Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

MSM: Joking about dead terrorists is 'insensitive,' but making fun of vaccine-damaged children is hilarious!

By J. D. Heyes, June 26 2015
(NaturalNews) Whether or not Americans have a right to free speech increasingly depends on what the purveyors of political correctness on the Left sanction as "proper" or "improper," no matter how hypocritical, insane or outrageously insensitive. Cases in point: The dramatic differences between what the mainstream media and culture considered improper speech (regarding the recent killing by police of two radical Islamist jihadist-wannabes in Garland, Texas, during, ironically, a free speech event...

The book burning begins: Movies, book covers and computer games being banished... calls for taking down the American flag, bulldozing Southern memorials, removing flags from children's toys and more

By Mike Adams, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) America's descent into a totalitarian regime of hysterical thought police is nearly complete. In just the last 72 hours, total P.C. insanity has swept the nation and all its big retailers as howling leftist maniacs have used the label "tolerance" to initiate what can only be called a modern-day book burning and Orwellian censorship of artistic expression: • A leftist movie critic and member of the new thought police regime has called for banning the movie Gone With the Wind...

Words no longer have meaning: Supreme Court ignores Obamacare text to uphold wealth redistribution

By J. D. Heyes, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Roberts, upheld a rather unique legal principle this week, that despite what words are actually written into a law, they don't really mean what they actually say. That's the logic that a majority of justices utilized after they once again affirmed a critical portion of the Affordable Care Act: namely, that all exchanges, state and federal, are the same, because that's supposedly what Congress meant when crafting...

ECONOMIC SLAVERY FOR ALL: While we were distracted with the Confederate flag flap, Congress quietly forfeited our entire economic future via fast-track trade authority

By Mike Adams, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) While America was distracted by a contrived, pre-planned Confederate flag distraction, the U.S. Congress forfeited the entire economic future of the country by quietly passing so-called "fast-track authority" which will allow President Obama to approve the TPP "free trade" agreement. The TPP, as you may have heard, outright surrenders U.S. sovereignty to multinational corporations, handing them total global monopolies over labor practices, immigration, Big Pharma drug pricing, GMO...

Congress sneaks approval vote on fast-track TPA to eliminate national sovereignty on issues of food, GMOs, pesticides and more

By Ethan A. Huff, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) [Editor's note: The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to pass the TPA, giving Obama fast-track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Now it is more urgent than ever to contact your representatives and tell them to vote against the Trans-Pacific Partnership and related trade deals when they reach the U.S. legislature.] The Confederate flag. Racism. The "N" word. Black lives matter. Now that we've got your attention, we'd like to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to make...

Monsanto's airborne pesticide drones coming soon: FAA approves unmanned, poison-spraying helicopters

By Jonathan Benson, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) The federal government has granted its approval for a new unmanned pesticide drone that reports indicate will soon start dumping chemical herbicides and other crop-related substances from the sky. The helicopters, designed by Yamaha Corp. U.S.A., have an empty weight of only 141 pounds, according to a Federal Aviation Administration document,[PDF] and they don't require a human pilot. Multinational corporations like Monsanto can just load them up with Roundup and send...

Mandatory vaccination is mandatory incarceration: Parents being jailed over vaccine injuries

By Jennifer Lilley, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) For people trying to fight the system over the fact that their once-healthy child developed a vaccine injury, it's bad enough that they're often faced with missing medical records and lies. Then there's the fact that they could go to jail. It's absurd, but it's true. The cycle is as follows: You give your child a mandatory vaccination. They soon fall ill. When you dare question the situation, or more specifically, suggest a link between vaccinations and the onset of health problems...

Local experts force Austin city officials to question the safety of water fluoridation

By Julie Wilson staff writer, June 15 2015
(NaturalNews) As with many cities, water fluoridation has become an emotionally charged topic in Austin, Texas, as doctors, scientists, activists and members of the community continue to push back against the city's long-time practice of medicating the public against their will. Hydrofluorosilicic acid, industrial waste that is a byproduct of the phosphate industry, is routinely added to the city's water. Taxpayers cough up more than $300K each year for the measure. As I reported earlier on...

