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Originally published December 20 2009

Eco Gift Ideas are Kind to the Environment

by Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Our planet is slowly being smothered by manufactured plastic bottles, bags and packaging. Is it not time to step back and see what products can be purchased without harming our beautiful, fragile earth? People are becoming more conscious about the damage that is being caused to the environment, and they are slowly starting to realize that simply throwing something in the trash can or flushing it away is not really getting rid of the problem. This year, consider buying gifts that are made from recycled materials or biodegradable products.

Bamboo Clothing

T-shirts, shorts and baby clothes made from bamboo fabric are becoming quite popular and even teenagers will be impressed with some of the trendy designs available. Clothing made from bamboo fibers is said to be cooler than cotton and helps counter body odor, eczema, allergies and/or sensitive skin. Bamboo clothing is reasonably priced and makes a sustainable, environmentally friendly gift.

Eco Friendly Jewelry

Look out for necklaces, bracelets and earrings made by disadvantaged communities out of recycled materials such as tin and natural products such as coconuts and driftwood. If you have the time and a creative flair, consider making some hand crafted pieces yourself.

Natural Soaps, Shampoos and Fragrances

When it comes to bathroom products, stay away from products containing emulsifiers and chemicals. Buying products with natural ingredients is thoughtful and will certainly be kinder to the environment as well. Shop online to find great natural products which are becoming more readily available and more reasonably priced these days. Once again if there is time, consider making some natural soaps and fragrances yourself - it is not complicated and you can really personalize a gift this way.

Cardboard Toys and Furniture for Kids

Cardboard cradles? Why not? Cardboard is sustainable, recyclable, biodegradable and very reasonably priced. Items in some online stores range from approximately $15 for a cardboard farm house to $45 for a doll's house. Other cardboard toys include rockets, palaces, planes, fortresses, rocking horses, play houses and so on. Best of all, kids can assemble, paint and decorate the items themselves which can provide them with hours of fun.

Power Gadgets

Wind-up gadgets include radios, torches, shavers, lanterns and more. A wind-up radio, for example, can be charged by solar energy, wind-up or USB port of a computer. It is practical to take when camping or when outside gardening without the worry of batteries dying. Prices for radios are approximately $50; expect to pay around $20 for a wind up torch.

About the author

Fleur Hupston is a professional freelance writer. She is passionate about natural, healthy living and is currently studying to be a naturopath. She divides her time between writing for Natural News and various other sites, home schooling her children and studying part time.

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