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Originally published August 19 2004

Criminal-minded pharmaceutical industry in the United States intercepts legal prescription drugs being imported from Canada

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

The war on drugs has taken a quantum leap to a fascinating new level with the seizure of $250,000 worth of legal prescription drugs entering the country from a Canadian mail-order pharmacy company called CanadaRx. U.S. customs officials alerted the FDA about this shipment and the FDA was called in to investigate. Of course, since no laws were broken, there were no criminal charges filed. Nobody was arrested, but $250,000 worth of drugs intended for elderly citizens of Minnesota were confiscated and will potentially be destroyed.

This is how the FDA and the modern pharmaceutical industry in the United States runs its drug racket. It violates all standards of ethics, honesty, and protecting the public by intercepting shipments of prescription drugs and then destroying those shipments, making sure that elderly people cannot get their hands on them. Simultaneously, the exact same drugs -- that is, drugs of identical chemical structure -- are then sold to the exact same consumers at sky-high prices from monopoly-controlled pharmaceutical companies in the United States.

This is how the criminal drug racket in the United States operates. It makes sure that people can't buy drugs from Canada or other countries by running a program of deception, misinformation, fear, and seizure of prescription drugs. This is all being done, according to the FDA, in order to protect the health of the public in the United States. That statement is ridiculous, considering that the quality standards of Canadian pharmacies has already been studied and shown to exceed the quality standards mandated in the United States. These drugs from Canada are no more dangerous than the exact same prescription drugs that are being sold to consumers in the U.S.

One question I have about this is that with all the crimes being perpetrated in this country and around the world, and with the threat of terrorism still looming over our heads, why are U.S. authorities wasting time intercepting the shipment of legal medications purchased by elderly people? Is this a valuable use of our national resources? Are we becoming a corporate-controlled police state, where law enforcement officials now make their highest priority the protection of a U.S. monopoly drug racket?

That seems to be the case, and I can only wonder where all of this is going before enough citizens and governors stand up in this country and say enough is enough and make the effort to clean house at the FDA. It's time to press criminal charges against those who are involved and finally create a new FDA through reform that will put public health -- not pharmaceutical profits -- as the highest priority.


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