Studies show that coffee can boost brain function, burn fat and more

By Michael Ravensthorpe, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) Few beverages divide the natural health world quite like coffee. For every one expert who proclaims that coffee is one of the healthiest drinks we can consume, there seems to be at least one other expert who proclaims the exact opposite: that quitting coffee is a prerequisite for establishing a healthier lifestyle. While there can be disadvantages to drinking coffee (for example, coffee can contribute to insomnia and restlessness in some individuals), studies continue to show that...

Rick Perry becomes first presidential candidate to reveal Big Pharma connection to mass shootings

By J. D. Heyes, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) He was widely panned for it, but former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who recently joined the crowded field of Republican presidential contenders, became the first – and so far, only – member of that group that has tied the recent Charleston, S.C., shootings to Big Pharma. In an appearance on NewsmaxTV's Steve Malzberg Show, Perry made the claim that the killing of nine African American worshippers by avowed white supremacist Dylann Roof was caused by mind-altering drugs. In...

Obama says climate change, not government, is responsible for terrorism

By J. D. Heyes, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) It was a stunning declaration, especially given the venue: President Obama used the occasion of graduation at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy recently to rail against "climate change deniers" and claim that man-caused global warming was a national security threat. "I know there are still some folks back in Washington who refuse to admit that climate change is real," Obama told graduating cadets in New London, Connecticut. "Denying it, or refusing to deal with it endangers our national...

Four things you need to understand about your sun exposure

By Derek Henry, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) As the dog days of summer approach and the sun starts to beat down, it becomes vitally important to know how to use the sun effectively. Far too often people use it in ways that create negative consequences, and as a result, they become jaded, afraid, and end up blocking the healing benefits of the sun. To use the sun to its fullest advantage this summer and avoid any negative health implications, make sure to keep these important facts in mind and use them appropriately. The...

Autoimmune epidemic in USA skyrockets: We are destroying our gut microbes and wondering what is wrong

By S. D. Wells, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) Online health boards and blogs are exploding with thousands of "threads" and panicky forums of mostly women who are pleading for help with autoimmune "epidemic" symptoms like fatigue, joint pain and hair loss. But it may not be what's wrong with THEM, it's what's wrong with what they're putting in their body, over and over again -- chemicals. Let's take a really close look at what causes autoimmune disorder. If you or a loved one are suffering "vague" but debilitating symptoms, it...

Tattoos linked to chronic health problems; dyes, chemicals can cause long-term allergies and infections, warn scientists

By Jonathan Benson, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) It's somewhat amusing when health-conscious folks try to defend tattoos, all the while ignoring the fact that everything from the needle itself to the ink being injected is a potential health hazard. A recent study found that most tattooed people who develop some kind of acute reaction following the invasive procedure also end up developing chronic health problems like constant swelling and infection. After polling some 300 tattooed people walking through New York's Central Park...

Study proves lemon eucalyptus essential oil is better mosquito repellent than DEET

By Lance Johnson, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) Parasitic infections like malaria are serious business, especially in countries like Mexico, Venezuela, Equador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil, where mosquitoes transmit the deadly disease at will. There are an estimated 3.4 billion people who live in an area that has a high risk of malaria transmission. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 198 million cases of malaria were treated clinically in 2013. WHO estimated there were about 500,000 deaths attributed to malaria that...

The six healing sounds - the last three

By R. Slade, June 25 2015
(NaturalNews) In this article we're going to cover the last three of the "six healing sounds". To read the first article which details the first three of these sounds, click here Today we're far more familiar with the concepts of sounds, sound waves and the constantly vibrating state of all matter in the universe. We use ultra sound waves to look inside the human body, destroy gall and kidney stones, as well as search for oil and to unlock other secrets deep within the... bans Confederate flag sales as 'offensive' but happily sells slave bondage simulated rape contraptions depicting women being tortured and physically abused (WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC)

By Mike Adams, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) There's nothing quite like the double standard of the cognitively intolerant. In a mad scramble toward mindless social conformity, and other retailers have practically stampeded over each other to announce bans on sales of the Confederate flag. It has to be one of the most stupid, idiotic moments in U.S. corporate history... not merely because it is so slavishly desperate to appease the howling masses of hysterical thought police, but also because it's filled with extreme...

