Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

California governor says people who don't buy into climate change agenda are genetically inferior 'troglodytes'

By J. D. Heyes, August 20 2015
(NaturalNews) The debate over global warming and climate change got uglier recently after California Gov. Jerry Brown of "no vaccine choice" fame insulted the intelligence – and genetic makeup – of everyone who disagrees with his premise that these phenomena are real. Like all global warming alarmists, Brown – who was attending a "climate change summit" in Canada – made the same old tired, dire predictions of doom and gloom if the world continues to burn fossil fuels. But...

Generation pathetic: Spoiled urban kids who never had to work are latest crisis for economy

By J. D. Heyes, August 20 2015
(NaturalNews) For a year-and-a-half, Australian mining employer Jack Trenamen perfected a formula he says helps him predict what kind of job performance he can generally expect from his new hires. Workers who grew up on farms helping their parents tend to the daily chores from a young age will work hard for him and appreciate whatever pay they receive. "You can't fault 'em on work ethic," he recently told, noting that work habits show up in their performance on the job. But new...

Air pollution from fracking wells linked to low birth weights in newborns

By Jennifer Lea Reynolds, August 20 2015
(NaturalNews) As if fracking, or unconventional gas drilling (UGD), is not already steeped in environmental and economic controversy, another problem has developed that points to its detrimental consequences. Sadly, it directly impacts people who are helpless and voiceless in the matter; innocent babies born in fracking environments have been shown to have lower birth weights than those not born near such areas. Experts from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health assessed...

Washington state forces children to be injected with brain-damaging chemicals before attending taxpayer-funded schools

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, August 20 2015
(NaturalNews) Natural human children, who are free from disease and pharmaceutical injection, are now being pulled out of taxpayer-funded schools in Washington State. The witch hunt is on for healthy, independent parents and children. Parents and children who do not succumb to all government-recommended shots are now being singled out as if they are a menace to society. Are free, healthy, and natural people really the problem with society? Officials at Spokane public schools in Washington believe...

New York Times rips apart Paul Offit's vaccine quackery

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, August 20 2015
(NaturalNews) If it goes by the name "vaccine," then Paul Offit is all for it. It doesn't matter if the vaccine contains brain-damaging mercury preservative or aluminum adjuvant. It doesn't matter to Offit if the vaccine retrains the immune system to weaken at the first line of defense as its mode of action bypasses the humoral defense mechanisms. It's simple and blind. If the vaccine is deemed "medical science," then Paul Offit is all about it -- no questions asked. He's often the mainstream... Q&A with the Health Ranger, covering details of the approaching global collapse

By Mike Adams, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) With the launch of the super-popular website, I've been asked many questions about the concept of "collapse" and what might lay ahead for our world. I've recorded a 20-minute audio Q&A session to help answer some of those questions. This audio recording covers: • What makes our world susceptible to systemic collapse? • Does cover the collapse of food and agriculture? • Will we cover environmental and ecological collapse? Mass extinction...

National Institutes of Health funds search for mysterious 'obesity gremlins' that are secretly making lesbians fat

By Mike Adams, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) This story is not satire. According to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health and awarded to a Boston hospital for more than $1.5 million, some mysterious phenomenon is covertly making lesbians obese, in apparent violation of the dietary laws of cause and effect. For now, I'm calling this phenomenon "obesity gremlins," and here's how a NIH-funded study describes this extraordinary mystery: It is now well-established that women of minority sexual orientation are disproportionately...

Washington Post science for sale: Propaganda rag derides essential nutrients while promoting Monsanto, GMOs and fluoride

By Ethan A. Huff, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) In typical manipulative form, The Washington Post recently declared fish oil supplements to be ineffective and "unproven" at protecting the heart, despite mounds of scientific evidence suggesting otherwise. Citing a few outlier studies that were poorly constructed and that included the use of pharmaceutical drugs, The Washington Post is now urging the public to avoid "useless" fish oil pills, while at the same time endorsing industry poisons like genetically-modified organisms (GMOs...

