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Originally published July 14 2004

New cholesterol guidelines a handout to pharmaceutical companies Merck, Pfizer

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

There's little doubt that the new cholesterol guidelines are a major handout to pharmaceutical companies (like Merck and Pfizer) who manufacture statin drugs. In my view, this is part of the reason the guidelines were put in place: to sell more prescription drugs.

What's my evidence on that? It's more of an observation, really: notice that virtually all the information in the mainstream press about lowering cholesterol leaves out the two most powerful ways to accomplish it: changes in diet and physical exercise. Instead, most of the so-called "news" on this subject is really just an infomercial for statins. If the advice to lower cholesterol were genuine, doctors, researchers and the press would be talking about doing it with lifestyle changes, not drugs.

The timing of all this is also suspect: notice how the new cholesterol guidelines closely follow the hyping of statin drugs? It's almost as if the entire industry is concocting demand for a product they know they can sell. Sort of like creating the fictitious disease ADHD in order to sell Ritalin. And from past experience, we all know that pharmaceutical companies will do practically anything to sell more drugs, including committing fraud.


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