutes of the mini-documentary...

Are you a Sheeple? Take the Sheeple Quiz and find out

By Mike Adams, May 16 2011
(NaturalNews) Have you herd about the Sheeple Quiz? Although most NaturalNews readers will easily beat it, it's a fun quiz to find out how smart (or gullible) your friends really are. So let 'em take the Sheeple Quiz! And then you'll know whether they're independent thinkers or just zombie-minded sheeple like the rest of the flock. Here's the quiz. Choose "A" or "B" as the answer for each question, then check your score below. The Sheeple Quiz #1) The purpose of the mainstream media is to...

Study: Tylenol, acetaminophen linked to causing blood cancer

By Jonathan Benson, May 16 2011
(NaturalNews) A new study out of the University of Washington (UW) provides even more evidence that taking over-the-counter painkillers can kill you. Published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the study explains that taking acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, for extended periods of time can increase a person's risk of developing blood cancer. Dr. Roland Walter, an assistant professor of medicine at UW, and his colleagues examined data on nearly 65,000 men and women between the...

Liposuction exposed: The fat comes back, but in different places

By J. D. Heyes, May 16 2011
(NaturalNews) Are you looking for a quick way to reduce body fat and your waistline? Don't try liposuction; you may very well wind up regretting that decision. A report in Britain's Daily Mail newspaper said U.S. researchers Teri Hernandez and Robert Eckel, both of the University of Colorado, have found that having liposuction only makes the fat come back in different, and altogether unexpected, places. While fat doesn't return to the same areas - usually liposuction is targeted at the hips...

State officials in Maine target local food sovereignty bills in effort to thwart food freedom

By Jonathan Benson, May 16 2011
(NaturalNews) A battle is erupting in Maine as state bureaucrats challenge the validity of the various food sovereignty bills recently passed by a handful of towns in the Pine Tree State. The bills override numerous provisions in the federal Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) that increase federal and state control over not only small farms, but also individuals and groups that grow, sell, prepare, or otherwise distribute food of any kind. Some officials insist that local municipalities cannot...

Fukushima orders of magnitude worse than Chernobyl, says Dr. Caldicott

By J. D. Heyes, May 16 2011
(NaturalNews) - A renowned nuclear activist has said the crisis at Japan's Fukushima nuclear complex brought on by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and resultant tsunami March 11 is much worse than the atomic disaster at the Chernobyl plant in the former Soviet Union in 1986. Dr. Helen Caldicott, at a March 18 Montreal press conference where she talked about the dangers of atomic war, discussed a wide range of nuclear-related issues she says are having profound effects on Europe, the U.S. and Japan...

Breast cancer breakthrough - Parsley and other plant products halt tumor growth

By Sherry Baker, May 16 2011
(NewsTarget) (NaturalNews) Did you ever use parsley simply to decorate some food -- and then toss the herb aside? You might want to reconsider that and make sure you actually eat the parsley. That's because groundbreaking new research shows parsley and certain other plant products, including fruits and nuts, contain a natural substance that can stop certain breast cancer tumor cells from multiplying and growing. In a new study just published in Cancer Prevention Research, Salman Hyder, the Zalk...

Discovery of Bt insecticide in human blood proves GMO toxin a threat to human health, study finds

By Jonathan Benson, May 15 2011
(NaturalNews) The biotechnology industry's house of cards appears to be crumbling, as a new study out of the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, recently found Bt toxin, a component of certain genetically-modified (GM) crops, in human blood samples for the first time. Set to be published in the peer-reviewed journal Reproductive Toxicology the new study shreds the false notion that Bt is broken down by the digestive system, and instead shows that the toxin definitively persists in the bloodstream. Industry...

US government will soon seize your retirement account

By J. D. Heyes, May 15 2011
(NaturalNews) - When it comes to your retirement account, you probably keep an eye on Wall Street and the financial markets because when they lose value, your account loses value. Little did you know you are going to have to keep an eye on Uncle Sam as well, because he's eyeing your retirement too, and he could soon take what he will claim is his fair share of it. If you think that sounds absurd, think again. In fact, it's a concept that is already being used by some governments, the most recent...

Diabetics twice as likely to develop cancer, suggests new study

By Jonathan Benson, May 15 2011
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the journal Diabetes Care reveals that diabetics have a nearly doubled risk of developing certain types of cancer compared to those without the disease. Dr. Chaoyang Li from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Ga., and his colleagues found that 16 percent of diabetic men and 17 percent of diabetic women develop cancer, while only seven and ten percent of the general population, respectively, develop it. "The significant association...