Biotech industry pushing genetically engineered crops that they insist aren't genetically engineered

By David Gutierrez, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) In the face of a growing public sentiment against genetically engineered (GE) crops, the biotechnology industry is pursuing a new strategy: Claiming that new GE technologies are so different from older ones that products produced using them should not be classified as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The industry is now using these techniques to introduce traits like herbicide resistance, pest resistance and altered nutritional content into crops intended for human consumption...

Obama wants to poison children! Proposal to stop using toxic mercury fillings on children, pregnant women shot down by feds

By Jonathan Benson, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) It recently went public that the Obama administration, through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), shut down a proposal that would have protected pregnant women and young children from mercury poisoning when going to the dentist. Top officials within the regime reportedly shut down a proposal by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that would have instructed oral health doctors to stop using mercury fillings to treat cavities in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children...

Epidemic of sea mammal deaths explodes as Fukushima radiation contaminates one-third of the earth

By David Gutierrez, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Dead and dying sea mammals continue to wash ashore at unusual and alarming rates along the California coast. Scientists are stumped, suggesting that the cause may be food shortages caused by abnormally warm waters - but unsure of what has caused the ocean off the California coast to warm so rapidly. Meanwhile, the radioactive plume released into the Pacific Ocean following the Fukushima nuclear disaster draws ever closer to North America's western coast. At the same time, radioactive...

Warnings signs that you may have a magnesium deficiency

By Dr.Sofiya, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Magnesium has gained a lot of attention on blogs, social media sites and e-magazines dedicated to improving health. This is because research in the last several years has begun to uncover more and more information about all the amazing things that magnesium does for the body. To date, it has been found that magnesium is needed by the body for over 200 chemical reactions and that no bodily system is untouched by the need for this important mineral. Unfortunately, research is also coming...

Monsanto, Bill Gates Foundation among top donors to Clinton Foundation slush fund

By J. D. Heyes, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton continues to fall under increased scrutiny over some questionable donations and other activities surrounding her family's charitable foundation, including ties to Big Pharma vaccine pushers and the world's largest producer of genetically modified foods and seeds. Monsanto, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, are just two of 181 corporations and other interests who donated to the Clinton Foundation while she was secretary...

Factory farms increases disease outbreaks in humans and wildlife, gives boost to crop pests

By Julie Wilson staff writer, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) A new study out of the University of South Florida (USF) confirms what many environmentalists and anti-GMO activists have been saying all along: Reducing biological diversity places humans and wildlife more at risk for infectious disease outbreaks. While it's true people are living longer than ever before, we're also plagued with much more illness and disease, which according to a new study, could be caused at least in part by a variety of unnatural processes including factory farming...

169,000 criminal aliens deliberately released into the U.S. population by Obama administration

By J. D. Heyes, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) The Obama administration has overseen the greatest influx of illegal aliens into the country in decades and more are on the way, according to analysts who monitor U.S. border activity. But even more than that, they say, the administration has been extremely lax with criminal aliens, ensuring that tens of thousands of them made their way into American society, even as debate surrounding their release – and the crimes they continue to commit – have become part of the 2016...

Amazing health benefits of tamarind for skin, hair and health

By Sandeep Godiyal, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Let's face it – unless they are a big fan of Thai or Indonesian cuisine, chances are most Americans have not even heard of tamarind! Tamarind is a small tree that is actually native to the African continent but is now cultivated all over India and other parts of the Asian continent. It has long been valued for its small, sweet-sour fruit which is consumed both raw and cooked. When the fruits are soaked in water, the result is a sweet, tangy liquid used in a variety of Southeast...

Mothers suffering from toxic chemical exposure more likely to have autistic and ADHD children, research suggests

By Ethan A. Huff, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) The modern world is a chemical minefield, and a new study from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio has found that chronic exposure to chemical pollutants can have a disastrous effect on the health of children. Mothers who are particularly sensitive to chemical exposure, it turns out, have a significantly higher risk than other mothers of bearing children with autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Researchers from the UT Health Science...