Same corporations that manufacture vaccines are killing half a million people annually with deadly psychiatric drugs

By Jonathan Benson, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) Psychiatric medications are not only useless, but they're responsible for killing at least 500,000 people aged 65 years and older every single year. This is the shocking conclusion of a new meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that challenges the widely held belief that antidepressants and dementia drugs are safe and effective for treating mental health issues. Researchers from Denmark's Nordic Cochrane Centre broke the disturbing news after poring through...

America's third-world government dumps fluoride in drinking water while Ethiopia seeks to remove toxin from water to protect public health

By Ethan A. Huff, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) It's a prolific disease that's ravaging some areas of Africa and causing permanent health damage among residents. No, we're not talking about malaria or AIDS -- fluorosis, a health condition triggered by exposure to fluoride, is damaging people's teeth and skeletal structures throughout Ethiopia, so much so that health authorities there are working feverishly to get it out of the water supplies to protect public health. Unlike in the U.S., where dentists, industry lobbyists and corrupt...

Trans fats in junk food impair brain function, cause memory loss

By Jennifer Lilley, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) It's no secret that eating junk foods contributes to weight gain and can lead to health complications, but new information about dietary trans fats (dTFA) -- which exist in most junk foods -- shows that consumption of such items is also destroying people's minds. Specifically, memory function among men aged younger than 45 years has been shown to worsen with consumption of foods loaded with dietary trans fats.(1) The study, conducted by researchers from the University...

The 3 most common EMF 'hot spots' that are ruining your health

By Derek Henry, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) EMFs are very difficult to avoid in the modern world. Aside from living on a power-free island, they are going to find us, and we need to do our best to negate the harmful consequences. However, there are some places that are much worse than others that contribute the most to our EMF load due to the frequency and intensity of EMFs at each of these locations. There are three places that pose the most problems due to consistent exposure and concentration, and one should do whatever...

Three effective natural remedies for varicose veins

By Michael Ravensthorpe, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) Varicose veins are swollen or enlarged veins that occur when our valves become weak or damaged, causing blood to accumulate in them. Though varicose veins can occur in any part of our body, they are most common in the legs and thighs of aging or obese women, as well as in adults who stand up for long periods of time.(1) Varicose veins tend to be surface veins rather than deep veins, so they are seldom a health risk. However, they're still a cosmetic concern, and many people...

Greece debt talks collapse and EU leaders prepare for state of emergency from runaway market panic

By J. D. Heyes, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) Debt talks to resolve Greece's ongoing financial crisis are going nowhere, and now the entire European Union is bracing for what it believes could be a financial emergency that will begin in Athens but potentially spread throughout the continent. As reported by Reuters, Greek officials and creditors to the nation have drawn lines in their positions, diminishing hopes for a settlement that would avoid a default on billions of euros that the Mediterranean nation owes following a financial...

All dialog on vaccines halted by industry shills: speeches canceled after bullying and threats

By Ethan A. Huff, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) An honest panel discussion on vaccines that was supposed to take place on June 16, 2015, at the Johnson GEO Centre in St. John, Newfoundland, has officially been cancelled after vaccine-worshiping troglodytes bullied the facility into censoring the event by barring it from being held at the venue. Functional and integrative medicine specialist Dr. George Grant had been slated to give a talk centered around the event's theme, "Exposing the Medical Truth on Vaccines, Statin Drugs &...

Turmeric-Ginger Tea - A powerful anti-inflammatory remedy for pain relief

By Dr.Sofiya, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) In recent years, the topic of inflammation has become more widely studied, and more is understood about this condition than in the past. Medical researchers are beginning to realize just how much of a toll chronic, low-level inflammation can take on the body and are starting to link it not only to arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, but also as a suspected culprit in diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. And, of course, inflammation is a leading cause of chronic pain and...

