Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Hillary's ties to Monsanto mean more GMOs, less transparency in labeling

By J. D. Heyes, October 16 2016
(NaturalNews) This year's choice of presidential candidates being offered by the two major political parties could not be more unorthodox, and clearly there are things about both of them not to like. GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump is lewd, has no filter whatsoever and prone to saying (and tweeting) whatever immediately comes into his mind. Not a politician, Trump is the last person many Republicans thought they'd see atop their party's ticket in 2016. Then there's Democratic nominee...

These 15 sugary drinks are almost as bad as soda

By Amy Goodrich, October 16 2016
(NaturalNews) Sugar is an addiction similar to alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. It feels and tastes good while we are consuming it, but it can destroy your body and mind on the long-term. By now, we all know that soda is addictive and wreaking havoc on our system. Therefore we often opt for what we think is a healthier juice or iced tea. However, these so-called healthy options are often as bad, or even worse. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, sugary drinks make up almost...

5 reasons you should support the Monsanto Tribunal

By Natural News Editors, October 16 2016
(NaturalNews) A symbolic trial being held in The Hague, Netherlands this week could shape the future of the food we eat. Agrochemical giant, Monsanto, faces people who have suffered from the corporation's approach to agriculture. Communities around the world are lining up to hold Monsanto to account for their alleged atrocities against humanity and the environment. (Article by Angelica Pago, republished from Here are five reasons to support the international tribunal against...

Do you have a vitamin B12 deficiency?

By Amy Goodrich, October 16 2016
(NaturalNews) While vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiencies are often associated with a vegan or vegetarian diet, today's meat eaters are not risk-free either. In the U.S., an estimated 47 million people are B12 deficient, and most of them don't even know it, as the symptoms can go unnoticed for years. Every single cell in the body relies on vitamin B12. It is crucial to the nervous system, and plays a significant role in the creation of DNA, RNA and red blood cells, among various other functions...

Choosing the right hospital after a heart attack can be the difference between life and death

By Vicki Batts, October 16 2016
(NaturalNews) Post-heart attack survival rates can be impacted by a number of different things, but a new study shows that even what hospital you choose can affect your overall outcome. Research has revealed that Medicare patients admitted to hospitals with better track records of keeping patients alive for the first 30 days following a cardiac event can gain up to one whole additional year of life, following treatment. Study author Dr. Emily Bucholz, a resident physician at Boston Children's...

EPA plans for unlimited dumping of fracking wastewater in the Gulf

By Isabelle Z., October 16 2016
(NaturalNews) If you think that there are rules in place limiting the amount of toxic chemicals that can be released into the nation's waters, the Center for Biological Diversity has some bad news for you: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to allow unlimited amounts of fracking wastewater to be dumped into the Gulf of Mexico. The EPA's draft plan to keep permitting gas and oil companies to dump unlimited fracking wastewater and chemicals into the Gulf is coming under fire, with some...

Bug Wars! Superbugs creating health and environment devastation across America

By S. D. Wells, October 16 2016
(NaturalNews) Do you spray Roundup on the weeds in your yard? Do you get prescribed antibiotics by your medical doctor the second you have symptoms of sickness, like a sore throat, a stuffy nose, or maybe some yellow or green mucus? Do you eat meat that's not labeled organic? In each of these ways, you could be fueling the superbug epidemics that are devastating America, and it could all be backfiring on your own health directly. Thirty years ago, biotechnology firms thought they were geniuses...

New science revelations: Trees communicate with each other and have social circles

By Ethan A. Huff, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) If trees could talk, what would they say? Emerging research suggests that if they had mouths, they might just say a whole lot because, believe it or not, trees have brains and intelligence, and are able to communicate with other trees much like humans do with other humans when in social situations. Not only can they talk to each other, but trees also care for each other and feel pain, says forester Peter Wohlleben, who tells all of his experiences with trees in a recent piece for...

