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Originally published July 12 2005

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Chronic Back Pain… a Thing of the Past with Ergonomics (press release)

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Ergonomics Expert and founder of ErgoPro, Inc ( Wendy Young, is eliminating Repetitive Stress Injuries, one office worker at a time. As an Ergonomics Consultant, Wendy Young has been commissioned by such companies as: Exxon/Mobil, Shell Oil, and The Houston Chronicle to keep their employees more productive and injury free on the job. The “DIY” – Do It Yourself Network has looked to Wendy as their resident “Ergonomics Expert” helping to re-design a healthier home office on-camera. Health related radio shows across the United States have had Wendy on as a guest, spreading the word on the tremendous health benefits of Ergonomics and offering helpful tips to implement them.

According to Wendy Young, “Ergonomics is the study and practice of creating a workspace that is designed to accommodate the natural structure and movement of the body. Creating a workspace that fits you, rather then your body contorting to fit it. It’s a healthy interaction with one’s environment.” The results of adhering to these basic laws of nature are less doctor visits, less pain medication, less surgery and much more productivity in both one’s professional and personal life. Call it good preventative medicine!

According to statistics recorded by the American Chiropractic Association, “Thirty-one million Americans have low back pain at any given time (1). One half of all working Americans admit to having back symptoms each year (2). One third of all Americans over age 18 had a back problem in the past five years severe enough for them to seek professional help (3). The cost of this care is estimated to be a staggering $50 Billion yearly--and that's just for the more easily identified costs!”

According to the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), “Repetitive strain injuries are the nations’ most common and costly occupational health problem, affecting hundreds of thousands of American workers, and costing more than $20 billion a year in workers compensation.” Musculoskeletal disorders, including carpal tunnel syndrome, are among the most prevalent medical conditions in the U.S., affecting 7% of the population. They account for 14% of physician visits and 19% of hospital stays. Approximately 260,000 carpal tunnel release operations are performed each year, with 47% of the cases considered to be work related. -National Center for Health Statistics.

These grim health statistics are good for the wallets of physicians and pharmaceutical companies who thrive off of damage control treatments such as medication and surgery. But they are not very good for the individual who is suffering from such ailments.

As an emerging field, Ergonomics is changing the way people function in their workspace. This is being accomplished with the help of properly positioned chairs, computer keyboards and computer screens, as well as more comfortable computer mice, anti glare computer screens, proper lighting, and proper desk height. Such products are available at as well as Ergonomic consulting with Wendy Young, herself. In addition to providing posture and muscle friendly products, Wendy teaches proper posture, breathing, movement, and the art of taking breaks to breathe and stretch throughout your hectic workday.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Chronic Back Pain… a Thing of the Past with Ergonomics (press release)

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