Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

More countries abandon GM seeds, crops in response to widespread public disapproval

By Jonathan Benson, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) Two more countries have taken a bold stand against genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), according to new reports. The South American nation of Venezuela is currently in the process of crafting legislation to bar transgenic seeds and crops from entering the country, while biotechnology giant Monsanto has completely withdrawn all of its business efforts from the European nation of Denmark, where food companies and the genera public have wholly rejected GMOs. As reported by Venezuela's...

HPV and Hepatitis B vaccines do not prevent cervical cancer and liver disease

By Michelle Goldstein, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) While pro-vaccinators continue to urge the use of vaccines to prevent disease, research does not support the theory that vaccines protect against illness. In fact, the HPV and Hepatitis B vaccines have proven to be dangerous and fatal to health. Hepatitis B vaccines, routinely given to infants at birth, are associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other debilitating injuries. In the case of the HPV vaccine, early evidence is pointing to HPV vaccines actually increasing...

James Clapper admits lying to the American people in the 'least untruthful manner possible' about NSA spying

By J. D. Heyes, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) The tortured logic and pained explanations (and justifications) being given by top government officials and lawmakers in the wake of the disclosure that the National Security Agency snoops on every American is as astounding as it is pathetic. But then again, they are being made by people who are a) offended that you and I would dare question their conduct and intent; and b) don't think we have the right to do so in any case. This Big Government arrogance was epitomized by the Director...

Obamacare exchanges already a logistical nightmare; most states to miss deadlines

By J. D. Heyes, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) For months we here at Natural News have been warning readers that the medical "reform" measure known as Obamacare is a regulatory nightmare that will destroy the U.S. healthcare system and raise its costs astronomically - despite the lies the president and his minions have told to "sell" it to the public. One of the most egregious aspects of the law is the "health care exchanges" it creates - you know, the ones that were supposed to, according to President Obama, keep insurance rates...

Why walnuts are the ultimate brain food

By Nanditha , June 8 2013
(NaturalNews) The local pharmacy is promoting memory and mood-enhancing drugs. The advertisement says "if coffee is a socially acceptable drug, then why not this?" This is the age of instant gratification with a huge debate in tow about the ethics of peddling and consuming drugs for just about anything and everything. The easy way out, as we well know, is never the best way out. The instant solution to anything is somewhat dubious in the face of ancient, grandmotherly wisdom especially for body...

Toxic phthalates in vibrators

By Lisa S. Lawless, Ph.D., June 5 2013
(NaturalNews) Sexual products are often overlooked by consumers when it comes to health concerns and this needs to change. With over 80 percent of women in the United States having used a vibrator, they have become quite commonplace and are sold in drugstores and even Tupperware style home parties. Vibrators come in all types of shapes, colors, sizes and offer a wide variety of functions from which to choose. In addition to the single woman, many couples as well as men have begun to enjoy the creativity...

Adult prescription use directly linked to poisoning of children: Study

By Jonathan Benson, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) Drugs are harming and killing American children at an astounding rate these days - no, not "street" drugs like cocaine and ecstasy, but rather pharmaceutical drugs like statins and opioid painkillers. And a recent study found that these same pharmaceuticals, which are intended for adult use, are now a leading cause of poisoning among young children. Published in the journal Pediatrics, the study revealed that prescription drugs intended for adults often make it into the hands of...

Consumer Alert: Secret trade agreements threaten food safety, subvert democracy

By Ronnie Cummins, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) If you think the U.S. government is doing a sub-par job of keeping your food safe, brace yourself. You could soon be eating imported seafood, beef or chicken products that don't meet even basic U.S. food safety standards. Under two new trade agreements, currently in negotiation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be powerless to shut down imports of unsafe food or food ingredients. And if it tries, multinational corporations will be able to sue the U.S. government for...

Vegetarian diet again shown to lower all-cause risk of death, especially in men

By John Phillip, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) Extensive research over the past decade continues to show a distinct risk reduction for those following a predominately vegetarian-style diet. In prior research works, scientists have documented the effect of eating a vegetarian diet with a significant reduction in the risk of developing many chronic diseases including hypertension, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and ischemic heart disease. When polled, only 5 percent of those responding indicate that they currently follow vegetarian...

Gutfeld: We are witnessing a 'collapse in trust of big government'

By J. D. Heyes, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) To hear Fox News host and author Greg Gutfeld tell it, Americans are quickly losing faith "in trust of big government," but then again, if you ask me, I'd say it's about time. In a May 31 column posted over at Breitbart News, Gutfeld prefaced his observation thus: You remember near the end of the Monty Python flick, The Meaning of Life - that scene featuring Mr. Creasote? He's the morbidly obese freak who gorges on food, until finally, after eating a mint offered by the waiter...