Corporate giant Nestle beats out community for control of local water supply

By Ethan A. Huff, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) As parts of Canada continue to hobble through record-breaking drought conditions, multinational food giant Nestle has reportedly secured the takeover of yet another community water well from which it plans to extract up to 1.6 million liters (roughly 423,000 gallons) of water per day for private bottling purposes. In order to maintain "future business growth" with its multi-million dollar bottled water enterprise, Nestle outbid an actual Canadian town in taking over the well site...

Unknown Polio-like disease is paralyzing huge numbers of U.S. children

By Daniel Barker, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Cases of a rare polio-like disease that typically affects children are on the rise in the United States, and no one knows exactly why. Between January and August of 2016, health officials reported 50 new cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) – an illness that can cause paralysis, with some victims requiring a respirator to breathe. Like polio, AFM attacks the central nervous system, and thus far, no cure has been found for the debilitating condition. Early symptoms are...

Yoga helps calm generalized anxiety disorder

By Isabelle Z., October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Anyone who has ever suffered from any type of anxiety can attest to the fact that the feeling can be so distressing that you are willing to do just about anything to make it stop. It's almost understandable that people are so willing to turn to prescription medications out of a desire to turn off those worrying thoughts, even when they know that there are some very serious side effects that come along with these pills. However, a new study points to a very effective treatment for anxiety...

Birth control pills increase risk of depression in women

By Isabelle Z., October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) As concerns grow about the number of Americans taking antidepressants, a new study out of Denmark points to one factor that could be contributing significantly to the problem: The study found that those taking a popular birth control pill had a 23 percent higher likelihood of being prescribed antidepressants than those who do not take birth control pills. The risk was even higher with other forms of birth control. For example, women on the patch had twice the risk of depression....

Vaccine ingredient warning: Aluminum phosphate increases toxicity of mercury, therefore the CDC severely underestimates caution about mercury intolerance

By S. D. Wells, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive element on earth, and one scientific fact that most Americans do not know is that aluminum, listed as aluminum phosphate and aluminum hydroxide in vaccines, greatly increases the toxicity of mercury (listed as thimerosal). Why is this so alarming? We already know that thimerosal (about 50% mercury) is suspected as a cause of autism and the recent massive spikes in cases over the past couple decades. So now, we can realize that the caution about...

Donald Trump believes in health freedom, not government dictates

By J. D. Heyes, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Millions of Americans have convinced themselves they don't really have much of a choice for president this election, but when it comes to health freedom and the right to choose medicinal treatments, that couldn't be further from the truth. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton co-owned and is co-opted by the same corporate medicine interest groups that have been denying us the right to choose alternative treatments, cannabis and naturopathic health solutions. While the Republican presidential...

Your body is no longer yours: Australia has become the first country to microchip its citizens

By J. D. Heyes, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) You may not have noticed, but there are two kinds of countries in the world these days: Dictatorships led by authoritarians and democracies that are slowly being taken over by authoritarians. Put Australia into the latter. Organic & Healthy reports that the land Down Under has become the first nation to begin microchipping its citizens, though NBC News predicted some years ago that, by 2017, Americans would all be microchipped. Australia's drive to implant citizens with what many...

Find out who recovers from cancer and why

By Jonathan Landsman, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) The odds that an individual will develop some sort of cancer during his or her lifetime now stand at a frightening 1 out of 2.5. Cancer not only seems to be becoming more deadly - claiming 500,000 lives per year -- but it is striking its victims at progressively younger ages. As for conventional medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, the reality is that these toxic 'therapies' poison the body and set the stage for secondary cancers - while demonstrating a horrible...

23,000 Americans died in 2013 from bacterial infections due to failed antibiotics

By David Gutierrez, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Tens of thousands of people in the United States die each year from antibiotic-resistant infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2013, the number killed by superbugs was 23,000. As shocking as these figures are, all evidence suggests that the problem is just going to keep getting worse. According to a 2014 study by the British government's Review on Antimicrobial Resistance, the global death toll from superbug outbreaks is likely to reach...