Massive nationwide social unrest coming as robots displace low-wage workers

By J. D. Heyes, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) You want a $15-dollar-an-hour minimum wage with that Happy Meal? Good luck with that. In fact, low-wage workers in all industries are facing obsolescence thanks to rising robotics technology. A noted billionaire sees massive social unrest ahead because of these two converging realities. As reported by Bloomberg News, Johann Rupert, a South African who earned his billions selling expensive Cartier jewelry and Chloe fashion, sees escalating tensions in the future between the rich...

Taking a Stand: Rand Paul's new book is motivating and visionary

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) Most politicians like to talk the talk, but only a few back it up with action and actually take a stand. When Rand Paul took the Senate floor for nearly 13 hours in March 2013, he did more than just talk. Senator Paul stood up against and brought awareness to the President's unconstitutional authority to indefinitely detain and/or assassinate American citizens on US soil without a trial. As Rand Paul brought light to these treacherous provisions in the National Defense Authorization...

Watch: Americans support insane policies as long as celebrities agree - Karl Marx for president, Soylent Green in schools and more!

By J. D. Heyes, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) In his latest YouTube video, legendary spoof interviewer Mark Dice proves once again that America's pop culture-dominated society will go along with just about anything if they think for a moment that the rich and famous are doing the same things. Dice, joined in his latest "Man on the Street" video by Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change, the two veteran YouTubers demonstrate how most Americans will support any crazy political cause, no matter how ridiculous, if they are told celebrities...

The lymphatic system - How it works and why cleansing it matters

By Jeanette Padilla, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) The lymphatic system is made up of glands, lymph nodes, and a network of vessels. The tonsils, spleen, thymus, and adenoids are the glands of the lymphatic system. This system plays three major roles in the body: Immunological defense, fat absorption, and fluid balance. If the lymphatic system isn't working properly, our bodies can't fight disease or remove toxins. For this reason it's crucial to keep the fluid of the lymphatic system (lymph) moving. Slow moving lymph can lead to disease...

The mad rush to thought conformity: Walmart bans sales of red, white and blue crayons and magic markers because they might be used to draw a Confederate flag (parody)

By Mike Adams, June 24 2015
(NaturalNews) As part of the stunning collapse of thought diversity and the dominating demand of absolute belief system obedience in America, Walmart has announced that in addition to banning sales of the Confederate flag, it is also banning sales of red, white and blue colored crayons, colored pens and magic markers. Why? Because they can be used to draw the Confederate flag! (Yes, this article is a partial parody, as indicated in the title.) A ban on blank sheets of paper is expected soon, too...

Health Ranger's new song and music video launched: 'Wide Awake' promotes message of racial healing in wake of fake media narratives

By Mike Adams, June 23 2015
(NaturalNews) I've just released a new song and music video called Wide Awake. You can watch it at this link on Natural News or view it in the play window below. Sang with a bit of a country twang, this song celebrates life across all races and ethnicities while calling out the mainstream media's race baiting false narratives that deliberately sow racial division. It's called "Wide Awake" because more and more of us are waking up to the reality that we are all being manipulated by the media...

University of Hawaii attacks Guatemalan professor for speaking out about GMOs

By Jennifer Lilley, June 23 2015
(NaturalNews) Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing? The ability to say what's on your mind and freely express yourself is incredible, unless you're Hector Valenzuela, a professor at the University of Hawaii's (UH) College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. He's worked there for more than 20 years but has repeatedly been bashed for speaking against GMOs. Some of his colleagues have resorted to childish verbal attacks that insult his birth country, Guatemala. In that instance, they...

If doctors offered truthful vaccine consent forms, no sane mom would get her child vaccinated

By J. D. Heyes, June 23 2015
(NaturalNews) Ever wonder if most parents, if offered truthful evidence regarding the potential dangers of vaccines, would permit their children to be vaccinated? The fact is, if moms and dads were to ever be presented with a truthful consent form, most would never take the chance and subject their kids to vaccine dangers. Imagine being given information regarding vaccination that pointed out that with "timely treatment" there is no need to fear the "infectious diseases" that vaccines are supposed...

