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Originally published August 23 2006

Getting Past a Food Splurge (press release)

by NaturalNews

It’s not uncommon for a minor slip to lead to more slips, which can lead you to think losing weight is a game you’re no good at. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The July issue of Mayo Clinic Women’s HealthSource offers tips to win the battle to lose weight, even when you’ve overindulged.

Forgive yourself and move on. Accept that you will have setbacks. No one is perfect.

After a splurge, don’t punish yourself by avoiding your favorite food or skipping meals. These perceived solutions are more likely to fuel your craving and lead to more overeating.

Stay focused on the basics: healthy foods and smart portions. If you indulge in a rich dinner, plan low-calorie meals for the next day.

Learn from experience. Reflect on what triggered overeating and come up with creative ways to circumvent your temptations. If stress is a trigger, call a friend instead of opening a bag of chips. If your downfall is the large portions often served at restaurants, ask for a box at the beginning of the meal and save half for tomorrow’s lunch.

If certain foods are simply irresistible, find a sensible way of incorporating them into your healthy-eating plan. Avoiding them completely can increase your craving and trigger a binge eating episode. Think how to enjoy your problem food in a safe setting. If sweets are tempting, don’t bake cookies when you are home alone. In contrast, if you’re going to a birthday party, plan ahead on enjoying a small serving of cake.

Celebrating your successes, no matter how small, can help you avoid setbacks. Reward yourself with something unrelated to food when you’ve stayed on track for several weeks in a row. Taking time to notice your successes will help build your confidence to recover from future mistakes.

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