Honey and water mixture may be a powerful weapon against hospital infections and deadly superbugs

By Ethan A. Huff, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Sometimes it's the simplest things that make all the difference for health, and researchers from the UK have confirmed just that with regards to urinary tract infections (UTI). A basic mixture of honey and water, they recently discovered, is a highly effective solution for preventing UTIs in hospital patients who are hooked up to catheter tubes, which often harbor dangerous bacteria. As reported by BBC News, a simple dilution of the bee nectar and clean water helps prevent potentially...

Coffee drinkers have a lower mortality rate and lower risk of various cancers

By Daniel Barker, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) That morning cup of java may be providing a lot more benefits than just giving you the energy to start your day. Numerous studies have shown that daily consumption of coffee can help you to live a longer, healthier life. You may have heard of some of coffee's many health benefits, but there may also be a few that you weren't aware of. Last year, the Harvard Gazette reviewed a number of studies and discovered "an emerging picture of coffee as a potentially powerful elixir" against...

You can prevent and cure gestational diabetes, and lower your child's risk of autism

By Natural News Editors, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) You can prevent and cure gestational diabetes, and lower your child's risk of autism! • Xanthurenic acid (XA)—a tryptophan metabolite—is high in serum in gestational diabetes • Xanthurenic acid binds insulin, impeding it's action • Vitamin B6 lowers xanthurenic acid levels to normal • In two 1970s research studies, 86% and 100% of women with gestational diabetes normalized their blood sugar in two weeks by taking vitamin B6 • Gestational diabetes...

Nestle recalls ice cream, kids lunchables for listeria and misbranding of allergens

By Daniel Barker, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Nestle is recalling some of its products due to possible listeria contamination and misbranding of allergens. Two of the company's ice cream products, a Drumstick Club 16 Count Variety Pack and 24 count Vanilla Pack, were recalled after routine testing found Listeria monocytogenes on equipment surfaces at Nestle's Bakersfield, California production facility. None of the ice cream involved has yet tested positive for listeria, but because it originated at the Bakersfield facility...

Sugar linked to cardiovascular disease, as well as other chronic diseases

By Vicki Batts, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Over the last several years, sugar has been cast as one of the primary causes of our ever-declining health. Given that the amount of sugar we consume each year has been on the rise for decades, it's really no surprise. According to a 2014 press release from the Obesity Society, average added sugar consumption in America has increased by more than 30 percent over the course of three decades. Study author Elyse Powell, Royster Fellow at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill...

Big yawns are a sign of having a large brain

By Daniel Barker, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Yawning in public may be considered slightly rude - but it's also a sign having a large brain, according to new research. Psychologist Andrew Gallup of State University of New York at Oneonta, recently conducted an experiment in which student participants were instructed to find videos of animals yawning - animals chosen from a list that included gorillas, cats, elephants and other species. The list of 24 mammals was taken from an earlier research paper on brain evolution that...

NFL players choose cannabis oil over opioids to manage pain

By Daniel Barker, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) NFL players are three times as prone to abusing opioid pain medications due the multiple injuries typically sustained during a career in professional football. Because of this, many are now looking to cannabis as a replacement for dangerously addictive pharmaceutical painkillers. The Gridiron Cannabis Coalition (GCC), a group consisting primarily of former and current NFL athletes, is helping to fund research into the use of cannabis oil as an alternative to opioid painkillers such...

Playing golf can add years to your life, prevent heart disease and dementia

By J. D. Heyes, October 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Research has long confirmed that physical exercise keeps you healthier for longer by dramatically reducing your chances of developing chronic disease. Now, it seems, it has been proved that one particular physical activity – golf – can stave off heart disease and dementia, reports the UK's Daily Mail. Many golfers might tell you that the game can dramatically increase your anger and frustration levels, but in reality the sport is a life-extender, not a "good walk spoiled...