True history: The Boston molasses tsunami that killed 21 people

By Neev M. Arnell, May 15 2011
(NaturalNews) Sitting in the afternoon sun, eating my molasses and ginger cookie today, I wasn't really contemplating the dangers of molasses, but probably neither were residents of Boston's North End when a 30-foot-high molasses tsunami surged down Commercial Street at 35 miles an hour, killing 21 and injuring 150. The molasses tidal wave of 1919 was the result of an explosion at a 50-foot-high steel tank, owned by United States Alcohol Company, which held 2.3 million gallons of molasses. The...

OrganicKidz introduces stainless steel, non-BPA baby bottles

By Neev M. Arnell, May 15 2011
(NaturalNews) With our exposure to chemicals in everything from our air and water to our food and cleaning products, it's no wonder that parents are often on the lookout for safe products that will keep their kids healthy. Baby bottles are one product that parents need to be able to rely on. And, with instances such as the recent discovery that BPA has been found leeching even from BPA-free brands of baby bottles, it is hard to know which products to trust with your baby's health (http://www.environmentalhealthnews...

Apple, Google mobile phones secretly track users and upload the data

By J. D. Heyes, May 15 2011
(NaturalNews) - Is your iPhone or Android spying on you? Quite possibly, according to a recent analysis of documents and data by The Wall Street Journal. According to the paper, Apple's iPhones and Google's Android smartphones "regularly transmit their locations back to Apple and Google," as part of the companies' attempts to build huge databases that will enable them to pinpoint where you are. Why would they do this? The easy answer is capitalism; they want to be able to access a $2.9 billion...

Texas may criminalize TSA pat-downs as molestation (opinion)

By Mike Adams, May 14 2011
(NaturalNews) Texas is a fiercely independent-minded state, and it also turns out that Texans are tired of being sexually molested by government agents at the airport. That's why Texas State Congressman Rep. David Simpson decided to do something about it: He sponsored a bill which makes it a crime for security agents to touch "the anus, sexual organ, buttocks, or breast of another person," even though clothing. Well, gee, then that basically scraps the entire TSA playbook of tyranny. If they can't...

TEPCO to cover damaged Fukushima reactors with useless polyester tents

By Ethan A. Huff, May 14 2011
(NaturalNews) In a demonstration of the company's shocking ignorance concerning the nature of radioactive particles, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has announced that it is going to place large polyester domes -- yes, you read that right -- around the damaged reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in an alleged attempt to help contain radioactive particles. The polyester domes will begin appearing next month, and all are expected to be in place by the end of the year, say...

Historic Mississippi River flood prompts Army Corps to release Louisiana's Morganza levee; 3 million more acres of land to be inundated with water

By Ethan A. Huff, May 14 2011
(NaturalNews) Within days, the US Army Corps of Engineers is expected to open the Morganza Spillway in Louisiana to protect major cities like Baton Rouge and New Orleans, both of which will allegedly experience massive flooding if the spillway is not opened. If and when the spillway is opened, it is projected that three million more acres of land will be flooded, which will affect 18,000 acres of farmland, 11,000 structures, and 2,500 people. On Monday, the Corps released a number of bays in the...

Florida to prohibit doctors from questioning whether patients own firearms

By Jonathan Benson, May 14 2011
(NaturalNews) A new bill that recently passed the Florida state legislature will make it illegal for doctors to interrogate patients about whether or not they own firearms. If signed into law by Governor Rick Scott, House Bill 155 will make Florida the first US state to protect the privacy of its patients who exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms, and who wish to not disclose that information to their doctors. HB 155 emerged in response to an Ocala, Fla., incident involving a woman...

Government regulations set to destroy fishing industry in New England

By Jonathan Benson, May 14 2011
(NaturalNews) Federal caps that limit the volume and frequency of fish catches are quickly bankrupting and destroying the fishing industry throughout New England, according to recent reports. Catch shares, which have allegedly been designed to stop overfishing and the many problems caused by overfishing, have inadvertently depressed the economic vitality of the fishing industry -- and conditions have gotten so bad that some fisherman have even tried to commit suicide. "If they don't do something...

Nullify Now event coming to L.A. on May 28th

By J. D. Heyes, May 14 2011
(NaturalNews) -- An organization called the Tenth Amendment Center is planning a "Nullify Now" event in Los Angeles May 28, a spokesman for the group said. Michael Boldin, in a YouTube video announcing the event, said it is designed to raise awareness of the process of nullification and how it can be utilized to roll back invasive federal powers and unconstitutional expansions of power. "Thomas Jefferson gave us a recommendation," Boldin says in the video. "Whenever the federal government violates...

