Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

List of medical kidnappings happening now in America

By Mike Adams, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) Where has America gone? President Obama is about to give a State of the Union address this evening, but the real state of the Union is that under Presidents Bush and Obama, America has descended into a runaway police state where citizens are considered "subjects" who must kow-tow to corporate-sponsored agendas or face the wrath of the state. Those independent-thinking Americans who do not surrender to the twisted demands of the State are deemed criminals by default, even if they...

600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

By Mike Adams, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) According to the document you're about to see, for the last eight years, government scientists have actively engineered viral vaccines designed to alter thoughts and beliefs by infecting the brain and suppressing genetic expression of neurological cells. Dispersal of these vaccines has been tested via high-altitude aerosolized sprays, highway vehicles, the water supply and even the food system. As you'll see in the document and video below, the vaccine was intended from the start...

Biotech CEO says company technology to create unnatural beings will end up 'killing everyone'

By Ethan A. Huff, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) The same Duke University graduate who recently told an audience of scientists in Austria that every living thing is intrinsically flawed and in need of genetic modification is back in the news after announcing plans to one day grant ordinary people the opportunity to create their own fake organisms from the comfort of their own homes. Cambrian Genomics CEO Austen Heinz envisions a future where nothing is natural and everything is created in a laboratory using synthetic DNA strands...

Creators of martial law film "Grey State" found dead, reported as murder-suicide

By J. D. Heyes, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) The creator of a not-yet-completed film about a central government takeover of society following a collapse and his family have been found dead in their Minnesota home, with authorities claiming that the deaths were the result of a murder-suicide. As reported by the Star Tribune newspaper in Minneapolis, David Crowley, 29, his wife, Komel, 28, and their 5-year-old daughter were found in their Apple Valley home days ago after a neighbor called to report their bodies. A statement...

Biotech companies to use "genome editing" to circumvent GMO regulations

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 6 2015
(NaturalNews) Before you protest against genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and march against everything which they stand for, it's important to know some of the many ways in which companies and their scientists are modifying nature, patenting it, and profiting from it. First, there's the most controversial method of genetic engineering which uses genes from an external, foreign source of DNA which is inserted into the genome of a crop like corn. Monsanto is the multinational corporation leading...

Connecticut kidnaps teen for refusing chemo treatment, injects her with chemicals against her will

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 6 2015
(NaturalNews) When it comes to medical authorities, human rights no longer exist, especially if you are under the age of 18. Competent young people with informed objection to medical advice no longer have a choice or say over what is forcibly pumped into their bodies. Their parents have no say in what happens to their child anymore either. State departments threaten to take adolescents away from parents if they do not force their child to comply with medical treatment dictates. If a state-licensed...

Government agencies plant fake stories in media to brainwash public

By J. D. Heyes, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) The CIA and other covert U.S. spy agencies have, for years, planted phony "news" stories in a bid to propagandize debate over certain issues and skew public opinion. Recently, reports from Washington's Blog and revisited this issue and noted that the propaganda continues to this day. First, a little history. In the mid-1970s, Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, who had become a key figure in U.S. foreign policy, formed what would later become known as the "Church Committee...

Cancer develops from fungal infections, like Candida

By Derek Henry, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) The numbers related to those who are diagnosed with cancer and who die from it are sickening, to the point that cancer is on the doorstep of knocking out heart disease as the number one killer in the United States. It is estimated approximately that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with some type of cancer, and recent data shows that cancer claims at least 576,691 people per year, or nearly 23% of ALL deaths. There are very few common threads among experts on what causes cancer, aside...

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria causing epidemic of infant deaths in India may spread globally

By Daniel Barker, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) An antibiotic-resistant "superbug" epidemic which is killing thousands of newborns in India may prove to have a global impact. India's infant mortality rate is staggering, accounting for nearly a third of the yearly world total. Of the 800,000 infant deaths per year in the country, around 58,000 are caused by antibiotic-resistant infections. A number of factors have contributed to the epidemic -- poor sanitation, crowded hospitals and overuse of antibiotics are among them. Although...

