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Originally published February 2 2006

Phytochemicals are one criterion for selecting produce at the grocery store

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Many recent studies have shown the far-ranging health benefits of phytochemicals, common in dark leafy vegetables, and leading medical authorities say shoppers should concentrate on these chemicals when they are picking out fruits and vegetables at the store.

Fruits and vegetables contain an abundant amount of essential nutrients such as vitamins, folic acid and minerals. They are also low in fat while high in complex carbohydrates and fiber. Researches now say knowing which produce is healthier is as easy as looking at the color. That's because the color is the result of a long evolutionary process in which plants build defenses to ward off diseases and create their own sun block. When we eat the produce, these defenses are passed on to us through nutrients and phytochemicals. Dark, leafy greens contain phytochemicals, which are protective, disease-preventing elements. Although researchers have long known these chemicals help plants fight diseases, they have only recently discovered that they help people as well. It is estimated that in just one serving of vegetables there are more than 100 different phytochemicals. Nonetheless, just eating darker colored fruit is not the only thing needed to get the essential chemicals. Researchers say it is important to eat the skins as well, where the majority of these defenders of health are stored. It is estimated that Americans spend more than $2 billion a year on vitamin supplements. While supplements are certainly better than nothing, it is impossible to get the same diversity of compounds that occur naturally in foods. While pills may give a shot of this or a shot of that or even a mixture of shots, they cannot recreate the natural and complex absorption of nutrients that occurs when fruits and vegetables are consumed naturally. Therefore, instead of stressing over color and chemicals, just relax and go for the produce that seems most appealing. Five servings of the lightest colored fruits or vegetables still offer more nutrients than a pill can.

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