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Originally published August 13 2007

Update on soap berries, teleseminars and writing opportunities for NaturalNews

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Here's an update on all the events and projects happening at NaturalNews. First, let's start with the soap berries project: We have received requests for more than 3,000 kilos of soap berries from NaturalNews readers (this is the natural laundry detergent replacement that grows on trees). Right now, we're asking 3 different companies to quote us their best price for delivering those 3,000 kilos to our fulfillment center near Phoenix, Arizona. Once we have the final quotation numbers, we will select the best deal and get things moving.

It could take as long as two months to get product here from SE Asia, but we'll keep you informed on the schedule as soon as we know more details. So far, the pricing looks like we will be able to meet or beat the previous estimates we published: $30 per kilo (which covers something around 125 - 150 loads of laundry, making it around 24 cents per load).

Teleseminar project

Based on the tremendous reader response to our teleseminar, we intend to announce a new seminar on censored nutrition secrets within the next few weeks. This will be a live teleseminar with Mike Adams. You'll be able to call in and listen to the seminar while emailing live questions to be covered during the Q&A session.

It will be a four-week seminar with one hour per week, either on a Tuesday evening or Saturday. There will be a (reasonable) fee involved, and we'll also make available audio CDs after the event.

Thank you to the many thousands of people who took part in our teleseminar survey! You have helped us decide the topics, duration and structure of the program.

Writing opportunities for NaturalNews

We are closer to announcing a new technology which will give you the opportunity write for NaturalNews while earning a revenue stream from the Google Adsense program. We're fine-tuning this program now and expect to be able to make an announcement very soon.

In the mean time, if you're interested in writing for NaturalNews, start thinking about what topics you might enjoy covering the most, and sign up for a Google Adsense account if you don't have one already. We'll be announcing the NaturalNews author signup form shortly, where you can sign up to participate in this new program. (We'll also have a lot more details on how it works, how you get paid, etc.)

New Podcasts on the way!

We will soon be posting new podcast audio files (downloadable MP3 files) covering new, advanced topics in health and healing. Podcasts are by Mike Adams. Watch for them on and in the daily email alerts.

New video site nearly ready!

We will also be launching a new NaturalNews video site based on our Zeop technology ( co-created by Mike Adams. On this new site, you'll be able to upload your own videos, post comments, rate videos, etc. It's a lot like YouTube, but hosted on NaturalNews. We already have a number of never-before-seen videos ready to go on the site, and we're looking forward to seeing your videos, too!

We're welcoming videos on:

• Raw foods recipes and preparation
• Natural health education and commentary
• Gardening, green living and organic farming
• Dangers of medications
• Interviews, demonstrations and more!

So crank up those video cameras and get ready to join the new NaturalNews video community site, coming soon!

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