Long-term food storage made easy

By Jennifer Lilley, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) Natural News' very own Mike Adams has declared 2015 the "Year of Self Reliance," reinforcing what he's been stating in his articles and videos for quite some time: Now more than ever, people need to take control of their own security. From food to finances, he's shown that if we are to flourish as a society, we need to take steps to ensure that we're free from the likes of police state eyes, crumbling economic systems and greedy medical practices.(1) Food security in particular...

Research indicates that nutritional pH balance is key to health

By Dr. David Jockers, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) Most people in our society carry an excess of acidic wastes. This creates a significant burden in the body. The blood stream must be at a 7.365 pH level, if it rises or falls one tenth of a pH unit it creates an extreme emergency. If blood pH moves two tenths either way, it's lethal. Research indicates that nutritional pH balance is key for good health. The body has an incredible homodynamic control system built around maintaining pH levels. These innate buffering systems include...

Vitamin B may protect fertility from pesticide contamination

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) The Monsanto Company is responsible for redefining farming, making mainstream agriculture dependent on chemicals -- toxins that sterilize the human population. As food is subjected to chemical warfare all across the planet, militaries are busy searching for terrorists in the mountains. Why can't we see that it's our own chemical-based agricultural system that is terrorizing our livelihood? America glances over its own state-sponsored terrorism and corporations like Monsanto that unleash...

Jonathan Emord and Robert Scott Bell: Obamacare court decision

By Natural News Editors, January 20 2015
(NaturalNews) Jonathan Emord joins RSB to rekindle the sacred fire of liberty with breaking news on a major court decision that could cripple Obamacare. (Originally aired on October 5, 2014 on the TheRobertScottBellShow) Robert Scott Bell: What? It's so exciting! The FDA Dragon Slayer joins the family of The Robert Scott Bell Show officially, and we've got an opening like you have never heard, that courtesy Super Don, reaching into the heavens for a voice you haven't heard in a while, and that's...

Arizona child protection officials kidnap 7 children then issue gag order to keep parents quiet

By J. D. Heyes, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) Two Arizona parents say state Child Protective Services officials have essentially kidnapped seven of their children after one child died mysteriously while in the care of a babysitter friend months ago, though no criminal charges have been filed and no autopsy report has been issued by the medical examiner's office. According to interviews and data provided to Natural News, Jeff and Tabitha Shoars of Avondale, a suburb of Phoenix, have so far been given no explanation as to why...

Jonathan Emord joins Robert Scott Bell to discuss a pharmaceutical company that's defending its health claims

By Natural News Editors, January 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Jonathan Emord joins RSB to discuss how a large pharmaceutical company is attempting to defend itself over health claims of its product -- by using a defense that countless supplement companies have unfairly lost with! (Originally aired on October 12, 2014, on The Robert Scott Bell Show) Don LaFontaine: In a world where freedom is threatened, where individual rights are eroding, one man stands poised to counteract the rise of tyranny by rekindling the Sacred Fire of Liberty. That...

Harvard professors who helped construct Obamacare are furious that they're not exempt

By Daniel Barker, January 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Oh, the irony... There's no clearer indictment of the kind of thinking that was responsible for the creation of Obamacare in the first place -- and the problems associated with its implementation in the real world -- than the recent flap that was engendered when Harvard professors realized that they are not exempt from the changes in their health plans that the Affordable Care Act helped bring about. The irony is contained in the fact that Harvard is one of the institutions that...

Studies show that olive oil benefits our heart and mind

By Michael Ravensthorpe, January 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Olive oil, which is obtained by pressing the fruits of the olive tree, is considered to be one of the most nutritious oils in the world. According to Hippocrates, it could heal a large number of serious ailments, including mental illness. The ancient Greeks and Romans generously poured olive oil over their food, cherishing it for its pleasant taste and medicinal qualities.(1) Even in the contemporary Western world, where fats have been demonized for decades, most experts...