The many health benefits of drinking lemon water

By Michael Ravensthorpe, June 23 2015
(NaturalNews) Lemons have always been cherished for their significant medicinal qualities. The ancient people of India, China and Mesopotamia regularly used lemons to treat a wide variety of medical conditions, while the ancient Egyptians took advantage of the fruit's antiseptic qualities and embalmed their mummies in its juices. Later, in 15th century Europe, lemons were recognized as the perfect cure for scurvy. Despite their healthfulness, however, most people today have no desire to eat whole...

Are you ready for a 10 years with no power grid? Massive solar flare could cause decade-long blackout

By Daniel Barker, June 23 2015
(NaturalNews) One morning in September, 1859, British astronomer Richard Carrington sat in his private observatory, drawing pictures of sunspots using a telescope which projected an image of the sun onto a screen. As he drew and observed, there suddenly appeared a brilliant flash of white light on the surface of the sun. Startled, he ran to find witnesses to what he realized was a very unusual event, but by the time he returned, the massive solar flare that Carrington observed had mostly dissipated...

Dr. Wakefield reveals truth about scientifically supported vaccine-autism-inflammatory bowel disease connection

By Ethan A. Huff, June 23 2015
(NaturalNews) Gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield recently had the opportunity to speak at an "Ignite the Truth" event in Dana Point, California, about his well-known case study identifying novel inflammatory bowel disease as an outcome in some children who receive the MMR vaccine. Dr. Wakefield's powerful testimony about what his study actually found versus what the media reported, as well as how he was maliciously targeted for his honest effort to help suffering children, absolutely destroys...

Best strategies to boost your B vitamin levels

By Dr. David Jockers, June 23 2015
(NaturalNews) Referred to as vitamin B complex, the eight B vitamins -- B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12 -- play an important role in keeping our bodies running like well oiled machines. These essential nutrients help convert our food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. B vitamin deficiencies are more common than most physicians know, and there are major health consequences to these deficiencies. While many of the following vitamins work in tandem, each has its own specific...

Mediterranean diet can reduce memory loss by 24%

By Melanie Grimes, June 23 2015
(NaturalNews) Research shows that eating a Mediterranean diet can reduce memory and thinking decline by 24%. The Mediterranean diet, previously prescribed to prevent heart disease and promote weight loss, has also been shown to increase longevity and prevent depression. The Mediterranean diet is a plant-based diet that includes olive oil and red wine. The diet is low in sugar and red meat. What is the Mediterranean diet?The Mediterranean diet is a diet based on the typical food consumption in...

How celeb Jessica Alba built an eco-friendly empire selling non-toxic household essentials

By Julie Wilson staff writer, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) Famous for her natural beauty and superb acting skills that have allowed her to star in a multitude of diverse roles, native Californian Jessica Alba is anything but ordinary. While you might recognizer her from a number of popular films including Sin City, Fantastic Four, Machete and Into the Blue, Alba is much more than just an actress with a pretty face. In fact, she's become so successful in selling nontoxic household essentials that experts predict she could soon earn a spot...

Chemical companies push for law to determine their own safety standards

By Jennifer Lilley, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) If ever there was an initiative steeped in bias and a deep disregard for a "best for everyone" approach, it's the one taking place among chemical giants such as Dow, DuPont, Honeywell and 3M. These companies, and the people who have ties with them, are actually attempting to thwart state efforts to regulate chemicals. Instead, they're lobbying for legislation that says states do not have to furnish new information to the EPA pertaining to chemical safety and chemical evaluation.

Aluminum contamination implicated in dementia and bee deaths

By David Gutierrez, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) An insect form of Alzheimer's disease caused by aluminum contamination may be one of the causes behind an ongoing decline in populations of bees and other pollinators, according to a study conducted by researchers from the universities of Keele and Sussex and published in the journal PLOS ONE. The researchers found that honeybees had levels of aluminum in their bodies equivalent to those that could cause brain damage in humans. "Aluminium is a known neurotoxin affecting behaviour...

Jerry Brown pushing depopulation in California: Too many people, not enough water, something has to go!