VOTERS WARNED: You've already lost America... this election is about taking it back in the last non-violent way possible: At the voting booth

By Mike Adams, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) If you're not following the flurry of email dumps now being released every 24 hours by Wikileaks, you're missing out on the most damning revelations of systemic government corruption in the history of this nation. The emails reveal unprecedented criminal collusion between the State Dept., the Clinton Foundation, the Obama White House, the FBI, the DNC, the leftist media and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. In essence, they are all conspiring to rig everything: Town hall...

Vaccine-induced tissue damage almost universally misdiagnosed as child abuse

By Jonathan Benson, April 3 2014
(NaturalNews) Imagine agreeing to have your child vaccinated as part of the typical pediatric process, only to have your little one suddenly come down with a mystery disease following the shots, for which you get falsely accused of child abuse. This is increasingly the case with "mystery" conditions like Kawasaki disease, Reye's syndrome, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and various other related afflictions that a prominent doctor recently exposed as being misdiagnoses of vaccine-induced tissue...

Hurricane warnings wildly exaggerated by NOAA to terrorize Americans about climate change

By J. D. Heyes, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) When Matt Drudge, founder of the popular Drudge Report news headline aggregation site, tweeted out recently that the federal government's preeminent weather agency might be just a bit politicized under the policy direction of President Obama, the "scientific" media went ballistic. Guess Drudge must have hit a nerve or something. As Hurricane Matthew was battering the Caribbean on its way to the Florida coastline, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which...

This November, vote for food and medicine freedom - Top 4 reasons NOT to vote for Hillary!

By S. D. Wells, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) For many Americans, neither candidate for President, in their eyes, is suited for the job, and they'd much rather vote for Mickey Mouse than to choose from the current front-runners. But the main problem is that one of the candidates will surely infringe upon personal freedoms that make a huge difference in health for all members of the family, including adults, children, infants, and babies on the way. If you think there's no difference regarding food and medical freedoms at stake...

There are amazing health benefits from drinking camel's milk

By Daniel Barker, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Before you dismiss drinking camel's milk as yet another exotic and unappetizing health trend, you should consider the fact that it's been used for more than 5000 years, not only as a survival food but also for its remarkable disease-fighting properties. Recent research has shown that camel milk is effective in treating and preventing diabetes - among other diseases - and it also contains health-boosting enzymes. Another great thing about camel milk is the fact that it can be consumed...

Prescription painkillers kill far more people than heroin and cocaine

By J. D. Heyes, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) A leading pathologist is warning that one prescription painkiller is causing more deaths than cocaine and heroin. The expert, Prof. Jack Crane – Northern Ireland's top pathologist – says Tramadol is currently "claiming more lives than any other drug," and as such ought to be upgraded to the Class A category. Currently, the drug is listed as a Class C medication in the UK; Class C medications are deemed to be the least harmful. When taken with other medications or mixed...

Wearable 'flexible UV exposure sensor' helps you reach daily dose of healthy Vitamin D from sunlight

By J. D. Heyes, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Tens of millions of people are deficient in vitamin D largely because they don't get enough natural sunlight every day. But a new wearable device can help with that. Researchers at the University of Southern California, in noting that the sun is vital for the production of vitamin D, which in turn is necessary for skin and bone health and may even help prevent some cancers, have developed a device that notifies users of their total sun exposure. Andrea M. Armani, the Fluor Early...

People are spending thousands on risky cosmetic genital surgeries

By Isabelle Z., October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Plastic surgery has become so commonplace that no one bats an eyelid when a woman gets breast implants these days. It's been more than 50 years since the first breast enlargement surgery using silicone implants took place, and it's now the second most popular type of cosmetic surgery across the world. Now, however, men are starting to get in on the act, with a new procedure that enhances the appearance of the testicles gaining in popularity. Commonly referred to as "scrotox", this...

When will Congress finally address the autism epidemic in America?

