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Originally published April 17 2005

Fruits, veggies and grains lead to longer life, study shows

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Men who eat a diet of mostly fruits, vegetables and grains – with a little meat and dairy products thrown into the mix – can live up to a year longer than others, a new study shows. The study tracked 75,000 European men over 60 and discovered that those who followed the typical "Mediterranean" diet tended to live the longest.

A healthy 60-year-old man may gain an extra year on others of his age by sticking closely to a regime that includes plenty of vegetables, fruit and cereals, a moderate to high intake of fish and unsaturated fats especially olive oil. Mostly wine, very few saturated fats and the occasional consumption of dairy products and meat are the other ingredients of a diet that has had several health claims made for it in recent years. The virtues are confirmed in a study of nearly 75,000 people over 60 in nine European countries. The effect is greatest in Greece and Spain and absent in Germany and the Netherlands, but this is explained by the fact most of those studied there were from the north where, researchers say, "the diet cannot be considered as Mediterranean". Most deaths in the study group were in the Swedish, Danish and British sections, but they had a higher average age. The study was part of a European project looking mainly at cancer and nutrition. The scientists concluded that a diet resembling the Mediterranean one was "associated with a lower overall death rate".

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