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Originally published March 21 2004

Cancer industry tries to scare people away from cures that really work

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

When it comes to corruption and dirty tricks, it's hard to find a better example than the cancer industry, which thrives on the disease much like a tumor. One of the most popular ploys for maintaining their power and control is to scare people away from complementary therapies like nutrition, acupuncture, herbal medicine and other approaches to preventing and curing cancer that are far more effective than chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, none of which have been scientifically proven to increase the lifespan of anyone with cancer.

To scare patients, the cancer industry regularly puts out headlines like the one you're reading in the article mentioned here. They say that alternative or complementary therapies interfere with the highly toxic drugs they're using, and that this somehow endangers the patient. Well of course these herbs interfere. They're protecting the patient from the toxicity of the chemotherapy!

Most cancer patients, when first diagnosed with cancer, have to make a choice: should they go the Western medicine route, or should they try an alternative approach? With articles like this one, cancer industry bosses manage to scare most people into going with the Western medicine route (chemotherapy, basically). That generates hundreds of millions of dollars in profits for cancer industry hospitals, drug companies, diagnostic labs, and lends more power to cancer industry groups like the American Cancer Society whose very existence depends on more and more people getting cancer.

In reality, however, most people would be far better off shunning the Western approach to cancer and opting for radical lifestyle changes instead. Most cancers can be prevented and even reversed through simple (but not always easy) changes in nutrition, physical exercise, supplementation of herbs and superfoods, and stress reduction. The world of natural healing offers powerful medicinal herbs that fight cancer and destroy tumors. There are even cancer-fighting foods available at your grocery store right now like garlic, ginger, and broccoli. Read Eat To Beat Cancer to learn more. And to read an insider's expose of the corruption in the cancer industry, read The Cancer Industry by Ralph Moss.

But back to this story, what's interesting is that the people who choose complementary medicine over Western medicine are younger and more educated. That's right: it's the uneducated people who go with Western medicine. That's one reason why powerful groups in the Western medical industries continue to try to suppress any health information on the Internet that doesn't conform to their own propaganda -- they don't want people finding out the truth that the cancer industry is a sham, after all.

Near the bottom of this article, there's a fantastic example of irrational logic by professor of medicine who says, basically, that since more doctors don't use complementary medicine right now, it therefore must be worthless. He states, with astonishing ignorance, that if herbs worked, they would be adopted by doctors, and holds up a prescription drug as proof! This sort of logic is simply amazing. Natural compounds such as laetrile are shunned by the medical industry precisely because they cannot be patented and exploited for profit. You can't patent a compound that comes from nature. If you could, some drug company would have patented the powerful cancer-fighting chemicals in broccoli long ago, and we'd all be paying $100 for a head of broccoli.

Finally, what's most amusing about this story is that many of the substances ridiculed here are, in fact, powerful cancer-fighting products or compounds: Essiac herbal tea, the Hoxley formulas, and laetrile. To that list of effective anti-cancer substances I would add raw broccoli juice, garlic, ginger, cauliflower, onions, and quite a few rainforest herbs like cat's claw. Spirulina, all by itself, has been shown to contain a powerful cancer-fighting phytochemical (its blue pigment) that literally destroys breast cancer tumors when injected. (Read Superfods for Optimum Health to learn more.) I've never met a Western doctor, researcher, or government official who was even aware of these studies. Western medicine is a sham, folks: it's a closed, corrupt system that attempts to extract the maximum profits from the public while destroying the credibility of every healing modality they don't directly control. The American Medical Association, for example, has been twice convicted of precisely this conspiracy by U.S. federal courts. Read When Healing Becomes A Crime to learn more. And keep eating your broccoli in the mean time.

Breast cancer sufferers using complementary therapies are at risk because the treatments could interact with conventional medicines with potentially dangerous results, doctors warned yesterday. Most women used the therapies to complement conventional treatment but some, such as shark cartilage and the Italian Di Bella therapy, were promoted as cures for cancer which were invariably bogus, they said. Surveys show that between 50 and 70 per cent of breast cancer patients in England use complementary therapies. The findings are due to be presented to the European Breast Cancer conference in Hamburg today by Gillian Bendelow, reader in medical sociology at the University of Sussex. Eric Winer, associate professor of medicine at Harvard University, told the conference that more studies of complementary therapies in cancer were needed.

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