Allopathic doctors overestimate their intelligence and make things up when they're wrong, study suggests

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) After completing a formal college education and receiving a degree in medicine, a doctor may feel that they are now an expert. It's this sense of pride that can infect a doctor's intelligence, ultimately preventing them from learning more each day. This pride can close one's mind to new pathways of learning. In the field of medicine, this pride can block out and override complementary, integrative and less-invasive modalities of healing, ultimately leading patients astray. The true...

The global era of socialism, entitlements and debt spending is about to come to an end

By J. D. Heyes, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) For years, sociologists, political scientists and economists have been warning that increased government spending on entitlements, welfare and other Left-wing-inspired socialist benefits would bankrupt communities, cities, states and even entire countries. Such Keynesian schemes have historically never ended well, and with each new collapse, one might have thought that lessons would have been learned and history would not be repeated. Halfway through the second decade of the 21st...

How can the USA lecture China and other countries on human rights while allowing Planned Parenthood to harvest and sell baby organs?

By J. D. Heyes, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) The second undercover video released by pro-life group Center for Medical Progress shows Planned Parenthood officials ghoulishly negotiating prices for the body parts of aborted babies. In the undercover video, as reported by, Mary Gatter, the medical director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley in Calfiornia, "discusses selling aborted baby body parts with undercover investigators posing as officials with a biotech company that acts as a middleman...

Junk food nation unable to defend itself against invasion; one-third of young U.S. adults too fat for duty

By J. D. Heyes, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) The United States literally has a "growing" national security problem, and it one that has been trending negatively for years: Namely, a growing percentage of American youth are, to put it bluntly, too fat to fight. According to a new report issued recently by a conglomerate of former and retired military leaders, America's obesity epidemic is causing severe recruiting problems because one-in-three young adults do not meet weight requirements. As reported by UK's Daily Mail: The...

Health Ranger adds 1000+ academic news sources to real-time news monitoring sites

By Mike Adams, August 19 2015
(NaturalNews) If you haven't yet checked out, you're missing out: the site offers a collection of over 100 topic-focused news aggregation pages where you can read breaking news headlines on all your favorite topics such as fluoride, vaccines, GMOs, herbal medicine, natural cures and much more. As of today, I've added 1000+ academic news sources to the mix, bringing in the latest news headlines from universities and institutions around the world, all updated in near-real-time. Example...

Lead contamination in Colorado water now 3,580 times higher than federal standards, thanks to EPA

By Ethan A. Huff, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) The "accidental" release by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of more than three million gallons of toxic sludge into a Colorado river system that feeds into the larger Colorado River has resulted in a massive surge of heavy metal contamination, including lead levels that are now 3,580 times higher than federal limits for human drinking water. The Associated Press (AP) reports that the toxic plume, which is believed to have already reached Lake Powell on the Utah-Arizona...

Babies feel pain as abortionists rip their organs out to be sold for profit

By J. D. Heyes, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) One of the most oft-cited reasons used by supporters of abortion to justify even the most horrific of procedures like partial-birth abortion and, we've now learned, organ-harvesting for profit, is that the mass of flesh and blood growing inside a woman's womb is just a "fetus," not a human, that "doesn't feel pain." In fact, this myth was perpetuated by the medical community for decades, as noted by Hilary Butler, writing of her own personal experience with such stupidity at the...

GMO industry set to flood U.S. food supply with endless torrent of toxic chemicals

By David Gutierrez, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Department of Agriculture's recent approval of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) resistant to new herbicides will soon unleash a flood of new toxic chemicals across the nation's agricultural heartland, observers have warned. Previously, nearly all GMO crops approved for planting were engineered for resistance to a single herbicide: Monsanto's blockbuster product Roundup (glyphosate). The widespread adoption of these crops led to an explosion in Roundup use, which in...

Herbs that may help lower high blood pressure

By Sandeep Godiyal, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) High blood pressure – also known as hypertension – is a very common problem here in America. It has also been nicknamed the "silent killer" because, although it very rarely has any signs or symptoms associated with it, it is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Because it is such a common issue, there are many prescription medications available to help treat it. But all of these medications come with an array of side effects which range from dizziness upon...

