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Originally published June 21 2005

Best weight loss vegetables are broccoli, spinach and garlic

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Mom always said to eat your vegetables because they are good for you, but the Global Gazette is reporting that broccoli, spinach and garlic are also the best vegetables to help you lose weight.

The first was on fruits and today's, the second, is on vegetables. I recently saw a public health ad that featured a photo of a mother pointing and saying, "Remem-ber when your mom told you to eat your vegetables." Veggies help you lose weight because they're high in fiber and water, so you get a lot of food for few calories. Why: Not only low-calorie and inexpensive, broccoli is also one of the tastiest and healthiest vegetables, and it's readily available year-round and easy to prepare. Nutrients: It's high in vitamins A, C and K (which helps keep bones strong), it's a great source of iron and folate (lacking in our diet) and it has plenty of fiber. Indole-3-carbinol has been shown to suppress not only breast tumor cell growth but also cancer cell movement to other areas of the body. Indoles also block carcinogens before they start the damage that allows cancer to develop, and they cause cancer cells to self-destruct. Another substance in broccoli, sulforaphane, boosts the body's detoxification enzymes, thus helping clear potentially carcinogenic substances more quickly. Broccoli also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, said to protect the eyes from ultraviolet light damage and cataracts. Florets that are dark green, pur-plish or bluish-green contain more beta-carotene and vitamin C than paler or yellowing ones. One cup of steamed spinach has 42 calories. Health Perks: "Spinach is helpful in controlling blood pressure, keeping blood vessels healthy, reducing cancer risk and slowing the development of age-related eye damage (macular degen-eration). Spinach also seems to protect against breast cancer risk linked to excess alcohol," says Collins. Additionally, vitamin C, beta-carotene and lutein reduce the risk of heart disease by keep-ing cholesterol from building up on artery walls.

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