Coming to a store near you: GMO plants with synthetic biology that makes them glow

By Ethan A. Huff, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) A team of researchers from Stanford University in California wants you to donate your hard-earned money to them so they can continue to develop an unapproved genetically-modified (GM) plant that literally glows to generate light. The so-called "Glowing Plant Project" has already raised nearly half a million dollars from the online Kickstarter program, and researchers involved with the project hope to continue pulling in the dollars so they can one day unleash the technology on the commercial...

Keep your immune system strong with pau d'arco

By P. Simard, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) Pau d'arco is regularly found in South America and is often used as a medicinal herb designed to protect the body from harmful organisms. It has many incredible health benefits, including antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, hence why it is widely used by herbalists living outside the US to treat a wide variety of illnesses. This powerful herb has been used for treatment and prevention over the last 1,500 years, but its healing secrets...

United Nations: Eat more ants and grasshoppers to avoid starvation

By Ethan A. Huff, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) World hunger would not really be that big of an issue if people would just eat more insects as part of their normal diet. This is the basic premise of a new report recently put out by the United Nations (U.N.) Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.), which actually makes the claim that ants, grasshoppers and other bugs are somehow healthier and better for the environment than the traditional protein-dense foodstuffs we are all used to eating. The ridiculous proposal gives a whole...

Massive vaccine scandal exposes government lies and psyops

By Jon Rappoport, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) If you control the use of words and numbers, you can make trillions of dollars, and you can hide scandals that would otherwise take you down into infamy and prison. You can pretty much operate a whole sector of society and remain untouched. Nowhere is this more clear than in the criminal work of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The real name of that agency should be: Centers for Disease Information Control. That's what they do. They manipulate words and numbers to...

Line dancing video proves IRS is a culture of giggling control freaks with no connection to the real world

By J. D. Heyes, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) In yet another stunningly insensitive example of just how out-of-control the federal leviathan has become - and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), especially - another absurd "training video" has surfaced featuring IRS employees and paid for with your tax dollars. The video, which was posted on the House Ways and Means Committee website, features about a dozen IRS employees line-dancing on a stage. From The Associated Press: The video of the IRS workers practicing their dance...

Snow job: If government spying on all Americans is such a good thing, then why is it being conducted in secret?

By Mike Adams, June 18 2013
(NaturalNews) In the run up to the 2012 election, why didn't Obama campaign on the promise that he would keep Americans safe by spying on all our phone calls, emails and electronic communications? After all, Obama says he completely endorse the program, insisting that Americans will have to put up with a "little inconvenience" in order to be more secure. So why not run on that platform? "Hey, America, I'm the SPY President! Vote for me and have all your emails read by caring government professionals...

Monsanto Video Revolt announced: Join the uprising by posting your video everywhere on July 24, 2013

By Mike Adams, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Following the hugely successful March Against Monsanto which put the biotech industry on notice that the world's citizens will not tolerate being poisoned, polluted and enslaved by the biotech industry, a new event has now been announced: The Monsanto Video Revolt. To participate, simply create a video -- any video -- talking about opposition to Monsanto, GMOs or glyphosate. Then upload it to as many video sites as possible on July 24th. Title your video "Monsanto Video Revolt...

Supreme Court ruling: You need ID to buy beer, but not to register to vote

By Mike Adams, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that Arizona's state law requiring potential voters to show proof of citizenship while registering to vote is illegal. The court ruled that Arizona, like every other state, cannot add ID requirements to the federal voter registration form which simply asks the person to check a checkbox to indicate whether they are a citizen. No proof of citizenship is required, anywhere across America, to register to vote. As the LA Times reports, "The Supreme...

IRS seizes medical records of 60 million Americans - preview of what's to come with Obamacare

By Lance Johnson, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) The government has its hands all over everyone's most private places these days. From touching people at the airport, to intercepting emails and phone calls, to swabbing the DNA right out of people's mouths without a warrant: It's all becoming a numbing sensation. IRS seizes 60 million medical records in CaliforniaIt comes as no surprise that the IRS is now stealing people's sensitive medical records. That's the case in California. A reported 60 million medical records have been...

America's wheat exports in crisis: Discovery of contaminated wheat from Monsanto trials only the beginning

By Ethan A. Huff, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) The recent surprise discovery of illegal Monsanto "Frankenwheat" growing in farm fields in eastern Oregon is just the tip of the iceberg as far as contamination is concerned, says a prominent research scientist. According to Dr. Doug Gurian-Sherman from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), illegal genetically-modified (GM) wheat has more than likely already spread to many other parts of the U.S. besides Oregon, which means that it may have also contaminated the greater food supply...

