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Originally published September 27 2005

How to survive a flu pandemic by strengthening your immune system now

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

With news about the coming flu pandemic now grabbing headlines around the world, the World Health Organization is finally starting to share details about its plans for stopping the next outbreak. The World Health Organization, by the way, deserves tremendous credit for warning the world about the danger posed by infectious disease, most notably the H5N1 strain of the bird flu. In fact, as I see it, only WHO experts and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention experts in the United States raised the alarm and tried to warn countries about how to prepare against this inevitable pandemic. By contrast, politicians in the United States and other countries are asleep at the wheel and doing nothing, by and large, to educate the population about how to prevent the spread of this infectious disease. They're also not ramping up any serious production of vaccines to help inoculate people against it.

As a result of all this, when this next flu pandemic strikes � and the WHO believes it could be just around the corner � vaccines will be in short supply and the majority of people simply won't have access to them. With that scenario, what can you do to stop the spread of influenza before it infects half the population of the world? That's not an exaggeration, by the way. Klaus Stohr, head of the WHO's influenza program, now says that a pandemic virus could infect half the population of Europe in just three to ten weeks as it gets passed from one person to another. Only radical efforts to halt international travel and local transmission of the disease would prevent widespread death, and that is exactly what the WHO is planning to do.

Closing down society

When this pandemic strikes, public gatherings will be banned and forming crowds will become illegal. Forget about going to see a movie with your friends and neighbors, or even walking down the street. The World Health Organization also wants to close international airports, because if you look back at the not-too-distant past, SARS was carried and transmitted by air passengers traveling from Hong Kong to Toronto and other cities. If the virus gains the ability to hijack humans as carriers, transmission to another country is just one flight away. If the influenza pandemic becomes sufficiently widespread, you can subsequently expect international air travel, and perhaps even domestic travel, to be outright banned.

WHO's strategy also includes closing schools, since schools are obviously another place where disease can spread quite easily. This brings up another question: What about hospitals? Hospitals are perfect for the spread of infectious diseases. They have re-circulated air, they are enclosed spaces and they typically house people who have compromised immune systems and are more susceptible to the disease. Furthermore, hospital staffs are not very good at washing their hands to prevent the transmission of infectious disease. That has been proven by numerous studies in recent years. So what do you do about hospitals? Well, you can't close them, because that's where people are going to go when they get the flu, even though it won't do them much good, since hospitals can only treat their symptoms and attempt to use late-stage antiviral drugs with less-than-ideal success rates.

In effect, hospitals become death traps during any pandemic. If you read about the pandemic of 1918, you'll find that hospitals were, in fact, playing such a role, as unfortunate as that may sound. During the 1918 pandemic, bodies were sometimes stacked six feet high on the floors of hospitals, schools and all other available buildings. There was such a massive inflow of patients that each patient received little or no care; hospitals were just places where people went to die. The only surviving patients overcame the flu thanks to the strength of their own immune systems.

Bulk up your immune system for flu survival

Effective strengthening of the immune system allows individuals to survive the flu. The solution is not to shut down schools, ban public gatherings or intervene with modern medicine and antiviral drugs. Your immune system will save your life. That's why I've written Beat The Bird Flu Virus, which shows you how to boost your immune system function and save your life without needing to depend on politicians, bureaucrats, drug companies and infectious disease experts to save your life for you. If you are silly enough to keep compromising your immune system by following an unhealthy lifestyle, then you may very well pay the ultimate price when this flu pandemic strikes. By the time it hits, it will be too late for you to recover your innate immune system function. It takes time to build a strong immune system and detoxify your body of all the dangerous food ingredients you have been consuming.

The WHO's plan to stop the bird flu

Let's return to the World Health Organization and its plan. Will it really do any good to ban public gatherings and close international airports and schools? If the pandemic is already widespread enough to call for such radical actions, isn't it spreading from household to household in neighborhoods, or at least in families? To me, it seems there's really no way to stop it once it gets to that point. At such a time, perhaps the only way to really stop it will be to close entire national borders. For example, if the United States wanted to avoid the bird flu, it could decide to not to receive any air traffic from any country whatsoever. It could also choose to shut down its borders, thereby not allowing people from Canada or Mexico to enter the United States. This might be the only way to prevent our nation from falling victim to this global pandemic.

However, even that solution prompts a question: How do you actually stop people from entering the country? We can't even do it today. Nearly 4,000 illegal immigrants cross the border from Mexico into the United States every 24 hours. If that many people enter the country in the midst of a global flu pandemic, chances are that at least one or two of them will be infected with the flu. It only takes one or two, since it will then spread from one person to the next in families and communities. It will be spread by people driving vehicles from one town to another. Soon, the whole country will be infected, even though our borders have been officially shut down.

I think we no longer live in a world capable of being isolated. I think we live in an interconnected world instead. If the bird flu virus gets out of control in Hong Kong or China, it's going to become a global pandemic very quickly. In fact, I think it's a minor miracle that SARS did not become a global pandemic a few years ago. Once again, the WHO, the CDC and infectious disease experts deserve tremendous credit for identifying SARS and stopping its spread using what might only be called rather radical procedures or safeguards. Whether or not they will be able to catch the H5N1 influenza virus in time to stop the spread of that monster is entirely unknown. Remember: This isn't in the hands of scientists. This is nature at work, and we as human beings are actually at the mercy of nature, especially when it comes to infectious disease.