Collapse contagion? Former Soviet Republic devalues currency by 18% as currency wars ignite

By J. D. Heyes, January 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Most Americans could never find the tiny former Soviet Republic of Turkmenistan on a map, but the energy-rich nation recently something that could certainly have global implications. As reported by Agence France-Presse (AFP) and financial analysis website Zero Hedge, Turkmenistan just devalued its currency against the U.S. dollar -- for now, still the world's reserve currency -- by 18 percent. It was a move described by financial experts as "contagion" tied to the recent devaluation...

Fructose causes reproductive problems, earlier death, study shows

By PF Louis, January 19 2015
(NaturalNews) When fructose is discussed, it's usually not just about normal natural sugars in fruits like apples, pears and watermelons. It's usually about high-fructose corns syrup (HFCS). It is ubiquitous in processed foods, especially sodas, because it packs more sweetness per gram than sugar and it's cheaper. And no matter how much food processors cover it up by labeling ingredients as "corn syrup," it's still HFCS. You'll get all sorts of disagreements from the corn refiners' industry...

Vitamin C - fruits and vegetables with the highest concentrations (recipe)

By Kali Sinclair, January 18 2015
(NaturalNews) We've all had it drilled into us: citrus fruits are the source for vitamin C. But citrus fruits aren't the only source. They aren't even the best source! The amount of vitamin C in one serving of papaya, strawberries, pineapple, bell pepper, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts exceeds the amount of vitamin C in a medium orange. Many fruits are high in vitamin C. Here is a list from The World's Healthiest Foods of the fruits and vegetables with 50% or more of the daily requirement of vitamin...

3D printers will revolutionize war, foreign policy and the entire global economy

By Jennifer Lilley, January 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Society is about to experience a change of historic proportions, one so significant that it may revolutionize the global economy as well as war and foreign policy. The technology that's driving the changes? It's one that's increasingly gaining strides in people's overall awareness: 3D printers. While some people are hesitant about the technology, chalking up their ability to make plastic gadgets as fleeting hype, the printers are proving to be capable of much more. For example...

Vitamin D supplementation reduces need for respiratory support, study suggests

By Jennifer Lilley, January 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Researchers from Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School have discovered that inadequate vitamin D supplementation among surgical intensive care patients can increase the amount of time needed on respiratory support.(1) The study, titled "Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels at Initiation of Care and Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in Critically Ill Surgical Patients," was published in the Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (JPEN). JPEN...

How your genetics and microbiome play a role in ammonia metabolism

By Dr. David Jockers, January 19 2015
(NaturalNews) When the body metabolizes sulfur compounds it produces ammonia as a byproduct. Ammonia is toxic to the body but most individuals are able to easily excrete it through the kidneys and urinary system. Unfortunately, some individuals have particular genetic mutations and microbiome alterations that do not allow them to effectively metabolize and eliminate ammonia. Ammonia is a normal product of protein metabolism in the body is generally excreted through our urine. However, when we...

Arkansas government kidnaps seven children, searches home of family for owning a popular mineral supplement

By Mike Adams, January 18 2015
(NaturalNews) The need to amend the Bill of Rights to protect medical freedom in America is now greater than ever. Yesterday, government thugs in Hot Springs, Arkansas raided and searched the home of a couple who were in possession of a simple mineral supplement called Miracle Mineral Solution. Law enforcement officers of Garland County, Arkansas served a search warrant on the Stanley home -- yes, possession of a legal, medicinal mineral supplement is now grounds for being searched by the government...

Attain extraordinary wisdom in the next seven days with upcoming online events: Pain relief, hyperlearning, self-healing and more

By Mike Adams, January 18 2015
(NaturalNews) As 2015 got underway, Natural News declared this the Year of Self-Reliance, and I promised to bring you more practical solutions that touch on all the important areas of your life. Several extraordinary events are beginning in the next 1-7 days that can help you attain extremely valuable wisdom and knowledge that can change the course of your life from here forward. All of the programs are Health Ranger approved and highly recommended. I personally know the creators of the 2nd...