By J. D. Heyes, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) Californians might want to pay a bit more attention to the governor of their state, as he is openly musing about a draconian idea to deal with the ongoing drought: depopulation. As reported by The Daily Caller, Brown recently stated before the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California board that, at some point, if more water does not flow into the Golden State, it could eventually mean that there will be too many people for the available water to support. He also hinted...

Your vitamins: Are they really beneficial or just a placebo effect?

By Jay Ricci, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) The two main reasons why people do not get health and stay healthy are (1) internal toxicity and (2) nutritional deficiency. Many people (especially in our fast-paced Western culture) know they should be getting the nutrients that they need, but they don't want to change their eating habits or lifestyle so they buy vitamin supplements as the quick solution. But do the kinds of vitamins they are consuming really offer a solution to their body's nutritional deficiency or could it potentially...

Monsanto may occupy the White House - A vote for Hillary is a vote for more GMOs, RoundUp, and glyphosates

By Daniel Barker, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) Something truly terrible has happened in America. It didn't take place overnight, and the truth is that what went wrong happened so gradually -- so incrementally -- that most people didn't see it coming until it was too late. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I want to talk about two problems, actually, one so big that I have to zoom out a bit to describe it. The other is almost equally huge and is directly related to the first. The first problem will take a lot of concerted effort...

Feds bust four fake cancer charities that defrauded $187 million from Americans

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) A string of cancer charities -- the Cancer Fund of America, Cancer Support Services, the Breast Cancer Society and the Children's Cancer Fund of America -- have turned out to be manipulative frauds run by a family of con artists. The money they raised for cancer patients actually went to pay for personal luxuries instead -- Disney World trips, jet ski outings, new cars, college tuition and luxury travel. "This is as about as bad as it can get: taking money away from cancer victims...

Major banks plead guilty to felony charges of currency fraud, but are allowed to continue scam after paying fine - and nobody's in jail!

By Ethan A. Huff, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) Several top kingpins behind the global financial collapse of 2008 have reportedly agreed to plead guilty for their sinister crimes, but under one major condition: that they won't actually be held legally culpable. Five of the world's largest banks -- Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays PLC, the Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS -- have all confessed to deliberately manipulating the global foreign exchange markets for illicit gain, but all of them are getting off the hook with petty fines...

Mediterranean diet enriched with olive oil boosts bone health, study

By Dr.Sofiya, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) Bone health is not something that most people think about until it becomes an issue, which usually happens later in life. While men and women can both suffer from weakening of the bones, it is a particular issue for women, especially after they hit menopause. This is because of the drop in estrogen levels that menopause brings with it - a drop which can lead to loss of calcium from the bones. It is this loss which, in turn, leads to brittle bones. These brittle bones can put women at...

If you can choose to be a gender, can you also choose to be a race?

By J. D. Heyes, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) In what is quickly becoming the latest example of progressive intolerance, it seems that more than a few liberals are upset that the local chapter president of the African American organization NAACP in Spokane, Washington, isn't African American. In fact, she may be white, a discovery that is not sitting well the some of the organization's other true African American leaders. As noted by Pundit Press, the racial identity of Rachel Dolezal is currently being questioned because, though...

California wants to force taxpayers to subsidize illegal immigrant children's health

By J. D. Heyes, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) Progressives have a lock on government in California and have for decades, so when the state nearly went bankrupt a few years ago, their high-tax, high-spending policies could be blamed. In the past few years, an economic renaissance of sorts has taken place in the Golden State: A new (old) governor, career Democratic politician Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown and the Democrat-controlled legislature imposed a raft of new taxes and fee hikes that, thanks to the companies of millionaire and...

Did the media just buckle from biotech industry pressure?

By Natural News Editor, June 22 2015
(NaturalNews) How else to explain the extraordinary, coordinated attack on Chipotle for going GMO-free? Action Alert! (Story by the Alliance for Natural Health USA, republished from After announcing[1] that Chipotle would make the switch to using exclusively non-GMO ingredients in their food, the restaurant chain was slammed hard by major news media outlets. Here's a sampling of some of the headlines: "Why Chipotle Mexican Grill Going GMO-Free is Terrible News" (Time)...

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