Tech expert urges Americans to 'quit Google, Facebook' over NSA surveillance revelations

By J. D. Heyes, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) In light of revelations that the federal government's massive spy apparatus has been unleashed on its own citizens, some tech experts are now advising users of social media and other Internet-based sites that have helped Uncle Sam pry into your life to stop using them altogether. While I do utilize +Google (+J.D. Heyes) to share my views and help market NaturalNews (we are a web-based publication, after all), I quit using sites like MySpace (remember that one?) and Facebook years...

Consuming certain beverages will dehydrate the entire body

By Wendy Merrill, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Ever wonder what the actual water content is of some popular beverages? Coffee is somewhere around 98 to 99 percent water. Soda is about 90 to 95 percent water. Wine tends to range from 80 to 85 percent water. A light beer is close to 90 to 94 percent water. Tea is approximately 98 percent water. On the surface, based on these numbers, is it any surprise that the average person today tends to think they have easily satisfied their body's daily crucial requirement for water? The 8 to...

Snowden critics say it's not treason to spy on all Americans; it's treason to expose it

By J. D. Heyes, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Since Americans learned that their own National Security Agency has been used to spy on them, in violation of its mandate to conduct only foreign surveillance and in direct violation of the Constitution, there has been an outcry from tens of millions of citizens upset that the Bush and Obama Administrations appear to have turned on them. But the most interesting - and disappointing - revelations to date come not from the disclosure of the widespread spying by NSA whistleblower Edward...

Is your 'gluten-free' or 'vegan' diet truly healthy?

By Ethan A. Huff, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan are all the rage these days. Many people, whether they have a food allergy or not, believe that foods with these and other common labeling distinctions are automatically healthier than other foods. But do you really know what is contained in that gluten-free loaf of bread or those vegetarian "sausage" links? Chances are if it is packaged, processed, and contains more than about half a dozen ingredients on the label, it is still an unhealthy food, regardless...

Valerian will help you avoid sleepless nights

By P. Simard, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) The valerian plant, part of the valerianaceae family, is an indigenous species native to Europe and Asia but it has been naturalized in America thanks to its now well recognized tranquilizing, relaxing and sedative properties which are of great assistance when wanting to get rid of sleep problems. Chemically speaking, valerian stabilizes the nervous system and can be very helpful to individuals suffering from health conditions such as panic attacks, tension, stress, irritability, anxiety...

Obama massive spy apparatus intended to destroy all privacy nationwide

By J. D. Heyes, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Amid news that the National Security Agency, or NSA, has data-mined the information of millions of Americans with the help of telecom Verizon and has built the capacity to gather all electronically transmitted data on every single American at any time, comes news from the reporter who initially broke the story that we are merely seeing the tip of the anti-privacy iceberg. In fact, according to The Guardian newspaper's Glenn Greenwald, Americans - and citizens of every nation around...

Connecticut legislature passes nation's first ever GMO labeling bill

By Ethan A. Huff, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) The state of Connecticut has officially made history by passing the nation's first ever bill requiring that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) be properly labeled. After amending an earlier version of House Bill 6527 as it was originally passed by the House, the Senate overwhelmingly voted in favor of this important "right to know" bill, which was not long after it passed in its new form by the House. Once eventually enacted, Connecticut will become the first state in the nation...

Wheat farmers sue Monsanto for release of unapproved GM wheat

By Ethan A. Huff, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) American wheat farmers are outraged over the recent discovery of unapproved genetically-modified (GM) wheat growing in Oregon, and one Kansas wheat farmer has decided to go on the offensive by suing the company responsible for this impetuous crime: Monsanto. Farmer Ernest Barnes of Morton County, located in Kansas' southwest corner, says he and many other wheat farmers throughout the state and across the country are losing profits thanks to Monsanto's recklessness, and that justice...

Scientists explain mechanism how vitamin E helps prevent cancer

By John Phillip, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Past bodies of research have suggested that vitamin E is an important nutrient in the age-old battle against many forms of cancer. A number of poorly constructed studies over the past five years have concluded that supplementation with vitamin E not only provides no health benefits, but may actually increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. As a result of the mainstream media's desire to trumpet any type of negative information regarding natural compounds to prevent disease...