Why Big Pharma hates legalized marijuana; painkillers, chemotherapy and psych drugs could be made obsolete

By Ethan A. Huff, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) When certain politicians and so-called health experts bellyache over the legalization of cannabis, it's not because they're worried about the children. It's because cannabis is arguably the safest and most widely effective natural medicinal herb in existence, and its widespread acceptance would immediately render obsolete the gamut of pharmaceuticals that make the establishment drug barons (and their bought-and-paid-for lackeys in Congress) filthy rich. No longer would the general...

Legal, over-the-counter pain relievers cause fatal strokes and heart attacks

By David Gutierrez, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) The FDA has announced that it will require new labels on both prescription and over-the-counter painkillers in the aspirin family, warning that even brief use of these drugs increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes, including among people with no heart disease risk factors. The warning applies to all drugs in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) family, with the exception of aspirin. Non-aspirin NSAIDs include those marketed under trade names such as Motrin, Aleve...

Diaper rash, cloth diapers, and breastfeeding - what you need to know

By Michael Edwards, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) When babies develop diaper rashes, the first assumption is that the baby is not being changed often enough or quickly enough after wetting or soiling the diaper. If this is not the case, the diapers are questioned – especially when using cloth diapers. Diapers are boiled and/or hung outside to dry in the sun or Mom gives up her quest for environmentally friendly, inexpensive cloth diapers and switches to disposables. Nursing mothers rarely stop to think about their diet. Unfortunately...

NYC Mayor de Blasio criticizes EU for abandoning Italy to illegal immigrants, ignores impact of illegal immigration on the U.S

By J. D. Heyes, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has taken politically correct hypocrisy to new levels in criticism of the European Union and top GOP presidential contender and real estate mogul Donald Trump, both over the subject of illegal immigration. As reported by, de Blasio - at the Vatican recently for a summit on "climate change" and human trafficking - announced that NYC would no longer be doing business with Trump because the latter's earlier comments regarding illegal immigrants...

Colorado health panel votes against will of the people and chief med director to keep vets drugged with pharmaceuticals instead of relieving PTSD with marijuana

By J. D. Heyes, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) For a state where voters recently chose to run afoul of federal drug laws and "legalize" recreational marijuana, this one truly is a head-scratcher. As reported by Reuters and other sources, Colorado health officials have just tossed a bid by medical pot advocates to place cannabis on the list of approved treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder, an ailment most commonly associated with military veterans. That's odd for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is because...

Crimes involving knives rises after British nanny state bans citizens from carrying sharp knives

By J. D. Heyes, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) For Americans who think that their own government has become overly intrusive (and it has), at least for now Uncle Sam has yet to criminalize self-defense or, more specifically, the tools we use to protect our families and ourselves. That's not the case in Great Britain where even simple self-defense tools like small knives have been outlawed. This may be news to a progressive, but realists understand that when governments take away citizens' rights to protect themselves, such...

New online retailer set to rival Amazon with unprecedented corporate transparency

By J. D. Heyes, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) The growth of online retail sales has revolutionized the way millions of Americans shop, but most of the biggest companies have tended to adopt stereotypical corporate practices, which include secret deals and other methods of hiding activity from customers. However, a new start-up online retailer that promises to rival has pledged something new and unique for the corporate world: Transparency. The new online retailer? As reported by the New York Post, Jeff...

Liberals now claim POW/MIA flags are 'racist' and should be memory-holed with the Confederate flag

By J. D. Heyes, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) The Left-wing extremist attacks on traditional American culture and attempts to rewrite or simply bury history are advancing apace, as the latest salvo is launched against the "racist" POW/MIA flag, which one mainstream media writer now thinks should go the way of the Confederate flag. Writing in something called The Washington Spectator, an organ of "The Public Concern Foundation" – whatever that is (considering the organization's stated website listed on this page won't open...

Texas secessionists launch petition drive to protect state from America's insane Lefist policies

By J. D. Heyes, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) Did the Civil War "settle" the issue of secession? Most Americans think so. But not all. In fact, some continue to believe that secession remains an option for states who are dissatisfied with the level of interference in state affairs by the federal government, which seems to grow larger and more powerful by the year. One such group is located in, unsurprisingly, Texas, a state whose citizens have been historically independent-minded and lovers of liberty. In fact, the group...

