cig weights

The smoker’s workout …

Sure, it sounds like an oxymoron right from the start, the “smoker’s workout,” but anything is possible in this world, so we start with a cigarette, of course, because without one, most smokers wouldn’t even read what’s next. Go ahead, we’ll wait for you to light it. Okay. Go ahead. We’ll be right here waiting Read More

she lifts weights

Confidence without cigarettes!

Nearly fifty percent of smokers surveyed recently said they smoke for relaxation, because it calms their nerves. Most of the other half said it gives them some “pep” or a “boost” and that helps with attitude, planning, talking things out, work, and so on. Some people take short and fast drags to get some “pep.” Read More

cig breaker

Mike Adams and David Wolfe recommend “14AndOut” stop smoking course that’s organic and comprehensive

What’s the key to escaping the addiction of commercial cigarettes forever? You need to become organic again, as a human being, and you will never even crave nicotine again. What does that mean? It means ending your chemical consumption and beginning to feed your body CLEAN fuel. That means clean food, clean water, no more Read More