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Originally published November 26 2007

Strategies on Making Positive Changes in Your Life

by Violet King

(NaturalNews) You are unique, you are special, we all are, and I feel sure that we would all like to have the best of everything life has to offer because that makes us feel good; and feeling that way is comfortable and makes us feel safe. Do you know that you have it within your power today to make changes that will bring about the kind of difference you would like to have in your life. It is all up to you. It doesn't matter how old you are. It is not down to circumstances or environment, but it is down to something that only you can control. It is down to your attitude of mind. We can have the wrong attitude towards most things in life and then wonder why things go wrong for us in our relationships and in our daily contacts, without realizing that it all goes wrong in our minds first. The way we are living at this moment in time is down to how we think about things and our mental attitude towards everything in life. We have the ability to make major changes by finding a positive way to view everything. Here are just two examples:

Mistakes: We all make them, but instead of giving the mistake the power to affect our lives by depressing us, turn your thoughts into something positive by recognizing that it is a LEARNING CURVE, and use the experience to avoid the same situation in the future. We�naturally did this as children, why did we stop as adults?

Failures: We all have them . . . none of us has learnt to walk without falling over many times, but even back then as children we saw that very act of failing as a reason to KEEP ON TRYING. Why should that be any different now that we are mature adults?

The answer to that question is that we now CHOOSE to view things negatively, we lose self esteem, we become disillusioned, and quite frankly some of us give up the hope of ever seeing the silver lining; although it is there in everyone's life if we have the right attitude . . . don't refuse to see it. Instead of allowing your mind to bring you down, find a positive way to view everything and watch the changes that will occur in your life as new doors of opportunity open for you as you start to do this. Sometimes we may need help to see how we can achieve this, but once you understand that you have the ability to change your life by altering your attitude towards everything you will benefit by attracting positive people to you and things will begin to improve for you. Everyone has the ability to do this, just put it to the test. You are special enough to deserve only the best, so do it . . .�and do it today!

About the author

I live in Spain now, but I trained as a counsellor in the UK. My training as a counsellor was the Carl Rogers' system of person centred counselling... not giving advice, but helping people to take control of their lives by realising that they should take the responsibility for where they are in life. Before I left the UK I was working with Careline, the National telephone counselling organisation....I learnt a lot from the challenges presented there!!!
My husband and I left the UK in December 1999 and moved to Spain to live. From that time onwards I was able to concentrate on the things I enjoy work as a counsellor, hosting self improvement groups, starting two non smoking social clubs, and writing articles for several monthly magazines here for the English speaking community. I have also been on local Sol TV twice and Madrid and Local Radio.
My first book was published in 2006.... I have had such lovely feedback from many I just want to pass on the things that I have learned over the years that have really helped to improve my life and my way of looking at things.
Positive thinking plays a big part in taking control of your life and I have personally learnt a great deal from that. I have applied it in my own life, and have also seen how others have become stronger and happier through it, so I am convinced that most people who want to make changes can benefit and achieve great improvements.

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