How to make a coffee can survival kit for your car, home or office

By Jennifer Lilley, January 17 2015
(NaturalNews) The times are a-changin', and that's not necessarily a good thing. Sure, there are plenty of kindhearted people in the world. Yes, happiness can be derived from nature, a child's smile or positive mantras. However, the frightening reality is that we're fast-becoming a society straight from Orwell's book 1984. Excessive greed, mainstream media that spews forth recycled Twitter feeds from celebrities, fear-based reasoning and hidden agendas, both stateside and abroad, are taking over...

11 top economists agree: our world of debt is on the edge of collapse

By J. D. Heyes, January 17 2015
(NaturalNews) A collection of nearly one dozen of the world's top economists and other geopolitical observers believe that the world is close to financial collapse, because so much of what passes for "the global economy" is built on false or otherwise conjured pretenses. As collected by Michael Snyder, founder of The Economic Collapse Blog, here are what 11 experts are saying about geopolitical conditions the world over: Bill Fleckenstein, president of Fleckenstein Capital: They are trying...

Vitamin C protects plants from damaging sun rays

By PF Louis, January 17 2015
(NaturalNews) Although biologists have known for a couple of decades that plants create vitamin C in their chloroplasts to protect them from excess sunlight, the mechanics of that process were unknown until recently. Plant chloroplasts use chlorophyll to convert light energy of the sun into sugars that can be used by its cells. Light is part of a process called photosynthesis that plants use to convert CO2 into oxygen. This conversion of light energy into cellular plant food with its...

Top Health and Human Services official arrested for child porn; sought to rape and murder innocent children

By J. D. Heyes, January 17 2015
(NaturalNews) A one-time acting director of cybersecurity at the Department of Health and Human Services who once admitted that he was interested in the rape and murder of children will spend at least the next quarter-century behind bars after being convicted on child pornography charges. According to The Washington Post, Timothy DeFoggi, 56, of Germantown, Maryland, was convicted in August for participating in a child exploitation endeavor, as well as conspiracy to distribute child pornography...

Three deficiencies ruining your quality of life, and how to resolve them

By Derek Henry, January 17 2015
(NaturalNews) At the root of any health issue is typically some type of deficiency that is compromising the proper functioning of the body. With continuously tilled soils, heavy processing, poor absorption, and excessive cooking, it is extremely easy for the body to become depleted of essential nutrients and other life promoting agents. Although each individual has their own set of deficiencies due to their history and habits, there are 3 common deficiencies occurring across North America, that...

EPA in cahoots with Ag industry to poison Gulf of Mexico with agricultural chemicals

By J. D. Heyes, January 17 2015
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) is asking a federal appeals court in New Orleans to vacate an order that forces the agency to rule on whether federal regulations are necessary to curb the flow of pollutants - mostly from agricultural run-off - into the Mississippi River. The pollutants, reports the New Orleans Times-Picayune newspaper, are major contributors to a low-oxygen "dead zone" that forms along the Louisiana coastline every spring, as farmers up-river plant...

Experts predict increase in doctor suicides due to Obamacare

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 17 2015
(NaturalNews) Medical school is to doctors what boot camp is to soldiers. For the most part, the humanity and the nurturing aspect of care is drilled out of medical students, replaced with codes and systematic ways of moving patients down an assembly line. There's less time spent relating to patients, less time spent understanding their body signal's, signs, and messages. It's all replaced with procedure and paper work and a prescription model that thrives on haughty competition. Healing is overtaken...

Cortisol-sniffing dogs ease anxieties of special needs children

By Antonia, January 17 2015
(NaturalNews) It's often been said that the act of petting an animal can help reduce a person's stress levels, but what about having a dog sniff you to help you essentially do the same? Bizarre thought? Not so much, according to several school children and those who are advocates of what might be the newest in stress management methods: cortisol-sniffing dogs. That's right. There are drug-sniffing canines and even ones that set out to identify smuggled rhino horns or elephant tusks, and now there...