Extreme prevention measures

If this disease becomes widespread, you're going to suddenly find yourself living in a very different world. This will be a world where you cannot go out to dinner or to the movies. You can't travel, and you're going to be suspiciously quarantined at every checkpoint to make sure that you don't have symptoms of this disease. I experienced it myself when I flew to Taipei during the heat of the SARS pandemic. (By the way, that was a great way to get a good price on international travel. Plus, I got lots of seats to sleep on, since no one was on the plane.) When I arrived at the airport, I was treated as if I were infected. I was greeted by nurses and doctors wearing masks, who took my temperature with an infrared camera and examined my demeanor. They then made me provide documentation about where I was going, who I was going to meet, how I could be reached and what actions I should take if I started to come down with any sort of respiratory symptoms. These measures were imposed by a country that wasn't even hit hard by SARS. If influenza becomes widespread, you can expect every airport to become a major checkpoint and convenient travel to be history. If you even cough in public, you will probably be arrested and quarantined for a period of three weeks. Indeed, society will have the right to do that to you in order to protect its other members.

If you are in a public place and start showing symptoms of influenza, SARS or whatever infectious disease is currently in play, you will have no rights. The government can not only kidnap you, it WILL kidnap you and put you in a health facility. You will be isolated from your home, your family, your job and everything you have known as your life. You will be kept there until the health officials can be absolutely sure that you are not infected. Then, if you weren't infected before you were quarantined, there is a chance that you will be infected by the other people in the quarantine area; thus, you could actually end up acquiring the disease during this mandatory quarantine sentence, even though you didn't bring the disease with you in the first place.

I know it sounds like a scary and messy situation. That's exactly what it will be like, however. That's why it is critical that you take charge of your immune system right now and give yourself the advantage of being able to defend against the flu. Doing this will prevent you from getting these symptoms, so that you will not be kidnapped by your government and placed in quarantine. This not an exaggeration. If you ask anybody at the CDC or the WHO, they will tell you exactly what I'm telling you. They have the right and the political power to quarantine individuals, households or even entire towns and cities. Those quarantines will be enforced by military power. I'm not trying to be an alarmist about it, but this is reality; this is what we have to do during an infectious disease outbreak. I actually agree with these policies. If you don't want to be a victim, and if you don't want to be caught up and quarantined, then you need to take responsibility for your immune system health right now.

How to beat the flu and survive the pandemic

Most people don't know that a fair portion of people infected with influenza overcome it without any symptoms whatsoever. In fact, I'm sure that I've been exposed to hundreds of different colds and flus over the last several years, but I've only shown the symptoms once. The rest of those times, my immune system conquered the disease without showing any symptoms at all. Even during the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed so many people around the world, as many as seven percent of all people infected by the flu showed no symptoms whatsoever. Most infected people will survive it. Flu isn't a killer like Ebola, which wipes out 90 percent of those infected. When you see statistics from the WHO that say 33 percent, or as much as 50 percent, of the world's population will be infected, it doesn't mean that 50 percent will die. It just means that they will be infected. Most of them will overcome the disease with their own immune systems, and they will survive. Some will die, however. Deaths will come mostly from those with compromised immune systems. Others will overcome the disease and live on with newly-formed antibodies, meaning that they are now immune to the disease.

If you don't want to be caught up in the quarantine and all of the associated complications that will happen in your life if you start showing symptoms, you need to have a strong enough immune system to conquer the disease without showing any symptoms whatsoever. That's why you need to learn the information I provide in Beat The Bird Flu Virus. That book not only shows you how to fight influenza if you are showing symptoms; it also shows you how to boost your immune system to the point that you don't show any symptoms whatsoever. That's the situation you want to be in. You want to go to sleep one night and wake up the next morning with antibodies manufactured with the help of your immune system to make you immune to influenza. You want this to happen in such a way that nobody around you knows it ever happened. Once you manufacture these antibodies, you are no longer contagious; you are no longer spreading this disease to other people. In another sense, boosting your immune system is your responsibility to your family, friends and the people in your community. When you are infectious, you are a threat to their health and life. When you quickly overcome your disease through a healthy immune system, you are not a threat to those people around you. You are helping to protect others by protecting yourself. This is the kind of information you'll find in Beat The Bird Flu Virus, available at

Finally, remember that pandemics occur with regular frequency in the human population. This is nothing new. This is something that has happened many times in the past, and it will happen again in the future. Right now, we're overdue for a major pandemic. Our rather bizarre practices with animal feed and disease maintenance today make us more susceptible to pandemics.

Don't sit back and think that this is all some headline news that doesn't affect you. If this becomes an outbreak, it will affect you, and it may change your life in ways you never suspected. It doesn't matter how much money you have. It doesn't matter whether you're a senator or you own a billion-dollar company. If you start showing symptoms of this disease in public, you're going to be quarantined by military force, whether you like it or not. Learn how to protect yourself, so that you can save yourself from all that trouble and protect your family, friends and loved ones from influenza. Don't be a carrier and a transmitter of this disease. Learn how to boost your immune system right now, so that you can overcome it and be virtually immune to it.


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