Obamacare sticker shock: 146 percent rate increases to be triggered in California

By J. D. Heyes, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) "You can keep your current health insurance." "You can keep your doctor." "I will not sign a [health care reform] bill that adds one dime to the deficit." And this whopper: "Insurance rates will go down under health care reform." All of these statements were made over and over again by President Obama and his enablers in Congress and the public policy realm during the debate over the monstrosity that eventually came to be known as "Obamacare." In the years since, every single...

Estrogen overload - How environment and lifestyle contribute to hormonal imbalance while devastating the health of both men and women

By Carolanne Wright, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Estrogen is typically considered a female hormone, vital for the reproductive system. Yet with the widespread use of plastics and pesticides, estrogen dominance is now a serious issue for both men and women. Excessive levels not only increase the incidence of breast, colon and prostate cancer, but also foster weight gain, fatigue, irritability and mental instability. Present in a variety of consumer goods like cosmetics, shampoos, oil-based coatings and animal products, we are bombarded...

The age of affordable food is coming to an end - Are you prepared?

By Jonathan Benson, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) America's industrialized food system, the very existence of which is almost fully dependent on an endless availability of cheap oil, copious amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, untested genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), and various intense processing methods, is in its final death throes. And the ultimate consequence of this slow debacle is pointing to an end to the age of cheap food, which begs the question, are you prepared? Historic drought conditions throughout...

Multiplying scandals to hide the scandal that could sink Obama

By Jon Rappoport, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Realize, first of all, that the normal attention span of elite media is about three days. If you can jam your version of data down their throats for that length of time, you're golden. Then you're facing another three days. You start all over again. You being the White House PR flack machine. The overall effect you're looking for is: here today, gone tomorrow (or in three days). Nothing sticks. Therefore, the public, or that part of it that can still think and reflect at...

Toxic shock: California allows up to one thousand times more glyphosate in drinking water than needed to cause breast cancer in women

By Mike Adams, June 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Late last week, a story broke that revealed glyphosate -- the chemical name of Roundup herbicide -- multiplies the proliferation of breast cancer cells by 500% to 1300%... even at exposures of just a few parts per trillion (ppt). The study, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, is entitled, "Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors." You can read the abstract here. There's a whole lot more to this story, however, but to follow it, you need...

Genetic pollution: When GMO salmon escape into the oceans, there will be no boycotting Franken-fish

By S. D. Wells, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) How soon will the Franken-fish "escape" or be purposely (but secretly of course) released into the oceans of the world? How soon will this eel-like salmon, over-loaded with hormones and DNA from other fish, and an utter health disaster and world wide ocean "eco-disaster" become public knowledge and a new massive dilemma? What countries will be sued by the "patent" holders of GM salmon when the fish are released into the "wild" world known as the seven seas? In other words, are you...

Treasonous Feinstein accuses Snowden of treason; insists others should honor oath of office but not herself

By J. D. Heyes, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) It's a typical case of the pot calling the kettle black. If it wasn't so serious and hypocritical, it might even be comical. By now most Americans are aware of the National Security Agency's gathering of metadata on millions of Americans, in blatant violation of the Bill of Rights (never mind that a "secret" federal court granted the NSA the authority - no federal court has the power to grant any agency any authority to violate the Constitution). No doubt most of you have heard...

US pork producer Smithfield Foods to be sold to China for $4.72 billion - and this is just the beginning

By Jonathan Benson, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Recent announcements about the acquisition of U.S.-based Smithfield Foods Inc., the world's largest pork producer and processor, by a major Chinese holding company has sent significant shockwaves throughout the American economy. According to new reports, Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd. is in the process of pulling the trigger on purchasing Smithfield for $4.72 billion, a move that some say marks the beginning of a much larger takeover of American industry by the Far East. Reports...

Treat your diabetes naturally with CoQ10

By David Gutierrez, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Neuropathy, or nerve damage, is the most common cause of injury and death in people with diabetes. Preliminary studies suggest, however, that this debilitating condition may be treatable by boosting your body's levels of a substance that it is already producing: Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10. Approximately 50 percent of all type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients - nearly 2 percent of the world's population - experience some form of diabetic neuropathy. There are currently no treatments that...

Magic mushrooms and depression: Another promising treatment halted by the war on drugs

By Mariel Chance, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) England is attempting to embark upon the first ever clinical trial to explore the potential positive effects psilocybin-the hallucinogenic ingredient in magic mushrooms-has on depression. However, the trial, despite having the funds to commence, is being halted due to the fact that it is still illegal under federal law. In America, the situation is similar with periodic small studies showing promise, however the iron fist of the law prevents further exploration. Psilocybin mushrooms...