Three days after Health Ranger goes public with vivid dream of an explosion on a Christian campus island, a horrific bomb rips through a sacred Hindu shrine courtyard in Thailand

By Mike Adams, August 18 2015
(NaturalNews) Events are really starting to freak me out. As Natural News readers know, three days ago I awoke with a vivid, intense dream that depicted a Christian church campus being ripped apart by a violent explosion taking place on an island. I publicly wrote about the intense dream in this article, sharing specific details I saw in the dream such as the number 611 in relation to the victims of the explosion. I even described a "courtyard" and other vivid details from the dream. Today I awoke...

BOMBSHELL: China and America already at war: Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon in retaliation for Yuan currency devaluation... Military helicopters now patrolling Beijing

By Mike Adams, August 17 2015
(NaturalNews) EXCLUSIVE: Mainland Chinese dissidents have handed Natural News the following bombshell story. (Two minor updates / corrections are now included in this story, see below.) The Tianjin explosion was waged as an act of "kinetic retaliation" by the Pentagon in response to China's currency war Yuan devaluation, according to dissident sources from mainland China. The Chinese government has put in place unprecedented secrecy surrounding the mysterious explosion, and aggressive police state...

The real reason Donald Trump is so popular: He's the surrogate mouthpiece for the things most Americans deeply believe (but are too afraid to say)

By Mike Adams, August 17 2015
(NaturalNews) I've got something in common with Donald Trump. As the editor of Natural News, people tell me all the time, "Why don't you do a story about (fill in the blank) and expose it?" My answer is usually, "Why don't you start your own website and write about it yourself, and we'll publicize your story?" The answer is almost always the same. "Oh, I couldn't do that, I'd get fired from my job" (or audited by the IRS, or shut down by the FDA, etc). They always have a reason why they can't...

Nearly 70% of physicians say GMO foods should be labeled

By Daniel Barker, August 17 2015
(NaturalNews) One thing is clear regarding the GMO labeling issue. The vast majority of Americans -- more than 90 percent -- are in favor of mandatory labeling laws. A recent poll by a physician's association revealed that more than two-thirds (68 percent) of doctors are also in favor of mandatory GMO food labeling. The SERMO physician community conducted a poll of its members, asking the question: "Should food manufacturers be required to label products containing GMOs?" Of the 2,097 physicians...

Vaccine industry tries to intimidate licensed doctors into vaccine obedience; fails miserably thanks to First Amendment

By Ethan A. Huff, August 17 2015
(NaturalNews) The vaccine mafia is pulling every dirty trick in the book to silence doctors who are courageous enough to question establishment dogma on vaccine safety and effectiveness into keeping quiet about this hot button issue. But at the end of the day, these medical villains are failing to achieve their endgame, thanks to First Amendment protections that (although they continue to be chipped away by the enemies of liberty within our own government) still persist in support of health freedom...

Industries of death and deception: What does Planned Parenthood and Komen for the cure have in common? The exploitation of human bodies for corporate profit

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, August 17 2015
(NaturalNews) An undercover, three-year investigation led by The Center for Medical Progress has unveiled a sinister agenda hiding within Planned Parenthood. The investigation has recorded more than one Planned Parenthood top level executive arranging for the illegal trafficking of aborted fetal body parts. Brutally intrusive Planned Parenthood surgeons are instructed to meticulously preserve some fetus body parts, while crushing others. These organs are then donated to biotech companies for research...

Pineapple juice is 500% more effective than cough syrup, study shows

By Sandeep Godiyal, August 17 2015
(NaturalNews) There are all sort of reasons that people come down with a cough. This symptom can be caused by respiratory infections like bronchitis or pneumonia, a particularly bad allergic reaction, or viral infections like a cold or the flu. It can also be caused by certain medications, such as those which help treat high blood pressure. Whatever the reason, this can be a difficult condition to live with, especially if that coughing is interfering with the ability to get a good night's sleep....

