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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. rejects climate cultism, while expressing genuine alarm about stopping REAL pollution and ecological destruction
05/01/2023 // Ethan Huff // Views

On Earth Day, 2024 presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. issued a heartwarming message to America reiterating his commitment to environmental conservation, which stands in stark contrast to the climate change lunacy of the rest of the Democrat Party.

A longtime environmental activist of the sincerest kind, Kennedy is not the type of Democrat looking to take away your access to meat, force you to drive an electric car, or turn you transgender so you will stop having children and "save the planet." He is instead someone who respects the natural world and simply wants to preserve it, recognizing that it is a gift from God to be cherished and nurtured.

"Environmental protection binds us to our own humanity and to all of creation," Kennedy writes. "The natural world connects us to the 10,000 generations of human beings who lived before us and ultimately connects us to God."

"God talks to human beings through many vectors: through each other, through organized religion, through the great books of those religions, through wise people, through art, music, literature, and poetry. But nowhere with such detail and grace, color, and joy as through creation. When we destroy a species, when we destroy a special place, we're diminishing our capacity to sense the divine, understand who God is, and what our own potential is as human beings."

(Related: During covid, Kennedy warned that Bill Gates and Tony Fauci were committing mass genocide with their perverted version of "saving the world.")

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a moderate Democrat who believes that freedom and liberty go hand-in-hand with environmental conservation and stewardship

Instead of pushing global warming and climate change rhetoric, or the "green" agenda that goes along with it nowadays, Kennedy is committed to proper environmental stewardship, which harmonizes human freedom and liberty with respect for the natural world we all love and enjoy.


"Our sacred obligation as a civilization, a nation, a generation is to create communities for our children that provide them with the same opportunities for dignity and enrichment, prosperity, and good health as the communities that our parents gave us," Kennedy says.

"As President, I will tirelessly protect our environmental infrastructure: the air we breathe, the water we drink, our wildlife, the fisheries, and the public lands. Environmental stewardship will be a central goal of my Presidency, just as it has been for my entire life."

Kennedy's conservationist journey began back in 1961 when he visited his uncle, the late President John F. Kennedy, in the Oval Office of the White House to show him a salamander he caught. This is what ultimately led him into the field of environmental law, where he committed himself to fighting in the trenches against what he calls the "big polluters."

"I wanted to work with people who were not only most harmed by environmental injury, but who also were marginalized from the mainstream environmental community," he writes.

From protecting vulnerable communities against becoming toxic waste dumping sites to working alongside blue-collar commercial and recreational fishermen to protect our nation's precious water resources, Kennedy has spent most of his life trying to do what is best both for humans and the planet – because both can co-exist in harmony, despite what the radical left-wing Democrats say to the contrary.

"I have dedicated my life to protecting the precious resources of the Earth," Kennedy says. "Environmental stewardship will be a core objective of my Presidency. Environmental protection is critical to social and racial justice, to America's economic prosperity, and to the survival of humanity."

You can learn more about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s other positions at his presidential campaign website.

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