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Originally published April 10 2005

Magnetic therapy drawing nearer to FDA approval

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Small magnets worn near the body for pain have been popular with many pain sufferers. The experimental therapy is getting a boost in Tucson, Arizona, where the Advanced Magnetic Research Institute will be opening a clinic. The clinic will be equipped with a 10,000-pound magnet, which will be used to create a powerful magnetic field that penetrates the body of patients.

Doctors say that magnetic therapy can heal any kind of pain, from arthritis to migraine headaches, and that it offers some hope for diseases such as Parkinson's and cerebral palsy. Magnetic therapy is currently in the final stage of FDA approval, and is still considered experimental.

Many people wear small magnets for pain, and now the same theory is being used on a larger scale at a clinic in Tucson and it opens next week. Advanced Magnetic Research Institute is one of seven such clinics in the country. Doctors say magnetic molecular energizing can heal injures and broken bones faster than your body can. It also offers hope for untreatable diseases. A patient lies on a bed and electromagnetic fields are penetrated through the person by a 10,000 pound magnet, which can accelerate the rate of healing. Frank Padilla has spent 40 hours under a powerful magnet. He says he's feeling something he hasn't in 10 years - his feet. "Before my toes and the bottom of my feet were kind of numb and tingly. Now I can touch them and there's sense where before there was nothing," says Padilla. Magnetic therapy has brought hope to untreatable diseases such as cerebral palsy and Parkinson's. Doctors say it can also heal any kind of pain from migraines to arthritis. Magnetic therapy is in the last phase of FDA approval and is under review, and thus still considered experimental.

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