By David Gutierrez, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) The Autism Action Network has called on its supporters to make autism an issue for the current election cycle, by contacting their members of Congress and asking them to answer the following question: "What have you done since the last election in your capacity as a member of Congress to help find the causes of autism; develop effective prevention and treatment; improve educational outcomes; and improve the lives of people with autism. Please be specific." On November 8, every single...

Media cover-up as New York's nuclear plant leaks into the Hudson River

By S. D. Wells, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Environmentalists are calling New York's leaking nuclear plant "Chernobyl on the Hudson" and rightly so, as the aging plant has been plagued with welding problems. The plant is leaking a drop of contaminated water every five seconds, shockingly including 600 gallons of petroleum, some of which has even reached the discharge canal, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo, who toured the area by boat on October 1st. Will Cuomo end up severely disabled like the U.S. sailors who came close...

Young women have the highest risk of mental health issues

By Isabelle Z., October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Data that was recently released by NHS Digital shows that young women have the highest risk of mental health problems in England. According to the information, one out of every five women reported having a mental disorder like depression or anxiety in 2014; only one out of every eight men said the same. Moreover, young women had high rates of post-traumatic stress, bipolar disorders and incidents of self-harm. Overall, one out of every six British adults has a common mental disorder...

10 simple tips to get better sleep

By Amy Goodrich, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Most of us know that getting a good night's rest is important for our overall well-being. It is one of the key factors of a healthy lifestyle. Nonetheless, too few of us make those seven to eight hours between the sheets a priority. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 50 to 70 million U.S. adults do not get enough quality sleep, and the number of people suffering from a sleeping disorder is rising by the day. If falling asleep or feeling...

CDC: Sharp uptick in cases of mysterious polio-like illness paralyzing children

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, October 13 2016
(NaturalNews) A severe uptick in the incidence of a polio-like illness is worrying doctors and public health officials across the U.S. The CDC, concerned about a potential outbreak, has issued a public health warning. In the summer of 2014, health authorities noticed a disturbing trend of heavily vaccinated children coming down with something that resembled polio. Over a hundred hospitalized patients have yet to recover. In some cases, a mysterious, paralytic condition of the face and limbs accompanied...

BLAMING TRUMP: New mini-documentary reveals how the establishment plans to blame Trump for the imminent global debt collapse

By Mike Adams, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) I've just posted a new mini-documentary (15 minutes) called "Blaming Trump." It reveals how anti-American globalists plan to use a Trump election victory to orchestrate a massive, global debt collapse to be blamed on conservative ideology. You can view the new video at this YouTube link (until they ban it). In the video, filmed weeks ago, I urge Donald Trump to investigate and arrest traitorous, anti-American, radical leftist operatives (like Hillary) -- something Trump announced...

GMO 'experts' pushing for complete censorship of health impacts in humans and tumors in rats

By David Gutierrez, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Supposed "experts" are promoting new guidelines that would allow the biotechnology industry to forever conceal the negative health effects of eating GMO foods. In an effort to refine its regulation on GMO food, the European Union (EU) has funded two separate animal feeding studies, GRACE And G-TwYST. The two studies are meant to help the EU determine what kinds of animal feeding studies are best at evaluating the safety of GMOs. But recently, members of the GRACE and G-TwYST research...

The truth about commercial eggs EXPOSED in shocking video

By David Gutierrez, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) A video by activist Erin Janus claims to be the first to expose "in full detail," all the things that the egg industry doesn't want you to know about how its products are produced. The video chronicles everything from the horrible physical and psychological abuse inflicted on egg-laying hens and "useless" male chicks, the environmental impacts of egg-producing factory farms, and the effects of factory farmed egg production on human health. Janus also exposes the labels "cage free...