University of Toronto fires professor of alternative medicine after skeptics bully school into anti-free speech tyranny

By Jonathan Benson, August 17 2015
(NaturalNews) In an unexpected about-face, the Scarborough campus of the University of Toronto has suddenly decided to scrap a course in homeopathy, as well as fire the professor of the class, after anti-free speech "skeptics" whined and bullied their way into eliminating one of the only alternative voices at the school not hawking pharmaceuticals and vaccines. According to Canada's Metro, Beth Landau-Halpern, a homeopath, is no longer teaching at U of T, and her course in Alternative Health:...

Why are taxpayers forced to pay millions to find out why most lesbians are obese?

By J. D. Heyes, August 17 2015
(NaturalNews) The federal government has financed questionable scientific research in the past, but some projects simply defy belief, let along reasonable explanation. Such is the case regarding a $3.5 million study into lesbian obesity. As reported by MRCTV (Media Research Center), the study is being financed through the National Institutes of Health. Also, reports the Washington Free Beacon, the cost of the study has grown steadily. Titled "Sexual Orientation and Obesity: Test of a Gendered...

Cassandra Callender gives first interview after being kidnapped by Connecticut and forced to undergo chemotherapy

By Jonathan Benson, August 16 2015
(NaturalNews) A clear case of medical assault and battery against an underage girl, the harrowing experience of Cassandra Callender is finally getting told in her own words. For the first time since being released from the medical prison known as Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Cassandra has appeared on camera to tell all about how state officials abducted her and forced her, without consent, to undergo toxic chemotherapy treatments for a diagnosis of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Long before her...

Spokane shows true grit: city sues Monsanto for polluting their river and harming people and beavers

By S. Johnson, August 10 2015
(NaturalNews) Spokane is a mid-size city in eastern Washington whose history is intimately connected to the beautiful river and falls located in its center. In the early 1970s, the city hosted the world's very first environmentally themed World's Fair (Expo 1974), at which President Richard Nixon made an appearance, speaking to the nation from a floating podium on the Spokane River. At the time, it was the smallest city to host a World's Fair. Some 40 years later, Monsanto has tainted this environmental...

With military bases as 'gun-free zones,' America has passed the point of Idiocracy

By J. D. Heyes, July 24 2015
(NaturalNews) In the 2006 movie Idiocracy, the Pentagon selects Pvt. Joe Bauers, an "average American" played by actor Luke Wilson, to participate in an experiment for a top-secret hibernation program. Over the years, the study, like Bauers, is forgotten about, and eventually he awakens some 500 years in the future. What Bauers discovers is a society so dumbed down that he emerges as the most intelligent person on the planet. While the movie was a comedy, it was likely inspired by today's society...

Planned Parenthood is the of fetal body parts: Online "shopping" for intact baby organs has never been easier!

By J. D. Heyes, August 16 2015
(NaturalNews) It's been several weeks now since news broke that Planned Parenthood officials have allegedly been selling body parts and organs of aborted babies and the Obama Justice Department has yet to announce it would launch an investigation. Federal law, you see, prohibits the sale of human parts, so if true - and a video posted online sure is damning - this seems like an open-and-shut case. GOP presidential contender and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and some other members of Congress are...

Why Democrats are so afraid of the 'gig' economy based on decentralized, peer-to-peer transactions that bypass government control

By J. D. Heyes, August 16 2015
(NaturalNews) Today's Democratic Party is not what it used to be. The modern entity has become a hotbed of left-wing progressive extremism that is intolerant of opposing views, hateful of those who don't conform or comply with liberal ideology, and which seeks to control as much of our lives as possible. Consider recent Democrat-led angst over varying aspects of the so-called "gig economy" – a sector of the economy featuring "sharing" or "collaborative" technology. Think Uber, Lyft, Task...

You are already living in a 'free-range prison'

By J. D. Heyes, August 16 2015
(NaturalNews) "I can build you a perfectly safe city, but it will look like a prison." Who said that? Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh (pronounced "Jay") Johnson recently, following the "failures" of computers at the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines and The Wall Street Journal. Of course, those events – which occurred nearly simultaneously – have since been seen as likely cyber attacks. But Johnson wasn't finished. Speaking at the Center for Security and...

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