The top 4 reasons to avoid processed, conventional meat
by S.D. Wells
While the meat packers kill the "24 hour sickness" with chemicals so you won't get it, your cells are being destroyed and mutated by industrial chemicals NEVER meant for mankind to consume.

The conventional meat industry is SO POLLUTED that they have to bleach the meat to kill bacteria, viruses and especially E-coli and Salmonella. This goes for infected cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs, and even fish that are shot up with artificial growth hormones and antibiotics. Ammonia is also used for the same reasons.

Flavors and color are easily added back in using MSG, red dyes, nitrates, and other poisons on top of the fact that you're eating TOXIC meat from animals that most likely led horrendous lives full of pain, misery and shock upon their day of death.

For the most part, meat is "murder" in the US and the fast food and restaurant chain junkies are oblivious, until the oncologists and heart specialists break the "bad news," and that's if they ever do.

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