Obama "dramatically" increases allowable levels of radiation in drinking water

By Jonathan Benson, January 17 2015
(NaturalNews) As radioactive pollution continues to accumulate throughout the environment as a result of nuclear incidents like Fukushima, the U.S. government's response is not to try to mitigate this threat to public health but rather to increase the official maximum exposure levels and basically redefine how much radiation is considered safe. The Obama Administration recently did this with regard to radiation in drinking water, dramatically increasing allowable levels in response to "radiological...

The top 10 "Big Food" health slogans and myths busted!

By S. D. Wells, January 6 2015
(NaturalNews) Like they say, if you hear something enough times, you start believing it, even if at first it sounds absurd. That's how advertising for toxic products works, and Americans have been falling for it for generations. You may recognize some or all of these popular slogans, or you may not. It doesn't really matter to Big Food, as long as you consume them. For decades, Americans have believed that milk and meat are essential parts of a balanced "diet." Millions of people think that athletes...

Russia throws down the gauntlet: energy supply to Europe cut off; petrodollar abandoned as currency war escalates

By Mike Adams, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) There are some big moves taking place on the global stage that you need to know about, as this could all lead to World War III. Yesterday Russia cut off its natural gas supply to Europe, "plunging the continent into an energy crisis 'within hours' as a dispute with Ukraine escalated," reports the Daily Mail. [1] "This morning, gas companies in Ukraine said that Russia had completely cut off their supply. Six countries reported a complete shut-off of Russian gas shipped via Ukraine...

International court calls on Mexico to ban genetically modified corn

By Ethan A. Huff, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) Mexico is desperately trying to avoid a bioterrorism takeover by Big GMO, which is insistent upon ushering in genetically modified (GM) maize to replace the dozens of native corn varieties already grown throughout the country. The Mexican Chapter of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal has issued an urgent plea to the Mexican government to once and for all ban all plantings of GM maize in order to avoid catastrophic losses to the "center of origin and diversity of this staple crop." The...

Petco still not pulling all China-made pet treats from its stores after more than 1,000 dogs die from chemical poisoning

By Jennifer Lilley, January 6 2015
(NaturalNews) After years of reports that certain China-made pet treats were sickening and killing dogs, Petco has finally decided to pull the items in question from all of their stores nationwide. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has remained fairly quiet about the matter, urging consumers to visit their May 2014 news release concerning the investigations. May was the month in which Petco and its competitor PetSmart promised customers to eventually start banning the treats in question....

McDonald's apologizes over human tooth and plastic pieces found in food

By Jennifer Lilley, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) There are many situations in which a fast food restaurant should offer an apology to its customers. A mix-up at the drive-through window or an incorrectly calculated bill are a couple of examples. But what about the appearance of a human tooth in an order of fries? If not a tooth, what about enjoying a sundae only to have your lip cut open from plastic hidden inside the dessert? Both incidents are precisely what happened to customers at McDonald's restaurants in Japan, findings which...

How to relieve runner's toe using everyday items

By Daniel Barker, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) As any serious prepper knows, survival knowledge is just as important as having an extensive stockpile of necessities when the SHTF. Mobility is also a key consideration, and anything that might slow you down when it's time to make a move could mean the difference between life and death. So it's crucial to be ready to deal with any difficulties that might arise when you, your family or any group of people are traveling on foot together during a crisis situation. A common ailment...

Natural hypertension remedies that quickly lower blood pressure

By Michael Edwards, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) The problem with blood pressure medications is that they do not correct the underlying issue of the problem. Imagine you have a car with a 6-cylinder engine that is running very rough. You find out that two of your six cylinders have the problem, so you remove them or otherwise shut them down. Now your car runs smoothly, but it's having to put out a lot more effort to get up to speed. You should have cleaned all of the cylinders, flushed out the engine, and changed the oil like an...

Vaccine industry intolerant of education: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny targeted for offering vaccine safety knowledge

By Jonathan Benson, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) It has come to our attention that one of the world's foremost voices on vaccine science is being targeted by one of the most aggressively hateful "skeptics" groups in the world. Board-certified osteopath Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, a prominent educator and lecturer on the dangers of vaccines, was recently threatened with the possible removal of her Australian visa simply for being asked to speak at a handful of events across Australia about vaccines. According to the Next News Network,...