Comprehensive research database offers global picture of harm caused by GMOs

By Jonathan Benson, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The researchers involved with the recent landmark study proving that exposure to genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and Monsanto's Roundup herbicide causes serious organ damage and cancerous tumors have developed a new web-based tool to help spread the word about the many dangers of GMOs. A global snapshot into the vast GMO conspiracy, contains a thorough repository of evidence-based science and cases studies demonstrating that GMOs are a serious threat to both humans...

Change your life with these top superfoods

By Carolanne Wright, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Let's face it. When we are feeling run down, muddled, overweight or unwell, it's difficult to achieve our goals or live life to the fullest. Traditionally, Asian cultures believe nutrient dense food is one of the most powerful allies for attracting positive experiences into our lives. Whether concerning prosperity or solid relationships, joy or success - a healthy body and mind are key. Below are eight edibles that can help transform your life for the better. Stunning superfoodsCamu...

Copyright trolls, image bullies exposed by

By PF Louis, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Copyright protection and infringement enforcement has morphed over the last few decades into a monster worse than copyright theft itself and well beyond the spirit of copyright laws. The copyright infringement mania has crossed over to cyberspace and other media platforms. A legal extortion racket called "copyright trolling" has risen from the depths of hell to extend its wrath on anyone who appears to have violated copyright laws. A brief explanation of copyright trollingIt's...

ACLU turns on Obama: Privacy invasions abhorrent, shocking

By J. D. Heyes, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) One by one, traditionally left-wing and liberal institutions are turning on President Obama, who is perhaps the most liberal president in U.S. history, following disclosure of a series of horrific abuses of power that have taken place during his tenure. In early June an editorial from no less than The New York Times bashed the president over the National Security Agency's wholesale capture of metadata on millions of Verizon customers (and, really, on every American, we now know)...

The best aromatase-inhibiting foods and herbs

By Dr. David Jockers, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Aging and high levels of physical, chemical and emotional stress are associated with the loss of progesterone in women and testosterone in men. This process of converting androgenic hormones into estrogens is called aromatization. Aromatization leads to a state of estrogen dominance that is a major factor in many common health problems. Certain foods and herbs help the body reverse the process of aromatization. Estrogen is a catabolic hormone that breaks down muscle mass and leads...

Detroit citizens have to protect themselves now that police funding is nearly nonexistent

By J. D. Heyes, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The city of Detroit, once one of the greatest examples of American manufacturing prowess, has become a decrepit shell of its former self, wracked by successive administrations mired in corruption and owing to powerful employee unions which helped themselves to city coffers at taxpayers' expense. Decades of indulgent city councils and crooked mayors who engaged in economic terrorism against residents have left a legacy of decay so bad that today the city cannot even afford to pay...

Seven fast, drug-free methods for lifting any emotional burden

By Mike Bundrant, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) There are fast and effective, drug-free ways to lift emotional burdens that your doctor or psychiatrist will not tell you about because he or she is - almost certainly - not trained in mental health. That's right, psychiatrists are not trained in mental health and stress reduction. They are trained to prescribe medication, so they are very short on the kinds of effective mental health strategies that really work to reduce stress and lighten any emotional load. In this article...

Boston Marathon bombing was meticulously plotted in advance ... by the police!

By J. D. Heyes, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Federal, state and local police agencies, along with the various state National Guard forces, have for years war-gamed terrorist attack scenarios. Such preparation is more than prudent, given the scope and severity of the 9/11 attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people. So it should come as no surprise that virtually all major and mid-sized American cities have been preparing to react to a mock terrorist attack. That includes the city in which the latest terrorist attack occurred...

Your body on meditation - the benefits are undeniable and endless

By Ethan A. Huff, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) More than just a modern cultural fad, mindfulness meditation is increasingly proving to be a powerful healer both emotionally and physically. As evidenced by an accumulation of scientific research on the subject, mindfulness meditation has been shown to help repair damaged neurons in the brain and form healthy, new neural connections; improve mood and alleviate depression symptoms; alter physical brain shape and size; and even stave off physical illnesses like high blood pressure and...

Ed Snowden's magic thumb drive and other NSA fantasies

By Jon Rappoport, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Well, they've solved the riddle. Ed Snowden was able to steal thousands of highly protected NSA documents because...he had a thumb drive. This is the weapon that breached the inner sanctum of the most sophisticated information agency in the world. This is the weapon to which the NSA, with all its resources, remains utterly vulnerable. Can't defeat it. NSA bans thumb drives, but certain special employees are allowed to use them. Would Snowden have been in that elite circle...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

By Mike Adams, June 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist. He now runs the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, conducting world-class food science research and publishing scientific papers on food contaminants and nutritional analytics. Through...

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