All posts tagged with CHD
-(Natural News) The groundbreaking new documentary film “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda” is finally available for viewing at, and you will not want to miss it! The film is a labor of love from Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and the other fine folks at Children’s Health Defense (CHD) who are blowing the lid […]
-(Natural News) Washington, DC, March 03, 2022 — In a 55,000-page set of documents released on Tuesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is for the first time allowing the public to access data Pfizer submitted to FDA from its clinical trials in support of a COVID-19 […]
-(Natural News) WASHINGTON D.C. (Children’s Health Defense) – Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is launching a nationwide “Walk Out Week” starting on September 13 in response to mask and vaccine mandates in schools and businesses around the country. Parents, educators and concerned citizens across the U.S. will participate in the coordinated week-long event focused on peaceful non-compliance, […]
-(Natural News) Back in the summer, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates admitted during a virtual TED Talk that his plan is to require all humans to obtain digital vaccine passports before being allowed to travel again post-COVID. Since that time, however, Gates and his allies have attempted, but failed, to memory hole all evidence of this […]
-(Natural News) The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to cripple the economy, but instead of providing laid-off workers with the help they need to put food on the table, the government, vaccine companies and mainstream media have teamed up to ensure that the public remains scared and uninformed. Now, people around the world are facing the […]
-(Natural News) Children’s Health Defense has just launched a new legal strategy to go after Facebook’s malicious censorship and fraudulent “fact-checker” schemes which are nothing more than left-wing propagandists pretending to be the high priests of “truth.” Today, CHD has announced they are suing Facebook and three fact-checkers for fraud and defamation, pointing out that […]
-(Natural News) Dr. Janet Napolitano says mandatory flu shots will “lessen the chance of being infected with COVID.” However, prevailing research suggests that flu vaccines actually raise the risk from coronavirus infection. (Article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. republished from A January 2020 US Pentagon study (Wolff 2020) found that the flu shot INCREASES the risks from coronavirus […]
-(Natural News) Children’s Health Defense (CHD) submitted an Ex-Parte letter to the FCC against the OTARD rule expansion which aims to allow 5G cell towers on homes. Following CHD’s successful campaign to bring awareness to the FCC intentions, the letter was signed by 15,090 people. At 735 pages, in terms of signatories, it is likely one of the largest submissions to the FCC. Each […]
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