Doctors forced to interrogate patients about whether they own guns

By J. D. Heyes, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) The Obama Administration is making another play against gun owners, this time by alternately using financial rewards and penalties against doctors. According to reports, physicians who inquire whether or not their patients have loaded guns in their homes will earn extra compensation from Medicare. As reported by PatriotNewsDaily: When Dr. Vivek Murthy was confirmed as the nation's next surgeon general, politicians on both sides of the aisle expressed dismay. This was a guy...

Can progressive, cutting-edge organic agriculture feed the world?

By Joel Edwards, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) Change We Can Believe In... In 2007, then presidential candidate Barack Obama promised that if elected he would direct more money for organic agriculture. He also said,"If I am elected president of the United States, I will support legislation that will require the mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods." Now, well into his second term, it seems Obama has no intention of honoring his promises. Even if Obama honored his word, would such steps be enough to ensure our survival...

NYPD work stop proves that police exist to collect revenue for state, not protect citizens

By J. D. Heyes, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) Most Americans are supportive of law enforcement and will readily admit that, without police officers, there could be no civil society, because there are too many elements who would use a lack of authority to prey upon innocent people. That said, however, many Americans also believe that modern-day policing, in large part, has turned into a money-generation racket, as cops are increasingly forced to use their powers and the law to help cash-strapped jurisdictions fill their coffers...

Facebook app monitors users' posts to track and report their emotions

By Jonathan Benson, January 16 2015
(NaturalNews) The reach of social media into people's personal lives is becoming unsettlingly invasive, with a recent study outlining how a new Facebook tool is capable of tracking users' emotional states in real time based on their messages and status updates. Researchers from Spain have developed a program known as SentBuk that reportedly analyzes the online activity of Facebook users, supposedly with their permission, in order to determine how they're feeling -- information that is then used...

Organic food popularity exploding in China after wave of toxic chemical food scandals

By Julie Wilson staff writer, January 15 2015
(NaturalNews) In a land surrounded by pollution and lax food safety regulations, the Chinese are turning to organics in hopes of living a healthier, cleaner life through better nutrition provided by higher quality foods. A multitude of food scandals has left the Chinese weary about purchasing foods in the country's conventional market. In 2013, a factory in the city of Kunming was reportedly using pond water to make rice vermicelli. The pond was specifically used for washing feet, according to...

Over 1,200 seabirds mysteriously die on Pacific Coast

By J. D. Heyes, January 15 2015
(NaturalNews) Officials on the Pacific Coast are puzzled by the deaths of hundreds of small, white-bellied seabirds since October. The birds, called Cassin's auklets, are mostly gray in color and have blue feet. Media reports say they have been steadily washing ashore all along the Pacific Coast, from Northern California to the coast of the state of Washington, and that, naturally, is concerning wildlife and other experts because thus far they have yet to determine an exact cause for the massive...

Susan G. Komen claims organic food is unsafe while pushing KFC chicken buckets and alcohol on women

By Ethan A. Huff, January 15 2015
(NaturalNews) The breast cancer awareness group known as Susan G. Komen -- think pink ribbons emblazoned on everything during breast cancer awareness month -- has stooped to a whole new level of stupidity with claims that organic food may not be safe for women. On its website, Komen claims that consumption of organic food is "a controversial issue," as if clean food is some novel concept that only recently emerged as a hippie fad. The group warns that women shouldn't necessarily opt for organic...

Toxic herbicide triggers leaky gut and brain damage

By Jonathan Landsman, January 15 2015
(NaturalNews) This is a warning for all of humanity. Since 1974, we are seeing a dramatic rise in chronic diseases such as, autism, cancer and a wide variety of autoimmune and metabolic disorders. And, according to undeniable statistics, the cause is directly connected to the growing use of the herbicide glyphosate. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, discover the connection between glyphosate toxicity and autism, digestive problems, Alzheimer's disease plus much more. If you're a healthcare provider...

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