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Originally published November 24 2004

FDA defends its credibility by admitting that all prescription drugs are dangerous

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Finally, we have an admission from the FDA that all prescription drugs are dangerous!

At a Senate hearing, Dr. David Graham presented evidence regarding the withdrawal of Vioxx and mentioned five other drugs that needed study. The FDA responded that these five drugs are safe. Dr. Graham reported pressure from supervisors to water down his findings on Vioxx.

Dr. Sidney Wolfe, health research director for Public Citizen, a consumer watchdog group, agreed that the FDA supervisors don't want people to talk. The FDA trials are also criticized for being too short, lasting only 12 months. Problems were discovered after 18 months in the Merck trials. The FDA has also not responded to data which show that antidepressants are dangerous to children and teenagers.

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