Helicopters swarm over 81 year old grandmother's house for single marijuana plant

By Daniel Barker, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) An 81-year-old grandmother is the latest victim of an outdated "war on drugs" mentality that continues to prevent innocent citizens from benefiting from the wonders of one of nature's most versatile and effective medicinal gifts - the marijuana plant. A recent raid involving state police, Massachusetts National Guard ground troops and a helicopter resulted in the confiscation and removal of a single marijuana plant cultivated by retired homemaker Margaret "Peg" Holcomb of Amherst...

The 16 superfoods that can keep your heart healthy

By Ethan A. Huff, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America today, and many people are looking for ways to better protect their hearts through diet. The good news is that there are plenty of heart-healthy "superfoods" out there that can get the job done, and the following are some of your best options: Salmon: Oily fish in general are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids that decrease the risk of heart conditions like atherosclerosis and arrhythmia, while lowering triglyceride levels...

The 6 unhealthy habits that are dirtier than a toilet bowl

By Isabelle Z., October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) You would never dream of eating food off a toilet seat, right? Some potential sources of germs are a lot more obvious than others. No sane person would try to claim that a public restroom is not a veritable breeding ground of germs, dirt and other unpleasantness, but if you look really closely at your daily routine, you might discover that you have a habit that is spreading even more germs than that toilet without realizing it. Here is a look at some of the bad habits that you might...

High cost of healthcare causing the ill to choose between medical care and bankruptcy

By Vicki Batts, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Corruption and greed have been longstanding issues within the healthcare industry. Kickbacks and rewards for doctors, along with industry monopolies, have contributed significantly to this problem. Many people avoid going to the doctor until it's nearly too late because they are afraid they will go bankrupt just for visiting the hospital or going to their doctor's office. Many people are not even sure they can trust their doctors to do what is actually best for them anymore. Many...

High protein, low-carb, sugarless diet helps rid young girl of depression, pain and anxiety

By Amy Goodrich, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) There is no doubt that food plays a crucial role in our well-being. It provides building blocks and energy, and directly affects how our bodies and minds function. While there is not a single diet that works for everyone, eliminating processed foods, sugar and refined grains should be the main priority of every healthy diet. High protein and low-carb diets are all the hype these days. For years we have been told that increased fat in the diet is the leading cause of obesity, heart...

Coca-Cola and Pepsi caught financing 96 national health groups... financial influence rampant

By Vicki Batts, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Pepsi Co and The Coca-Cola Company are known for the variety of sugar-laden beverages they peddle, and not much else. In early 2016, Business Insider reported on the continued free-fall of soda sales in the United States. Over the course of 2015, soda sales dropped a whopping 1.2 percent. The year before, sales dropped 0.9 percent – the downward trend has been evident the past several years, but it is clearly picking up steam. Soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages have been...

Seven honeybee species placed on endangered species list as pollinator collapse continues

By Vicki Batts, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) For the first time ever, bees have made their way onto the endangered species list. Following several years of analysis, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has placed not one, but seven species of Hawaiian yellow-faced bees on the list. In a joint effort with an invertebrate species advocacy organization known as the Xerces Society and Hawaiian state officials, the FWS studied the status of the bees. Just 10 years ago, in 1996, the FWS placed 33 different bee species...

Breast milk protein can fight antibiotic resistant bacteria

By Amy Goodrich, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) With superbugs well on their way to dominating the world, scientists are looking for new and effective ways to stop this growing threat. Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the rise of antibiotic resistance to be a global health crisis that could signal the end of modern medicine. Unless we find a solution, the WHO said that common infections and curable diseases such as tuberculosis and gonorrhea could become deadly once more. Despite the repeated warnings, doctors...

Drug maker Cephalon sued for patient's death in opioid overdose

By J. D. Heyes, October 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Once again, Big Pharma may have claimed another victim while nutritional health supplements have not. Family members of a Philadelphia man who died of an overdose two years ago have filed a lawsuit against Cephalon Inc. in recent days, claiming that the pharmaceutical company's aggressive marketing of an extremely powerful painkiller, Actiq – closely related to fentanyl – for conditions it wasn't approved to treat, caused him to become addicted. As reported by the...

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