#5) Seven billion dollars a year worth of food is funneled through the Non-GMO Project verification because health enthusiasts demand non-poisonous food!
by S.D. Wells
How can you tell if your food is genetically mutated, containing chemicals that kill weeds, fungus, worms and beetles? Who is looking out for you, because the FDA says that chemicals that kill weeds, fungus, worms and beetles are good for humans?

The EPA likes chemical agriculture too. Plus, the USDA supports more and more "chemicalized crop" than ever before. Could it all be about the money? You bet it is.

So again, who's looking out for you, besides you? The USA does not label GMO food as such, and the "search for the cure" for cancer continues. Should you be searching for prevention instead?

The Non-GMO Project Verified seal indicates that best practices have been put in place to AVOID GMO. The project's "threshold" is in alignment with the laws in the European Union!

Verification is maintained via annual audit with onsite inspections for high-risk products. Seek organic and non-GMO when you shop. You'll taste and FEEL the difference every time.



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