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Originally published January 21 2004

Meat ingredients secretly placed in foods by manufacturers

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Food manufacturers are perfectly free to add meat ingredients to their "natural" food products without listing meat on the label at all. This infuriates vegetarians, and now thanks to mad cow disease, it brings up the possibility that even meat eaters who wish to avoid cow by-products will have a very difficult time doing so.

But let me point out something even more alarming to those people who seek out "natural" or vegetarian foods at the grocery store: the vast majority of vegetarian prepared foods contain a dangerous nerve toxin ingredient (an excitotoxin) called MSG or monosodium glutamate. You probably knew that, but what you didn't know is that MSG is hidden inside another ingredient: autolyzed yeast extract. In fact, any ingredient that says "autolyzed" or "hydrolyzed" actually contains some portion of MSG, and this is how food manufacturers sneak MSG into their foods without listing it on the label.

For many food companies, ethics are simply tossed out the window: they're going to put whatever ingredients they want into these foods, and they're determined to avoid listing them on the label, regardless of the law. The FDA, once again, is a no-show on these issues: it is apparently too busy promoting the profits of prescription drug companies to spend time actually protecting the public from dangerous ingredients found in foods.


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