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Originally published July 5 2013

Ten signs of a toxic gym

by Anna Bragga

(NaturalNews) More evidence is emerging of the hidden health threats of gyms. Could your gym be making you sick? Below are some common hazards to watch out for.

1. Locker rooms. The lingering fumes from aerosol deodorants, body sprays and air fresheners are dangerously polluting. Inhaling common ingredients such as butane, isobutane and propane can cause headaches, breathing problems, mood swings and nausea. Phthalates interfere with normal hormonal function, and triclosan is a carcinogen.

2. Swimming pools. Chlorine, the chemical used to kill bacteria in swimming pools, can cause skin itchiness and stinging, sore eyes. When combined with the sweat, urine and other waste products from swimmers, it forms a toxic by-product. Poorly ventilated pools produce air loaded with these irritants which can cause coughing, wheezing and asthma.

3. Yoga mats. Some rubber mats are manufactured with small quantities of latex which can trigger adverse reactions in latex allergy sufferers. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) mats leach hormone mimicking compounds of phthalates and bisphenol into the atmosphere.

4. Air conditioning. A cool environment reduces the amount you sweat and the cleansing effect of releasing toxins. Air con adds to noise pollution and can transmit infectious respiratory viruses. Too much of it causes flu-like symptoms, sinus problems, bodily aches and pains, and?arthritis.?Mold spores spewed out into the atmosphere cause health problems to people with weak immune systems and pregnant women.

5. Disinfectants (VOCs). While effective at killing germs, viruses and fungal spores, today's disinfectants and cleaning products often contain toxic aldehyhdes such as formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and phenol. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases causing a range of health problems including nausea, memory loss and dexterity issues.

Gym germs and virulent vibrations: How that workout could compromise your health

6. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Commonly known as 'Staph', this bacteria can be picked up from a shared towel or razor, touching the surface of exercise equipment or body contact. It causes mild skin infections, rashes, pimples and boils. If allowed to spread, it can produce life-threatening pneumonia, sepsis or meningitis.?MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), is an aggressive form of Staph that is resistant to antibiotics.

7. Music. When music is too loud and experienced as chaotic and aggressive, it effects not only our mood, but our heart-rate, blood pressure, metabolism, energy, digestion, cholesterol levels, and brain functioning. Aerobics classes have been found to produce decibel levels resembling that of a jackhammer, a level that can cause noise induced hearing loss - otherwise known as acoustic trauma.

8. Energy and protein bars. Most energy bars are high in fructose corn syrup which causes insulin levels to skyrocket as our systems become overloaded with sugar. Soy protein is typically genetically modified and soaked in a toxic solvent called hexane. Most whey, another common ingredient in protein bars, has been so damaged by heat processing, it is practically devoid of any nutritional benefit.

9. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs). High levels of EMF radiation have been found in gyms due to the prevalence of electronic equipment, wireless devices and proximity to pylons, power lines, cell and broadcast transmission towers. A report ( by the BioInitiative Working Group shows EMFs can damage DNA and genes, effect memory and learning, cause sleep disruption, cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimer's.

10. Water fountains. The surfaces of water fountains are breeding grounds for bacteria caused by dirty water bottles and hands and inadequate cleaning, according to a survey conducted by Consumer Focus Scotland. Fountain water is generally tap water and, even if filtered, may contain fluoride (if used in your area) and other harmful chemicals.

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About the author:
Anna Bragga is a freelance journalist and owner of public relations company, Conscience Communications

Anna Bragga is a freelance journalist and owner of public relations company, Conscience Communications

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