How the skin reduces indoor air pollution

By Jonathan Benson, May 14 2011
(NaturalNews) The 500 million skin cells you shed naturally from your body every single day may actually be helping to purify the air in your home and workplace, says a new study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. Charles Weschler and his team from the American Chemical Society say that the oil found in skin cells helps to reduce ozone levels in the air, which in turn eases levels of pollution that irritate the eyes, throat, and nose. Humans shed skin cells at an average...

Scientists discover new method by which bacteria become resistant to antibiotics

By Jonathan Benson, May 14 2011
(NaturalNews) Overuse of antibiotics both in conventional livestock feed and in human medical applications has led to increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotic drugs. However, a new study published in the online journal Nature Chemical Biology suggests that bacteria have also found another way to become resistant to popular antibiotics, and it involves becoming dormant and flying under the radar in the presence of antibiotics. "Through our research, we're understanding that some bacteria go...

Hundreds of herbal remedies now outlawed across Europe

By M.K. Tyler, May 13 2011
(NaturalNews) Live in Europe? Get your herbs while they last. New rules put forth by the European Union (EU) will ban the sale of certain herbal remedies that have been used for centuries. Traditional herbs such a St. John's Wort or Echinacea must now meet strict licensing guidelines in order to be sold, while other lesser-known herbs that haven't been "traditionally" used in the last 30 years won't even make the cut to reach consumer shelves. Only those products that have been "assessed" by the... now broadcasts Robert Scott Bell, Health Ranger via iPhone, iPad devices

By Mike Adams, May 13 2011
(NaturalNews) The NaturalNews Radio Network (NNRN) is now broadcasting 24/7 from a new website, And here's even better news: We've upgraded our streaming technology to deliver seamless audio streaming to iPhones, iPads and portable devices in addition to Mac and PC streaming. Simply go to to listen in at any time! Our streaming server capacity has been upgraded to handle over 25,000 simultaneous listeners, giving us the ability to handle the...

Learn how to live vibrantly through a better understanding of the body, illness, and disease prevention

By Ethan A. Huff, May 13 2011
(NaturalNews) The key to real health is not simply avoiding disease and getting by, but also equipping the body so that it can function with true vigor and vibrancy. In the new educational course, "Cultivating Vibrance: Understanding the Body, Illness, and Prevention," Dr. Aumatma Shah, ND, MS, explains in simple terms precisely how the body works, how environmental toxins destroy health. She also covers how to properly eat and live in order to both avoid the things that lead to bad outcomes while...

Fight the Leahy Bill and help protect small farmers from vicious FDA attacks

By Ethan A. Huff, May 13 2011
(NaturalNews) It is undeniable that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proven itself to be nothing more than a terrorist organization hellbent on both controlling the food supply, and eliminating individual freedom of food choice. And now, the agency could gain even more power to imprison "violators" with up to ten years of jail time, thanks to the resurrected "Food Safety Accountability Act," or S. 3767, which was recently reintroduced by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.). If this language...

New research shows liposuction is a big fat lie

By Sherry Baker, May 13 2011
(NewsTarget) (NaturalNews) Liposuction, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses small cannulas to literally suck fat out of the body and reshape problem areas like "spare tires" and large thighs, has become one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the country. In fact, since it became widely available in 1974, there are now more than 450,000 liposuctions performed a year. After almost three decades of use, you might think plastic surgeons would know just about everything there is...

Organic Consumers Association takes aim at Whole Foods over labeling of GM foods

By Kaitlyn Moore, May 13 2011
(NaturalNews) Whole Foods customers have a love/hate relationship with the natural and organic foods giant. They have run afoul of their customer base before - remember the mass outcry and call for boycott as a result of comments thrown about by the CEO regarding health care rights ( Now there is the issue of mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods being bandied about in a variety of state legislatures - an effort that recent...

Doctors increasingly prescribe yoga and meditation to patients

By Jonathan Benson, May 13 2011
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that complementary and alternative medicine treatments, also known as CAM, are becoming much more mainstream than they used to be. Physicians are increasingly referring their patients to get mind-body therapies like yoga, tai chi, and meditation, when all else has failed, say researchers. Based on data collected from the 2007 National Health Interview (NHI) Survey, Dr. Aditi Nerurkar from Harvard Medical...

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