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Originally published March 31 2011

Question smart meters

by Natalie June

(NaturalNews) Smart meters are quickly replacing our existing electric and gas meters. They are "smart" because, instead of needing a person to come by and read the meter, they transmit data to other surrounding meters that is then uploaded by an energy company. They also monitor our homes trying to connect with other smart appliances to determine usage and loads. Setting aside the fact that our energy company might get a peak at too much of our personal business, another big issue is health. These meters transmit pulses of microwave energy roughly every minute around the clock.

There has been much concern recently about the Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs) emitted from cell phones and cell towers, but high-frequency radiation is everywhere. The Sun is Earth's primary source of electromagnetic radiation. Our bodies can tolerate a certain amount; in fact, it is this radiation from the Sun which sustains all life on the planet, but now we are being bombarded... from cell phones, WiFi, cordless phones, refrigerators, air conditioners, microwaves, electric clocks, even an electric blanket. How much is too much?

Some have become "electronically sensitive". Symptoms can range from uncomfortable headaches, tingling sensations, "brain fog", migraines, depression, insomnia, even seizures, and heart attacks. Studies on the effects of EMFs have produced contradictory results, yet some experts believe the threat is real and can be the cause of brain tumors, leukemia, birth defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, stress, forgetfulness, cancer, and other health problems. Dr. David Carpenter, Dean at the School of Public Health, State University of New York finds it possible that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come from exposure to EMFs.

Most expects do agree that limited exposure is not a big deal so we shouldn't flip out while making a piece of toast in the morning, but it seems that chronic exposure is questionable. Living near a powerline/substation or sleeping under an electric blanket are forms of continuous exposure. To some a device that continuously monitors the home may also be put into this category making the smart meter the newest item of concern.

"Radio frequency is all around us," Paul Moreno from Pacific Gas & Electric said: "SmartMeters are a very small measure of that. They are well within what you find with ordinary household appliances and far within FCC guidelines." Even so many are concerned and would like the choice about having these devices attached to their homes to be their own. If it is all around us, at what point is it too much and should we take actions to limit our exposure? Many are boycotting the new meters or asking to have them removed. smart-meters/

About the author

Natalie June is a teacher and mother dedicated to living as naturally as possible.

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